
I Feel...Tired

Nix glowered at him.


"Valerio, are you still taking those suppression pills I gave you then?"


Valerio was confused. "Suppre…oh…for my sickness, right?" 


"Yes!" Nix furiously nodded at him. "Do you still take them?" he questioned.


Valerio awkwardly smiled at him. "W-well…not exactly. With all that has been happening, it has been slipping my mind."


"Are you insane?" Nix shouted at him and slapped his head in the process. "Do you want to kill yourself?"


Valerio blinked his eyes, stoked. "Of Course not."


"Then, how could you do this? Look at yourself, Valerio! You look very sick!" Nix scowled at him, deeply worried.


Valerio pinched between his brows, remorseful. "I'm really sorry. It's not that I didn't want to; I mean, I don't want to die; it just slipped my mind, really."