
What She Wants

In all the years that they had spent as brothers, Stephan had never ever used his powers on Kane. He could feel the struggle Kane was putting up to resist his compulsion but there was no way Kane could come out of the loop. Stephan smirked even though he knew he had to concentrate as Kane wasn't a weakling and any mistake he made, would be dire – as he would lose control.

"Where is the said antidote, Kane?" Stephan asked again. Still in that calm voice.

Kane grunted, but his mouth opened as if he was about to respond. He shook his head with a deep and menacing frown of his face. His eyes begun to get red from the pressure he felt from trying to rid himself of Stephan's hold of compulsion. 

Kane had never felt Stephan's power this way. It had never been used on him even though he knew Stephan had such ability. When his mother asked him about it, Kane had dismissed it as if it was nothing.

"I-Its…" Kane started to reply but trailed off.