
A Vampire's Desire:Luka And Bliss The Beginning

Bliss Quinn moved to New York to pursue an acting career. She joined an agency and her unscrupulous agent forced her to join a fake reality show called Vampire Bachelor Games. When she went to the mansion, life as she knew changed when a handsome Vampire named Luka fell in love at first sight with the beautiful girl. This is the first volume of the Luka and Bliss series.

Daoist668476 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

I Will Never Hurt You

Bliss stomped her shoe and puffed out her cheeks as she watched Luka walk back to the dining room. I wish I could wipe that smug... I know you want me look off his face.

Louie came out of the kitchen with a puzzled expression , "Why are you in the hallway?"

"No reason. Were you filming Chef Gwen?"

"Yeah, did Lenny take good care of you? I told him to get some tight close ups."

"Thanks, he did. Did you notice anything strange about Chef Gwen?"

"No." But a young woman came into the kitchen and told me to stop filming, she needed to speak with Miss Gowen. She said she was a member of the advertising team, but, I thought she was well..." He pursed his lips, "Too young... like a teenager."

"What did she look like?"

" Short... pretty."

"That isn't much of a description."

"A little anemic, her skin was almost translucent, I could see the small blue veins. Her lips were beautiful, very red and heart shaped."

The corner of Bliss' mouth twitched, the Little Vampiress, Kendra. Did she compel Gwen Gowen? That would explain her trying to spill the hot liquid on me. I assumed it was because she liked the Duke.

Louie wiped off the lens of the video camera."I need to go to the dining room, don't you need to get back?"

"I'm going to the kitchen. I will be back in a few minutes."

"Don't be too long, you should get on camera as much as possible. This show is trending because Nina Cruz woke up babbling about Vampires. She was hysterical and they had to sedate the woman. One of the nurses posted it on her social media account then it took over the internet."

"Is that ethical?'

"Probably not. But I'm pretty sure the company took good care of the nurse for posting the video. What better hype than making people believe these douchebags are really Vampires."

"Yeah people believe anything on the internet." I am a little confused, if Nina was compelled why would she remember?

 Louie walked towards the dining room and Bliss entered the kitchen. She was having trouble controlling her temper and her nerves were frazzled.The Little Vampiress was hoping I would be scalded with the hot porridge...Luka Lenovich treats me like his personal plaything...and I can't shake the horror of being bitten by those snakes...I need a drink.

Ignoring the fact it was only ten o'clock in the morning, Bliss took a bottle of wine from the wine rack. Remembering where Luka got the corkscrew and glasses she made myself at home then opened the French doors that led to the garden.

Wandering around the beautiful garden she shivered as a cold breeze blew through the trees. She gazed at the gazebo in the distance by the lake and decided to walk in the opposite direction. After walking for a while she saw a greenhouse and quickened my pace. Hmm..A good place to relax and have a glass of wine. It would be warm inside anyway, goosebumps were rising on my arms.

Her mouth fell open and she was in a daze when she entered the greenhouse. The interior was much larger than it looked from the outside and filled with exotic flowers. She saw a table in the middle and leisurely sat down. Surrounded by pots of sweet smelling purple and yellow orchids she inhaled deeply, thinking rich people really know how to live.

Once she opened the wine she poured a glass and winced after taking a sip. She looked at the label and frowned in displeasure. I picked this bottle because I thought it was the delicious fruity wine I drank last night.

Whatever, it should calm my nerves anyway.

Bliss sat drinking and musing on her life. She was bitter about the way things had gone for her in the last two years. I moved to New York with high expectations and like a fool I was filled with dreams. I never thought I would lose my chance to be a singer because I fell in love.

My misfortune began after falling for the wrong man.

She curled her lip into a self deprecating arc, because the wound hadn't healed and now Ishe was considering contacting that same spiteful man to help her. As she gulped the tart wine she became more despondent then decided to take a walk through the greenhouse. She marvelled at the eclectic assortment and stopped to admire several flowers she had never seen before.

Her dismal mood improved as she brushed her hand across a beautiful pot that looked like it was made of gold and etched with a drawing of a dragon. The flower in it was gorgeous with variated leaves and tiny red and silver petals on the flowers. The fragrance was unusual and Bliss wondered what it was called.

After strolling through the greenhouse, she returned to the table. As she contined to drink she was weighing her options and lamenting the present situation. Alternating between cursing her first love for betraying her...Luka Lenovich for targeting her and all the stupid Vampires whose smiling faces at the party last night she couldn't get out of my head.

