
A Unexpected Event (Honkai Impact 3 x Male Oc)

Jacob was a Big Die Hard Fan of Honkai Impact 3rd. The reason why He is a Big Die Hard Fan is because of the Good Story, Good Graphics, Good Ost's, and the Waifu's. He also Loved playing Apho (A Post Honkai Odyssey) He loved the character, Adam because He was the First playable Male character and has The Fighting style of a Certain Deadweight and Pizza Wacko Man, On a certain night when He was asleep some Light appeard and He disapeard and was suddenly at a Black Void and Heard a Voice That Told Him Something and Light Appeard Again in His vision and He woke up on Nagazora city on a Bench.

Ryusei_Yakihiro · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

Adam's POV:

Its been 1 month now Since I have started to go to St. Freya, I tell you that the subjects here are normal but some are complicated as hell.

I am still apparently Investigating the Anomaly Rifts that are appearing again after 1 year of being gone the Fact that this rifts appeared again.... Can I? Go see everyone again if I was able to go to the same Universe I went to 1 year go....?

I then sigh and listened to what the teacher is gonna say

"Everyone next week We will have a graduation exam, If any of You want to graduate now But of course You need to pass all the test" My eyes widened, I then thought

"I need to pass this Exam so I can enter the Hyperion and do Mission's that are hard...." I then remembered the nightmare I had last month....


I then woke up in a room

"Huh? where am I...." I then walked around the place and I saw a door and went through It.....

Only to see someone who I knew....

My eyes widened.... "No... it cant be....

Alicia...." It then shows a Woman with blonde hair with blue eyes looking at Me

"Hey! Adam good to see you" She said and smiled

I then replied "I-it's good to see You as well Alicia...." I then unconsciously hugged Her

She then blushed and said "Hey why are You suddenly Hugging Me!?!" I then said

"Im sorry I wasnt able to save You..." She then smiled.....

But the way She smiled is Creepy and scary....

Alicia then said "Oh why are You sorry about It's Your fault I died!" I then let her go and looked at Her face....

I saw that she's smiling creepily and Her eyes looked crazy as well.... She also has a hole in Her heart and blood on Her body....

I then tried to talk "Ali-cia...." She then smiled and went to Me as I took a step back until I hit the wall...

She then said this line over and over again "It's Your fault its your fault I Died why didnt You save Me why did You chose to Save that bitch instead of Me!?" She had a crazy smile I was shaking looking at Her face with regret and sorrow....

"Im so sorry...." I said... She then smiled and then backed away...

I then saw Her grabbed a Gun behind her back....

My eyes widened "What are you going to do wi- with that...." She then walked to the closet and She opened it only for Bianka to fall out of it with tape on Her mouth.....

She then had a crazy smile and said "You Love this bitch right!? You chose to save Her instead of Me!" She then aimed the gun at Bianka's head, Her eyes widened I then shouted

"Wait please Alicia! stop dont hurt Her!" I shouted in a cry I had tears in my eyes... I then looked at Bianka in Her eyes I saw what she wanted to say....

'Dont worry... It was My fault anyway... so dont cry please just smile like You always do' She then had a tears on Her eyes....

Alicia then rip off the tape Bianka's mouth

Alicia then asked Bianka "Any last words bitch?" Bianka then looked at Me and said

"I love you Adam.... I hope we get to meet eachother in the afterlife" I tried to run to them but... I couldnt move

Alicia then said "Times up bitch!" Bianka closed Her eyes as Alicia pulled the trigger....

Bianka's blood flew to My face...

I looked at Bianka's dead body as My face pale face and My eyes to start tearing tears....

Alicia then went to Me "This is goodbye Adam I will see you in Hell!" She then aimed Her gun at my face and shot Me then She shot Herself....

I then woke up from My nightmare...

"Huh!" I then felt My heart beat really fast I then hold My face that was wet because of My tears....

"It was just a nightmare...." I then relaxed a bit.... I then grabbed a picture from My pocket...

It was a Picture of Me and Alicia smiling at the Camera as Alicia hold's My left hand....

