
A Typical Two-faced Villain

Fan-fic about world travel with MC as a villain whose only purpose is to wreak havoc in the said world. Obviously, he won't be able to do so without sufficient power, therefore a specifically designed system will accompany him during his travels. 1st world - Akame Ga Kill English isn't my first language therefore please excuse my grammar, I will at least attempt to make it readable. The cover is not mine and it's there just for the sake of being there. I might change it in the future.

Insp_Auth · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Spectator meets Sharingan

Just as he told Leone, Valdis remained at the hideout, training the entire time since he knew he had a limited time to grow stronger.

Valdis also came to the conclusion about what to do with Zank. He decided to simply replace Akame since he wanted to have a real fight against a strong opponent. Until now, he only fought against some minor guards if he excluded his spars with Leone and Akame.

A few more days passed and a moment Valdis was training so diligently for finally arrived when all of them gathered in the meeting room where Najenda told them of indiscriminate killings happening in the Capital late at night.

"It's definitely Zank the Beheader" Lubbock said with a solemn expression.

"Who is he?" Tatsumi asked with a confused expression and Valdis was the one who explained the things to him since his known background made it normal for him to know about Zank.

When it came to forming groups to search through the Capital at night, Valdis tried to subtly suggest forming a group with Tatsumi who in return had nothing against it, however, the others seemed surprised by his suggestion.

"Valdis, you do know that Zank stole a Teigu, right?" Bulat asked with a confused expression.

"Obviously" Valdis nodded his head without any hesitation.

'Najenda narrowed her eyes when she first heard my suggestion, it's safe to assume she thinks that I am plotting something. Now, she will most likely ask me for the reason.' And as Valdis thought, her question indeed came right after.

"Why do you want to form a group with the only person who doesn't have Teigu? We also have close to no information about your eyes and even if they enhance your performance in battle, it can hardly be considered Teigu yet." Najenda asked, trying to mask her blatant suspicion but Valdis was able to pick it up from her face.

"Precisely because we aren't Teigu users" Valdis folded his arms and said with a relaxed smile and closed eyes.

"What?" Lubbock tilted his head to the side in question to his response but it was evident that Najenda started thinking hard about his words.

"You want to become a bait...?" Najenda asked with an unsure tone to which Valdis nodded his head.

"What?!" Tatsumi exclaimed and looked at Valdis with a surprised expression. He definitely wanted to punish Zank but playing bait sounded like they don't stand a chance at all.

"Rejected, it's too dangerous and unnecessary" Akame also thought of it as a bad idea.

"Even if we don't have Teigu, do you think two of us together won't be a match against one Teigu user? I admit that we might not be capable of killing him but our goal won't be to kill him but to lure him out and hold him there for a while before the others can arrive. He might be a psycho who beheads everyone, however, he would never ambush 2 people he wouldn't be able to kill." Valdis explained and nudged Tatsumi with his elbow.

"Y-Yeah, I bet if we work together, we can even kill him before everyone else arrive to help out." Tatsumi said with confidence beaming on his face.

"Hmm, but why take such a risk?" Najenda could agree with Valdis's reasoning but she still felt like something was off.

"To catch him as soon as possible. He might have killed 2 imperial guards, however, there will be more innocent victims in the future if we won't resolve it as soon as possible!" It wasn't Valdis but actually, Tatsumi who replied with a determined face while clenching his right fist. This was greatly appreciated by Valdis however he would be a fool to let it be seen on his face.

"*sigh* Alright, do as you will" Najenda finally gave in after releasing a long sigh.

'Refusing for so long without a good point even after the other person expressed their desire to go along with this strategy would only make her look unreasonable and suspicious. I knew that she is a general, however I never expected her to be so smart. Sometimes, you have to lose the battle and retreat in order to win the war' Valdis smiled inwardly, this way, he would let Tatsumi have his character development and he would also get to fight Zank. Obviously, it would play out this way only assuming that Tatsumi would lose against Zank.

Valdis spent a lot of time observing Tatsumi while the others weren't paying attention and he could say that he was slightly stronger and more mature than in the original, however, he still assumed it wouldn't be enough to beat someone like Zank who could read opponent's thoughts and movements. Tatsumi would have to be as strong as Akame to actually beat Zank which was frankly impossible right now.



When the night arrived and moon covered the sky of the Capital, the groups of two were formed just as agreed beforehand and each group was tasked with patroling their districts. The Capital was a large city therefore they had to cover as much ground as they could.

Since the imperial guards were on high alert and still searching for their captain's killer, Tatsumi and Valdis had to move discreetly. The first things first, Valdis made sure to give Tatsumi drink to recreat what happened in the original and then he could only pray. While Tatsumi gave him a weird look, he certainly didn't refuse Valdis's offer.

"Eww, what the hell is it?!" Tatsumi's face cringed when he gulped a few mouthfuls of the drink without a hesitation.

