

Valerio stared at him and cleared his throat. "Nothing much. I just found out something that I think you may need to know," He replied.


"Hmm?" Lucius turned around to look at him. "Which is?" He asked.


"It's Donald. It seems he is smuggling in human blood. I'm not exactly sure, but you should look into it. Some vampires may possibly be buying them, and you and I both know that the council will be on your tail if they find out that this is true. I mean, you gave that role to Donald yourself." Valerio explained.


"What? That's not possible." Lucius shook his head, unable to believe it.


Donald was a personal worker he selected by himself.


He was clear on this rule, as was the entire vampire clan.


Why would he ever do such a thing?


For money? 


But he pays him well enough, no? He wouldn't say Donald was a greedy man. He has never known him as such.