
A Vampire's Desire:Luka And Bliss The Beginning

Bliss Quinn moved to New York to pursue an acting career. She joined an agency and her unscrupulous agent forced her to join a fake reality show called Vampire Bachelor Games. When she went to the mansion, life as she knew changed when a handsome Vampire named Luka fell in love at first sight with the beautiful girl. This is the first volume of the Luka and Bliss series.

Daoist668476 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Back At The Brownstone

Bliss angrily turned around, glancing back at the black Mercedes she clenched her hands into fists until her knuckles turned white. Cursing the shameless Vampire, she stomped her bare foot on the sidewalk then squealed in pain. No shoes..ahh..oww. Luka Lenovich, you are a psycho!

The knowledge that she could never have payback made Bliss more enraged. She prided herself on being self aware and it was obvious that she was not Luka Lenovich's opponent. The thought of being sucked dry or her head being ripped off was a huge deterrent in seeking revenge.

If she didn't want her new iPhone and the lipstick that she paid an exorbitant amount of money to buy she would have told the perverted Vampire to throw the purse into the trash.

The rain stopped and the sun was coming up and it dawned on Bliss...haha....dawn..dawned... I am sleep deprived...shouldn't he be snug in his coffin about now? Or after seven hundred years did he evolve. Most species do so in order to survive over time. Pfft! Why am I still thinking about anything 'Vampire'!

Bliss craved a hot shower and was glad she purchased a large bottle of shower gel. I plan on using every drop to to wash off the crusty mud and Luka Lenovich's strangely intoxicating scent off my body.

After I rid myself of any olfactory signals which could activate my memories I will bury them deep in my subconscious.

 The agenda for today is simple.. crawl into my 'coffin like' room with the sun blocker drapes drawn to submerge me into total darkness. Hop into my small but comfortable twin bed after putting on freshly laundered pajamas and sleep..sleep...sleep!

Passing a white haired old man delivering newspapers she was surprised. I'm never up at this ungodly hour and it is a revelation that people still read the morning paper. Ignoring the obvious pity in his crinkled eyes, she forced a smile and replied when he greeted her with a cheery "Good Morning."

After unsuccessfully attempting to quicken her pace to arrive at her humble abode faster, she was kicking herself for not having the pesky Vampire drop her off at the doorstep.

Another reason to dislike the arrogant bastard, he intentionally hid the information he knew my address.

Bliss' bare feet were cut and swollen and it was torturous to put one foot in front of the other. After overworking every muscle in my body during my 'Great Escape' I realize I should get a gym membership...asap.

Moving at a snail's pace or possibly slower Bliss ignored the looks of passerbys, which ranged from concern...pity..disgust..culminating with a stylishly dressed woman walking her Miniature Poodle handing her a dollar.

Inching her way towards the comfortable Brownstone she shared with four... no three roomates. Ella moved out last week to live with her new boyfriend. She sighed as she looked at the wrinkled dollar bill in her dirty palm. I thought about giving it back but she had already waddled across the street dragging the unwilling dog who was straining at the leash. Bliss shoved it into her pocket, ahh..a dollar richer haha.Let the woman feel good for helping a pitiful homeless girl.

Yawning as she walked up to the short wrought iron gate in front of the Brownstone, she noticed the condition of the front yard. As the annoying Vampire pointed out, the once beautiful yard was now unkept and really unsightly. Maybe I will get Mark and Jamey to come help restore it to its former glory. After the rain the weeds should be easy to remove, they owe me a favor for pretending to be Jamey's girlfriend last week.

Wearily trudging up the stairs, she ran into her roommate Gina stylishly dressed for work.

Looking at the condition of Bliss' clothes,her pale face and the dark circles under her sunken eyes, Gina gasped, "What the hell happened to you?"

"Don't ask."

 Flicking her long red hair back Gina said,"Well, your insufferable agent has been blowing up the house phone looking for you. Did you leave the reality show without permission or something? After the third call we stopped answering. That woman really has a shrewish temperament, she bitched me out."

"Wow. I'm sorry Gina. Yeah, due to unforeseen circumstances I needed to get out of there."

"Honey, why do you literally look like something the cat dragged in? I have never seen you with a speck of dirt on you...and why are you barefoot?"

Bliss couldn't help but laugh at her disgusted expression, "It is a story that can never be told. Why are you going to work so early?"

"The firm has a prospective new client and I need to meet with him, I'm actually really excited." She unbuttoned her white cashmere coat, "I spent a month's salary on this dress from Chanel's Fall Collection hoping to impress. If I land it, my commission should be huge. I heard from the Boss that the two brothers who own the company are outrageously wealthy and handsome."