I then thought "Im so sorry...."

Flashback End's Here....

I sigh and try to forget that Nightmare of Alicia killing Durandal infront of Me... I still feel regret, sorrow and anger as I wasnt able to save Alicia from getting killed

Speaker: Adam can You please come to My office

I then sigh and stood up from My seat and grabbed My bag and went to Theresa's Office

I then went in the office and looked at Theresa sitting on Her chair looking at Me

I then asked "So what is it that You want Ms. Theresa?" She then replied

"Well apparently You have a Mission from Grandpa" My eyes widened a bit, I then relaxed Myself and asked

"What's the mission then?" She then replied

"I dont know, Grandpa just told Me to give this to You" She then gave Me a letter

I opened the Letter and started Reading it


Adam this mission that Im about to give You is about the Rift anomalies that have been appearing.... Apparently We were able to Get a rift anomaly that hasn't closed yet.

We are making sure it doesnt close do You can investigate inside the Rift the coordinates are Down at the bottom and also.......


My eyes widened as I read the last part.....

The mask man You saw that attacked The universe where You and Durandal is alive....

I then gritted My teeth in Anger.

"That bastard is Alive!?" I shouted in rage in My thoughts

I then calmed down and said "Alright then Ms. Theresa I will be leaving for 3 weeks or maybe 1 month to finish this Mission" She then said

"I see this means this is a Serious mission" She nod Her head and said "Alright I understand that You will be excused from classes, till You finish thr Mission that Grandpa gave You" I then nod My head and Left

I then thought "When I find that Son of a Bitch I swear.... I'll kill Him" I had alot of killing intent on My eyes

The screen then went black and showed the title of the Chapter....

(Opening Starts)

(Music Starts)

Shows a Garden with Red Roses

You need to show me, babe

Shows Adam looking at The screen Seriously, then Labor of Olympus appears with different Weapons that are falling down....


It then show's the Blue Sky with Clouds and then Someones Hand appears, Adam's face is shown again this Time with Blood on his right Cheek and bruises.

So, Im not just a doll you manipulate

The camera then transition's to the side to see Adam sitting on the floor with 'LoO' on His side.

He then looks Up and reaches His hand at the screen.

Remember, it's my role and i play it well

Blue strings then appears on His hand and whole body.

You're giving me attention

His body then goes Into many Fighting stances, and then stops while His body is standing still with a Martial art stance.

Beautiful affection

His body then Gets Dragged to a Stage,

the Stage then explodes.

You got me, dont turn me loose

Then It transition's into Aya standing still while the Rain pours down on Her.

I lose my mind, you're all ever I wanna do

The camera angle changes to show Her sad, and mourning expression while standing still as the rain pours down even harder.

So I was blind, now I see the brightes light

Show's Kiana jumping down the small house while aiming Judgement of Shamash at the screen with a serious face.

So good, I cry

A Man with a bandana Mask appears on the screen, He then looks at screen and Takes off His mask to reveal His face, only for the screen to darken.

Im fallin', I'm crying now

It then transition's into Durandal with a bloody Body with bruises while She's sitting on the floor tired looking at the screen.

What have you done with my heart? (Hey)

It then transitions to Show, Raven from World serpent and another Woman with White Hair looking at the Screen.

'Cause now it is only beating fast for you

It then transitions again and Gray serpent appears with Jackal at His side. It then transition's into showing a Man with a crow mask and a Women with a Hood on and finally transition's into showing Raiden Mei.

My friend said that you will never be true

The screen then transition's showing the World Serpent Logo then Transition's into Kevin sitting om His throne while He smirks evily

But you're where I wanna be,-

The screen then Transition's to Bronya looking at the screen while it show's Seele behind Her, then She looks away from the screen and started running to Where the explosion was.

-and you know (you know)

It then transition's into the Bridge of the Hyperion, showing the Captain with Theresa and Himeko at His Side.

It's a bad time now, say don't play

The Captain then looked at Theresa and Himeko, both of them Nodded their head, the Captain then Ordered Them what to do.