Seeing the little human, Luka's brother slammed his hand on the table, "How dare you enter!"

Bliss was startled by the angry voice and lifted her head up off the table. "Huh?" Apparently,I passed out after consuming the entire bottle of wine. Wiping the drool from the side of her mouth she blinked her blurry eyes trying to focus. An empty wine bottle was rolling towards her from the impact of his hand. She stopped it before it crashed to the floor. Hmm...apparently,I passed out after consuming the entire bottle of wine.

 Bliss tried to stand up but her legs folded and she fell to the floor. In a drunken stupor she stared up at him and recognized him as the terrifying Vampire from the study.

He bellowed, "Get out."

Bliss held onto the chair and tried to balance her wobbly legs as she stood up. She tried to steady herself as she blurted out, "Just kill me. I'm tired of this messed up life of mine."

Tears started rolling down her cheeks, she babbled, "I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't come here. It is so beautiful...very beautiful. The flowers are so very pretty."

His face seemed to soften for a moment then he regained his icy demeanor, "Although I am tempted to end your pathetic life because this is the second time you trespassed. But, little human, you are my younger brother's pet. I can't kill you."

Bliss stomped her foot and almost fell again, "I am not! I hate your brother! Kill me if you want! I will reincarnate and I won't remember this miserable life."

Luka's brother had an amused expression which really angered Bliss. "Do you think I am not serious?" She placed a trembling finger on her neck, "Do it! My blood is sweet and delicious...Suck me dry."

"Miss Quinn, stop being dramatic and leave. This is my private space...no one is allowed."

She stumbled as she walked to the door. When she had her hand on the handle she turned around, "Well maybe you should lock the door!" She didn't like his detached and cold expression andmuttered under my breath, "How can such a cold man grow such beautiful flowers?"

As Bliss staggered down the pathway suddenly she was swept off the ground. Luka had a serious expression as he affectionately smoothed her hair, "Did my brother hurt you?"

Bliss looked at him with unfocused eyes, "No. I asked him to kill me but he refused."

Luka hugged Bliss tightly, "Don't do anything foolish like that again."

"It is all your fault! I was angry and took a bottle of wine to the greenhouse. How was I supposed to know that was off limits? The door wasn't locked."

"Well, everyone knows not to go near my elder brother's flowers."

Bliss was surprised the sun was setting. I must have slept all afternoon. "Put me down."

"No. You have been drinking. I only just returned and discovered you were by the greenhouse." He kissed her forehead, "Why must you worry me?"

"Let me leave this place and you will never have to see me again. I don't have the mental energy to deal with you and...your fut..." She caught myself before she said future Queen. "All those women want you... why do you need to torture me?"

Bliss saw his eyes flash with a deep crimson color, "But I only want you Bliss Quinn. I will have you." He leaned down and kissed her domineeringly.

Her turbulent emotions were driving her crazy and she bit his tongue. Luka was unfazed, continuing to deepen the kiss. She could taste his blood in her mouth and her heart was pounding from the intoxicating flavor.

Unable to resist his evil charm, his hot kisses made her lose her sense of reason and she was falling under his spell. Luka's hand slid under her sweater and as he touched her skin a wave of heat rushed through her veins. Bliss was moaning softly as his fangs ran down her neck without piercing the skin. Teasing...tempting her to succumb to his lethal seduction.

Luka's voice was filled with lust as he whispered in a magnetic voice, "Bliss, let me taste you, I can take you to a place you have never been, pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. I can give you everything."

As his warm breath sprayed on her neck he nibbled on her ear. Bliss' body was on fire and she wanted Luka...she wanted him badly. The realization made her snap out of her muddled state and she breathlessly refused. "No. Stop. I want you to stop!"

He licked her neck then lifted her chin and gazed intensely into her eyes, "Why do you fight the attraction between us? You have nothing to lose but everything to gain."

She stared at Luka's incredibly handsome face and felt his strong arms embracing her. Bliss' heart was melting looking into his bottomless pitch black eyes that only seemed to have her in them. But, she knew it was an illusion...I am merely his prey or rather his 'pet'. "You...you put some sort of spell on me!"

Luka chuckled, "I didn't. You conceal your true feelings to protect yourself. You are like a little hedgehog whose spikes are raised... afraid you will be hurt. I will never hurt you my love... I promise."

He suddenly put Bliss down, "Go into the house. Now."