"Well, I would be careful, if your boss is letting you handle it there must be a catch. Otherwise,wouldn't the stingy Capitalist meet with them personally?"

"Bliss, you are always so suspicious." Gina looked at her blingy diamond watch, "I gotta go."

"Okay, it is true I am a bit cynical but he screwed you over before. I still have nightmares about going to rescue you from that hideously fat man. Yeesh! What a scumbag. He spiked your wine then his bodyguards watched the door while..."

Gina's pretty face turned crimson red and she waved her hand, "Okay..okay..don't remind me. If you didn't set off the fire alarm...well, I will be cautious. After I go to the office to gather up some materials we are meeting at the new Japanese Teahouse by the city center for lunch, not a Club so don't worry."

Before opening the front door Bliss wiped her feet on the mat. She was too lazy to clean the white carpet that she voted against at the tenants meeting. When she entered she tiptoed across the floor to the wooden stairs. Holding onto the railing she crawled up the steps.

Her roommate,Timothy's door opened and Bliss saw he had a towel flung over his broad shoulder. He looked half asleep lazily shuffling his large feet down the hallway towards the shared bathroom. Bliss snuck up alongside him, cringing in pain as she stepped on a rubber cat toy and rolled her ankle.

When Timothy realized she was trying to surreptitiously beat him to the bath he took three long strides. Bliss yelped in pain as she limped forward to trip him by kicking the cat toy in front of his left foot. Her hoarse voice cracked as she pleaded, "NOOOO...please! I beg of you let me go first."

Ignoring her plea he rushed to the doorway of small bathroom and leaned against it. His thin lips curled up into a provocative smile. When she saw the expression on his boyishly handsome mug I knew he wasn't bending. "Sorry Bliss Baby, I have an audition at eight."

She crumpled onto the floor in a pitiful heap and held his long leg that was still outside the door. Trying a new tactic she gazed up at him and coquettishly fluttered her eyelashes,"Timmy..Tim Tim..look at me! I am filthy! I will give you fifty dollars."

He raised his perfectly shaped brow and chuckled, "Babe, don't give me that look. Who selfishly grabbed the last bagel on Friday and smirked at me standing there holding a jar of peanut butter?

I will make a small fortune if I land this part and who are you kidding? You don't have fifty bucks. The way your agent has been looking for you sounds like the variety show was an epic fail. If you bail you know she will want compensation. Bliss Baby, now be a good girl and let go of my leg."

Bliss frowned as she reluctantly let go of his leg knowing waiting for a shower was the least of her problems. She rested her hands on her thighs then curled up into a ball. She had a sly smile imagining the ways she could murder the venomous woman and cackled, " The witch can't get compensation if she is dead!" The nerve of the bitch...sending me into that blood sucker's mansion without giving me the real deal.

Without realizing it Bliss fell asleep on the floor outside the door. When Timothy emerged he stumbled over her and exclaimed, "What the hell?" The large foot hitting Bliss in the stomach woke her up and she responded, "Is there any hot water left?"

Without the slightest hint of sympathy for a fellow roommate he laughed, "Of course not. Why do you think I wanted to jump in the shower first. Hey, after you take a shower be sure and call Berta. I'm pretty sure you need to return to the show. It must have been hell from the looks of you but you need to tough it out. I left that agency when my contract was up because they rake you over the coals if you don't do as they say."

Lying on the floor with her elbow propped on the ground Bliss tossed the cat toy at Henry's Tabby, Tanya. It bounced off the stupid cat's head then rolled towards the stairs. Death trap.. "Be careful by the steps. Well, thanks for the advice but I would rather pay compensation than go back. I might lose more than money." My little life is at stake.

"Were the other contestants that bad? I worked with Mandy Klein before. She is ditzy but kind of cute. Harmless, she never caused any problems. I don't know Nicole Palmer, who else was there?"

Lacking the strength to get up I laid down on the floor with my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling. "Mandy was sweet, she reminded me of a huggable little chibi doll. Nicole was aloof but not too bad, she didn't seem very bright. The other two women, I didn't stay long enough to even get their names."

"What about the three men? I heard it was set up more like that Korean show 'Singles Inferno' Three men. Five women."

I stared at Timothy only wearing a towel hovering above me and quickly closed my eyes. Unsettled by what I just glimpsed and tired of talking I reminded him. "Shouldn't you go get dressed. You will be late for the audition."

"I lied. I don't need to be there until ten." He rubbed her head and snickered, " But, I absolutely hate taking a cold shower."

"You shameless rascal! Go, before I use my last ounce of energy to roll over and bite your ankle."