Who can stop me, Baby?

It transition's into Adam running towards the Honkai Beast

Don't care what they are saying

It then show's Adam attacking the Honkai Beast

Your eyes on me, baby

It then show's Bronya with Project Bunny Jumping down the building while attacking The Honkai Beast.

Then you know what to do

It then show's Kiana killing the Low class Honkai Beast, She then look's behind Her.

Really want me, baby?

Bronya then look's behind Her as well with a worried expression..

Everything's for you

It then transition again while the screen gets close to Adam's face. It then show's Aya, Kiana, Bronya, Mei, Theresa, Himeko, Durandal, Rita and then the Captain.

Forever you'll be in my heart (ah)

It then show's Adam's Team with Him, Kiana and Bronya looking at the Side with serious expression's.

For me

The screen then fades away, and show's Adam's Infected neck.

You gotta get away, for you

It then transition's Into Adam standing still looking at the Sunset while His hand and Neck is Infected with Honkai Energy...

Show me

The screen then looks at The sunset with bird's flying around while its moving to look at the Blue Sky

Around your Eyes

The screen transition's Into the Title of the Book 'A Unexpected Event (Honkai Impact 3rd x Male oc)'

Show Me

White light then flashed to Show Adam with glowing Yellow Eyes while, His back turned away from the screen.

(Music Stops)

Third Person POV:

The black screen now transition's into a Blue sky with clouds....

We then see Our protagonist On a plane to go to The Location where the Rift they had stabilize.

Adam then yawns and looks out the Window to see the Philippines

Adam then Grins and thought "Yosh I can finally go to the Philippines" He had a happy smile, since He always wanted to go to the Philippines to see the People, food and their culture.

He then thought "Thank you rift for being on the Philippines cause I always wanted to Visit this country"

Speaker:Attention this is Your pilot speaking, We are currently gonna land in 5 minutes so please sit tight and relax....

Adam then wondered "I wonder What place Im gonna end up In once I enter the Rift...

While Adam was thinking The screen then slowly transition's to show a Rift with His face and what He wad doing.....

We then see Alen looking at Him

"Yare yare~ I wonder what trouble Your gonna get yourself into this time" He smiled thinking about it

Alen then looks at the side to see another Rift showing the Rift that was stabilize

He then took a look closer to See something unexpected.

His smile widened "I wonder what will Happen once Adam meet Him"

The screen then transition's back to Adam

We then see Him walking out of the Airport looking for a taxi

A taxi then drive to Him, Adam then opens the door and told the Taxi driver the location.

Adam was still in thought "I wonder which Universe Im gonna be in once I enter the Rift" The Taxi Driver then stop the car

"We are Here now kiddo" Adam then gave Him the Money and said

"Thanks for the Fast ride Mister" He then replied "No problem dont worry about the Payment it's free cause Your a nice Kid" He smiled at Adam, Adam smiled back and replied

"Thank you Mister" Adam then went out the Taxi and grab My bag behind the Car

"I hope we see eachother again Kid" The taxi driver said and Adam replied

"Maybe one day We can meet again Mister" The taxi driver then drove off.

Adam then sigh and walked to the place He was suppose to be at....

Time skip....

Adam was now infront of the Building that where He was suppose to go

He then went inside Only to be Stopped by a Guard

The guard then said "Sorry sir but You are not allowed to go in here" The Receptionist noticed this and went to where Adam was

"Can You please let go of Him Mat" The receptionist said

Mat replied "But... Lyka He's a tresspa-" Lyka then said

"He's not tresspassing Mat" She said with a angry expression

He then shut His mouth and had sweat on His forehead....

She then said "His name is Adam Kurogane the Crimson Knight" Adam then thought

"When did I get that title?" Adam sweatdrop from the title They gave Him

"Ano? When did I get that title Miss?" I asked Lyka

She then replied "Oh apparently You got this title because of How ruthless You were when You went on a rampage" Adam then remembered That He went on a Rampage and I tell You it was a massacre....

