
A Vampire's Bargain

Adrianna, an ordinary girl got pregnant after a one night stand with a mysterious man in a luxury resort. After the incident, Her life turned upside down when she discovered her pregnancy with twins. Left with no option, she was forced to work as a secretary to a supernatural creature who presented a deal to her, for his desires. A bargain was made to survive the war between Vampires, when Adrianna unveiled the secrets of her past and find her card of fate as a breed of a revolution. Will she able to tame the beast with the power of Bargain?

AsheaSparks · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Inside the conference hall, Knight's mansion. Alaric Knight attended an important meeting with elders of the council.

There were five elders from each coven, standing tall and taking their thrones respectively. All of them looked old and pale yet dangerous and powerful. Their gaze was enough to make the ordinary coven members bow to them.

When Alaric arrived in the hall, all of the elders started him curiously. He was the true vampire heir of the Knight's. Upon his arrival, the other coven members stood in respect and sat after Alaric passed the alley.

"Why am I being called here without any prior notice?" He stared into the eyes of the council members and demanded an answer.

"Such a disregard to receive from an honourable family. Alaric Knight, how dare you disrespect us? If it wasn't for your father, I would have thrown you out of this place." Lady Adna spoke harshly.

"Adna, don't throw empty bullets at me. If you mean your words, you better turn them into action. I won't get threatened with such gravelled arrows. Now tell me, why am I being called so suddenly?" Alaric meant no shit but business and he was straightforward in his approach.

"We have heard from the sources that Whitmore was being hideous and now they are back in action. There are few records of recent attacks on several women, including men too. So far, humans have considered that as an animal attack but I have assumed that the day was not far when we were exposed." Adna informed him in detail.

Alaric inhaled deeply with his eyes observing the crowd.

"So, what troubled you more? Whitmore or the exposure?" Alaric stared at the elder woman who seemed to fade in front of his gaze.

She felt humiliated and raised from her seat, "Alaric!! We all know that history repeats itselves. Whitmores have been dangerous since the beginning but the previous council members were too careless to notice that. Their influence and actions had caused destruction to our Nobel council earlier and like you, many of us lost their families and loved ones."

"And where does it lead? Nowhere! Your army sent them back, never killed a single one of them except Edmund Whitmore but it was as useless as this meeting. If you had taken actions years ago, we shouldn't have had to create an army…" Alaric was utterly pissed.

"This is not what she meant, Alaric. Whitmores ran away, disappeared from place. We have done our best to find them but none of them got red handed. All this time, they must have not settled easily. They are back with an agenda. Not only are they attacking humans but vampires too." Said another council elder, Gage Weller.

This baffled Alaric and he whispered, "vampires too?"

"Yes, they are killing vampires. A few days ago, a patrolling team was assassinated by an unknown vampire cult. There was no clue who did that but it was convinced that vampires commited the crime. Later, we received a letter from an unknown address and asked for the redemption of Edmund Whitmore. Who else could be behind this?" Said Adna.

"It is weird… How did they know about Edmund? He was crucified publically and…" Alaric was confused.

"That's why we are scared…" said Gage.

After the meeting, Alaric went back to his penthouse and went to the study room. He noticed the girl gone and yelled at the guards of the house.

"Where did that girl go?" He demanded an answer from the guard.

"Master Alaric, forgive me. I thought you had sent her back, that's why I didn't stop her. She was in a rush and I assumed she went to follow your command." Replied the guard.

Without hesitation, Alaric smashed the guard's head into the wall and killed him on the spot.

"Jonathan!!!" He called out his butler.

"Yes, Master."

"Clean this place, and I don't want to be disturbed for a while…" He ordered and went back to the room where he met the girl last night.

He noticed the camera on the floor and picked it up, took out the storage card and went to check the files in his laptop. When he saw the photographs she clicked, he rubbed his face with his palms and shook his head.

The photos were blurred and did not depict anything. He assumed the girl to be an ameture. He giggled at the stupidity she did and turned off the computer. But still, she saw something that she wasn't supposed to.

So, Alaric decided to pay that girl a visit.

Adrianna was still traumatized from last night's event and she woke up late as she was not able to sleep either. Atleast, she was relaxed that her kids were safe with Cathy.

In the morning, she finished her normal routine and decided to meet the manager of the press company and then only she realised what mistake she actually committed. She forgot her camera.

"Oh dear!!! I took a risk of my life only to be a dumb shit!!!" She facepalmed herself.

Now that the camera was gone and she won't be going back to get it, she was completely lost.

She went to Cathy's house and informed her about the camera, but she did not spilled anything about the murder she saw last night.

"That's terrible… I will ask my sister in law if she could get it for you." Said Cathy.

"Nevermind. She already did so much for me and I no longer intended to cause trouble for anyone. While I wasted this much time, I should have looked for other opportunities." Adrianna let it go and decided to head to search for more jobs.

At the end of the day, she came back empty handed and it was truly frustrating to her. No job, stacking bills and responsibilities, she was getting crazy with everything.

After a while, she went to the bathroom and took a bath. The cold water made her feel fresh and wakeful. She had wrapped the towel around her mid body, she was back in the room and wore her pajamas. As soon as she inhaled in relief, the doorbell rang. She assumed Cathy was with kids at the door but she turned pale when her eyes met with a pair of blazing blue eyes. A gasp was the only thing that came out from the mouth.

Without any sign, the man leaned at her and Adrianna only took her steps back.

"You forgot this in my house last night…" said the man in a heavy tone of voice.

Arianna gulped the saliva down her throat and her eye landed on the camera.

The man observed the place and his lips curled up into a smirk.

"I have deleted the data you had in this but I would like to say it didn't really need to be deleted. I should have shown you the right way of clicking fine pictures." He pointed out.

Adrianna grabbed the Camera and replied, "I don't want those pictures anymore and I am sorry for invading your privacy last night."

The man stayed silent and observed the woman standing in front of him. She was gorgeous and had a perfect body. Moreover, her curls were still damp and her bodywash's fragrance was too high. She got no make up on her skin but she was glowing.

"You should be sorry but that won't work. You saw something you shouldn't have seen last night and leaving you alive would be a problem for me." the man's cold voice lingered in her ears and she shuddered in fear.

"Please, I will take any punishment but I don't want to die." Adrianna pleaded.

"Punishment? That sounds thrilling, isn't it?" The man was enjoying it.

He got a rough idea that that woman was in need of a job to support herself and she went undercover only to get the job, "What kind of punishment do you want?" The man asked Adrianna…

She looked at him cluelessly as she couldn't believe that the murderer asked her about the punishment itself.

"Leave it, I will decide that… you are coming with me." He started in a cold tone.

"I won't…" Adrianna refused him.

He narrowed his gaze at her and said, "you leave me no choice." So, He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the apartment and then carried her on his shoulders.