
Run As Far As You Can! I'll Find You!

Logan stood in front of the gate that led into Rose's home. A smirk appeared on his lips. Without wasting further time, he opened the gate and walked straight to the entrance door.

He knocked aggressively, but no one opened the door. This caused him to frown.

"Rose! Open this door! I know you are in there!" he shouted. 

But no response was heard. Logan's right eye began to twitch in annoyance, and in anger, he kicked the door and watched as it plummeted to the floor with a heavy bang. 

"You should have opened the door when I asked you to do so nicely!" As he approached the living room, he spoke.

But disappointment washed over him when he saw no one around. He could not hear any sounds of footsteps or the sound of anyone moving about. He could not even hear the sound of anyone's breathing.

This led him to conclude that Rose was not in that house. She had evacuated as though she knew that he was coming.