Adam then said with a regretful expression "I see..." She then notice His expression and said

"Well it's time for You to go the rift Adam" Adam then nodded His head and followed Lyka

Lyka then asked "Hey Adam... I got a question" Adam then said "Okay then as long as I can answer it" She then said

"Why did You go on a Rampage 1 year ago?" Adam flinched when Rampage was mentioned He then replied with a sad tone and expression

"Well it was because Someone important to Me died...." She then regret Her for questioning Him

They were silent the whole walk to the place where the rift is....

Lyka then said "We are Here now" Adam then said "Alright thanks for taking Me here" She then replied

"Dont worry about it Adam, i guess I have to go back to work now so Bye..." She then walked back to Where the entrance was....

Adam then opened the door and went inside to see alot of scientist around Researching about the rift

A scientist then went to Adam and said "Ah You must be the Crimson Knight" Adam then flinched but replied

"Yes I am sir" The scientist then said

"Alright follow Me" Both of them then walked to where the rift is.

Adam asked "Has anyone entered the rift?" The scientist replied "No one had entered yet" Adam then nodded and replied

"I see... I guess i have to enter the Rift now to Investigate" The scientist replied "Good luck Sir" Adam then goes inside the Rift with His big bag

Adam's POV:

Light flashes My eyes.... the light then vanishes and I saw....

I was in a City but there was No people and It look abandon....

I then saw a House that was open and went inside it to Changed into My Normal clothes when fighting

(Its still the same clothed from the Bio)

I then grabbed Labor of Olympus and holstered it on My back....

I then began to Investigate on Why the city looks abandon But has lights that are active....

I began to walk around the street to look at the Place but I then heard something behind Me

When I looked behind Me.... I almost got hit By sharp claws but I was able to evade it by jumping back

I then began to inspect the thing that attacked Me and to My suprise it was

Code 0 - The Fool

My eyes widened and I finally knew where I am.... The Fool then began to attack Me only for him to be Sliced in the middle

I then noticed alot of them appearing

(Devil Trigger - B.G.M Play)

(start at 1:14 to 3:13)

I then smirked and said "This party is gonna be awesome" I then ran at them and used Red Queen Combo A

2 of them got destroyed while More are coming....

I then used 'High Time'

And started slashing at every direction really fast and destroyed 3 of them

there are only 6 left, I then used Red Queen Combo C to kill all of them

All of them exploded, I was about to holstered 'LoO' only for the Ground to shake really hard

I then thought "Shit this feels like when a Boss Monster is gonna appear" I then readied 'LoO' and waited for it to appear

The building beside then Breaks apart!

I then Jumped back and evaded the debris that were falling, and then Something big came out of the Building....

I then said with a scared expression "Holy Shit..." The camera angle then changes to show....

Code IV - The Emperor

"Son of a bi-!" I then evaded its sword that was about to slash at Me i then retaliated By attacking back

only for Him to block it with its shield

I then began relentlesly attacking it with Combo's

I then did another combo and I was able to break Hid shield

And another combo to Damage Him more

I then thought about using Heroic Hack to finish This Fucker but first I need to gather Honkai Energy

We then began fighting with eachother for a few minuted till I was able to Absorb enough Honkai Energy For LoO to activate Heroic Hack

I then ran at It and Began to use Heroic Hack

(Ignore the Judement nut lmao I couldnt find a GiF about the Heroic hack only)

(Devil Trigger - B.G.M Stops Here)

I then began to pant as I got to exhausted of fighting...

I then holstered Labor of Olympus on My back and then started walking to Another alley to Investigate more

"I cant believe it.... Shit Im at a Universe where A Post Honkai Odyssey has Started" I began to sweat and My heart keeps beating fast

"Shit... If this is Apho then..." I then heard a explosion on the North side

I then thought "The Hell!?" I began running to that Direction and I saw a Person that I wasnt expecting to meet....

It was Him, The First Herrscher or Should I call him.... Welt Yang

I noticed He was getting overwhelmed By alot of Code 0's

I then began to gripped 'LoO' and gathered Honkai Energy to use 'Heroic Hack'

I then ran at the front of Welt and activated 'Heroic Hack'

My body then felt Pain because I pushed My body too much....

