
A Vampire's Bargain

Adrianna, an ordinary girl got pregnant after a one night stand with a mysterious man in a luxury resort. After the incident, Her life turned upside down when she discovered her pregnancy with twins. Left with no option, she was forced to work as a secretary to a supernatural creature who presented a deal to her, for his desires. A bargain was made to survive the war between Vampires, when Adrianna unveiled the secrets of her past and find her card of fate as a breed of a revolution. Will she able to tame the beast with the power of Bargain?

AsheaSparks · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Cathy went to the apartment, looking for Adrianna. She wasn't picking her phone and this startled Cathy very much.

Her kids were anxious and worried and this made Cathy more concerned. However, she felt confused as the apartment was not locked but Adrianna found nowhere. She tried calling her again and noticed that Adrianna's phone was on the kitchen counter.

What in the world made her leave her phone? She even forgot to lock her apartment? She never did that before.

Suddenly, her chest puffed as her thoughts went to the negative side. More, the recent attacks and killings had got her. Without wasting another second, she dialed the emergency number and called the police.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?" Asked the operator.

"My friend is missing… and the house is not locked and her phone is inside… I am worried.." Cathy was concerned.

"Mam, please calm down and let me know the details. Does your friend have been missing for twenty four hours?" The operator started to point the details out.

"No… we met this morning and again in the afternoon, but she said she will be back soon to get her kids. They are at my house.." Cathy responded.

"Listen to me, mam. We cannot register your complaint. For a missing complaint, you have to lodge a file after the person went missing for twenty four hours." The operator explained to Cathy.

"What do you mean you will not register my complaint? She is not the type of person who is careless…" Cathy yelled at her.

"Mam, it's the rule and I cannot go further than that. You can look for her in nearby markets or stores. Maybe she went to grab something urgently. We receive such complaints daily and they are only a waste of time for the Police."

"Don't you understand that it's an emergency… I know my friend and I am worried for her. Haven't you heard about the attacks happening in the city? She has little kids…" Cathy yelled.

The operator sighed and replied, "alright mam, the help is on the way."

Adrianna felt cold around the room as if it was freezing and she felt uncomfortable in the dark and dull space. That place doesn't look familiar and it made her anxious too. When she opened her eyes, she felt slight pain on the neck and her hand went subconscious to the wound. She felt bruised and it was sore. Without A trace of time, Adrianna got worried about her kids and when she got up to open the door to leave, a voice stopped her on the spot.

"Who told you to leave?" The man's voice resonated from the corners.

Adrianna halted and gasped, and upon turning, she saw a figure behind her and glaring at her with golden eyes.

A loud scream echoed in the corridor and she felt like the soul was leaving the body.

Suddenly, the lights were turned on and Adrianna wondered where the man went? Again, he was sitting beside her and Adrianna jerked while being terrified.

No words came out of her mouth when she saw the man was no less than a monster.

"You will not leave this place unless I say so…" He warned her with his eyes and went to the bar stand and poured himself a drink.

Adrianna wanted to leave but messing with this man will only land her in trouble.

"So, where were we? Oh yeah!!! Punishment… Did you think about what kind of punishment you want?" The man penned his gaze at the girl.

She was scared and kept fidgeting her fingers which made her look more anxious.

"I am sorry…" she apologized.

"That word doesn't work with me. I will do what I want to do." There was a hint of amusement in his voice.

Adrianna's eyes widened in fear, she didn't want to know what he meant. Suddenly, the man got up and approached Adrianna.

He looked into his eyes and brushed his fingers on her cheeks, then he rubbed his thumb all over her lips.

"Are you afraid of the punishment?" He asked her.

Adrianna nodded her head.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"Adrianna…" She was hesitant to speak.

"Adrianna, do you know how lucky you are that I have spared your life? You should be thankful that I didn't kill you on the spot, and didn't complain to anyone about your little act. In fact, to punish you I have to keep you close to me. Because I will never let you go." The man was bold and confident which baffled Adrianna.

She looked at him cluelessly…

"I need a favour, darling…" he pressed the thumb on her lips and let it slide inside her mouth. "Suck on it…"

"Huh?" Adrianna was confused.

"I said, suck on it…" He gritted his teeth.

Adrianna sucked his thumb slowly but he put the thumb deeper in her throat, making her gag.

"Good girl… keep going…" he was enjoying it.

Adrianna's tears fell as she realised what that man was doing. She was hopeless. She kept sucking his thumb and her eyes widened when the man started to moan.

She halted and pushed him.

"Why did you stop?" He asked.

"I am not a whore…" Adrianna yelled loudly, "I don't care if you kill me right here but I will not do that…"

The man smirked and giggled, "alright… don't do it but there is something i want you to do for me…"

"What is it?" Asked Adrianna

"Spend a night with me…" he responded casually.

"What?" Adrianna could not believe it.

"What's wrong? Don't you need a job? For which you invaded my house. Or, maybe I can offer you something…" he winked at her.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say?"

"I will offer you a job which not only feed you but you will be able to live a better life…" The man seemed persistent.

Adrianna shook her head and responded, "No, thank you. I will do it myself. I don't want any job out of pity."

"Who said you are getting this job out of pity? Did you forget i was talking about your punishment? Consider this as your punishment because i won't tolerate a 'No' as an answer. You got one minute to think about it." The man narrowed his gaze on her and poured another drink from the fine rum bottle.

Adrianna's fist curled up as she tried to suppress her anger but only she gulped the poison down the throat, "fine!!" She wouldn't have agreed but images of her innocent kids flashed in her mind. More, she was at the fault for invading this man's privacy. She remembered how brutally he killed Sydney Drew.

Alaric Knight raised his brow in surprise but a nasty smirk was plastered on his face. There were hundreds of things running in his mind but currently it was occupied by one thing, this woman…

"What do i have to do?" Adrianna asked.

"Be my personal maid… that's all."

"Do I have to sign any contract with you?" She asked him.

"Yes, but not now… I will prepare one with special conditions…" Alaric was happy to see her getting irritated.

"When do I have to join?" Adrianna was getting pissed.

"From now on, I will give you a better and bigger room than your apartment…"

"I can't stay here… i have to go back to my ki…" Adrianna yelled and realised her mistake.

Alaric's eyes landed on her as she spoke and he got up from his chair.

"What did you say?" He scrunched his brows.

"I mean, I can't leave that apartment… it was given to me by my grandmother… it's special…" Adrianna covered up her lie.

"I will agree to every term and condition you have to make but please don't make me stay here." She pleaded.

Alaric nodded his head and decided to let her go.

Although, he didn't want the woman to leave.

"Fine… I will come back with papers at your door. And one thing more," he approached her and cupped her cheeks roughly. "You better know if you spill beans out from here, I will turn you into ashes."

This time, Alaric was serious as he glared at her. Adrianna shuddered inside and tried to avoid his gaze at her.