I then fell to the floor as I felt sleepy... I then heard Welt's voice....

"Dont die on Me now" He then grabbed My left Arm and placed it on His shoulder and began to Help Me stood up

He then said "Let's talk later once We get out of here" I nodded My head as We walked to find a House or a Building that We can stay and take a Rest....

We now reached a Garage that was empty and went inside it....

He then make Me sit on the floor and rest My back on the wall....

I felt really tired... Ever since I came back from the Rift last year.... I started not over using 'LoO' ever since and never Used Heroic Hack lvl 2....

Welt then closed the garage door and went to Me and said

"Now... We can talk" I then nod My head and said

"Of cour-se we can talk" He nod His head and asked Me

"Who are You?" My eyes widened But know I cant hide anything from Him

I replied "My name is Adam Kurogane" He then asked

"Why do You look like Adam fontaine?" He asked Me...

I then thought "Wait was Fontaine, Adam's last name?" I then replied at Him

"I always looked Like this since I was born" He then nod hid Head and asked with a serious voice

"Why. Do. You. Have. Labor. Of. Olympus?" I then replied

"I dont know to be honest...." He raised His eyebrows and asked

"What do You mean.... You Dont Know?" I then said

"Okay I dont really know okay when I woke up on a bench from the park it was beside Me" He then asked

"What do you mean by wake up on a bench in the park?" I then said

"Well I dont really remember My past.... I just woke up on a bench without memories.... The only thing I remember is My name, age and birthday..." His eyes widened when I said I dont remember My memories...

Of course I knew this body Must have had a Past background.... But I dont know His real name tho....

He then said "Alright I understand now" I then said

"What are We gonna do Now?" He replied "We will have to wait till Squad 2 comes Here" My eyes widened

I then said "But what about the Adam you mentioned!? You said we Looked alike and had the same Name!?" He then replied

"You dont have to worry I'll explain Your situation to Them" He then went to the upstairs of thr Garage

I then slowly closed My eyes and took a little nap

Welt Yang's POV:

This person is Very Mysterious But... His answer's were Honest because of the Look in His eyes, and the FACT that He looked like Adam Fontaine from Squad 2....

This is really confusing to Me but I will place this problem at the side for now. I'll ask Him when everything's over

I then thought of My son.... I must find Him after squad 2 arrives....

Adam's POV:

1 hour later

My eyes then began to open... I then looked around and I was still sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall...

I then stood up and went upstairs to look for Welt....

As I walk to the 2nd floor, I heard alot of explosion's outside....

I then go to the door and opened it to see Welt Yang sitting on a chair Inspecting Labor of Olympus

He then noticed Me and said "This is like the same as Labor of Olympus..." I then said

"Well I dont really know where It came from, I just started using it 1 year ago" He then threw Labor of Olympus to Me and said

"You need to go outside and Deal with the Sky People" I then nod My head as I walk out the room and went down stairs....

I then thought "This is really troublesome" I then opened the Garage door and went outside and closed it....

I heard another explosion this time it was from the east, I began runnung the and Noticed another Code IV

I began gathering Honkai energy and used 'Heroic Hack'

It then explodes and Dust gathers everywhere

I then heard someone cough... I slowly looked behind Me to see someone I shouldnt have Met....

It was Adam Fontaine...

As the dust clears.... We then began looking at eachother

His Eyes then Widened and said "Who are You and Why do you look like Me!?" He pointed 'His' Labor of Olympus at Me

I then pointed Mine as well and said "Bro You need to chill no need to attack" His Eyes widened because I sounded like Him...

I then thought "Well shit... How am I gonna confront Squad 2 when I looked Like one of their Teammate....

To Be Continued:

Author's Note: Hey guys... You were not expecting this am I right Lolsss What's gonna happen now when Raiden Mei and Carole peppers meet Adam Kurogane? Be sure to stay tuned to the Next chapter! Peace~!