"A little bit of alcohol. What, can't take it? I guess it's a drink for more grown up people or maybe it's just you being too sensitive." Valdis shrugged his shoulders with a mocking smile on his face which infuriated Tatsumi.

"What about not drinking during the work time?!" Tatsumi said through his clenched teeth.

"What do you mean by "drinking"? It's not even as strong as the weakest wine in the Capital...kiddo" Valdis rolled his eyes.

"Tch! Who is the kiddo here? We look about the same age! *gulp* *gulp* *SIGH* I have never said it's strong, it's just disgusting." Tatsumi instantly finished his drink after Valdis's constant provocations which made Valdis release an amused laugh. He friendly patted Tatsumi on his back a few times before suggesting they focus on their task.

'I am not exactly patient person, this little bit of alcohol should make him feel urge to urinate much faster.'



And just as Valdis expected, Tatsumi excused himself. Valdis obviously followed him from the shadows and in the end, Zank really appeared in front of Tatsumi who ran after him under the effect of his Teigu.

Zank and Tatsumi both stopped at the nearby plaza where Tatsumi hugged him, making it hard for Valdis to continue suppressing his laugh. He had to be very careful since he knew Zank has a great sight thanks to his Teigu.

They quickly started fighting and just as in the original, Tatsumi was caught off-guard how well Zank was reading his movements.

"As long as I hold on for long enough, the others will come to help me, is what you are thinking, right? Kuku, unfortunately for you, I made sure your friends are as far away as possible. I really hope you didn't think this bait strategy would actually work on me, kuku" Zank laughed evily.

Hearing his words, Tatsumi's eyes widened.

"Yes! Show me your face of despair, hahaha!" Zank enjoyed Tatsumi's reaction a lot, however, hearing Zank's words only calmed Tatsumi down. He assumed a fighting pose and narrowed his eyes as the previous kindness and naivety completely disappeared from them.


Valdis continued spectating as their fight started and he had to admit that Tatsumi was much stronger than in the original. Maybe it was their small rivalry or it was also his experience of fighting Valdis once who could also read his movements. Nevertheless, even if Tatsumi was actually strong and fast enough to leave several small scratches on Zank's clothes and body, he sustained much more deeper injuries.

"Master of decapitation my ass, how many times have you missed my neck by now?" Tatsumi grinned fearlessly while glaring at Zank whose face lost its color after hearing his words.

"YOU!!!" Zank moved towards Tatsumi at much faster speed than before with an angered face which slightly surprised Tatsumi who barely had a strength to keep standing.

*Clang* Zank suddenly noticed something flying towards his neck from the side so he slashed his katar like dagger, knocking the flying dagger on the ground.

*Clap* *Clap* "I must say you have a talent for disappearing and getting into trouble, Tatsumi" A sound of clapping and voice resounded from the darkness as the footsteps were nearing the duo.

When moolight finally revealed Valdis figure, Zank frowned while Tatsumi appeared surprised, however it was certainly a pleasant surprise.

Valdis was actually slightly tempted to continue spectating to see whether Zank truly could kill Tatsumi or whether the plot armor would save him, however, after much consideration, he decided to intervene.

'If this guy dies too soon, I will probably be transported to another world and lose on the opportunity to grow stronger in the world I am knowledgeable about.'

"Heh, I almost thought you weren't coming" Tatsumi chuckled and collapsed on his knees, however, he couldn't act relaxed even if he wanted to, because Zank didn't seem too exhausted from their fight and their previous strategy was to fight him together, however, he was useless in his current condition.

"If it isn't the 2nd most delicious looking neck, kuku" Zank didn't seem too disturbed by Valdis's interruption.

"Aww, thanks for the compliment but I don't swing that way, old guy" Valdis put his right hand on his hip and his smile widened, showing off his teeth, giving him a ferocious feeling.

"Valdis, listen to me, his Teigu's abilities make him able to-" Tatsumi wanted to at least help by giving him intel however Valdis's eyes widened and changed to Sharingan which rendered weakened Tatsumi unconscious in the middle of his sentence.

"Thanks but I don't need it, just enjoy your sleep."

"...What are those eyes?" Zank frowned when he noticed how Tatsumi suddenly lost consciousness.

"Shall we find out what is superior; your little thingy on your forehead or my Sharingan?" Valdis ignored his question and narrowed his eyes with a crazy smile plastered over his face.

'?! I can't-'

"I can't read his thoughts, is what you are thinking, right? Kuku, it seems like Sharingan is superior in this field." Valdis interrupted Zank's thoughts as he imitated Zank's evil laugh as if to mock him.

"Y-You! You watched our fight right from the beginning! Why?!" Zank exclaimed with widened eyes as he pointed one of his daggers at him.

"I wonder about that too..." Valdis replied with a provoking smile before drawing 2 daggers from the back of his belt.


[Name: Valdis

Unique powers: Sharingan (3 Tomoe)

Villainous Shop

Villain Points: 70

Consumption: Body Enhancing potion (15/50); Mind Enhancing potion (4/15)]


I might not upload as consistently as before since my vacation just ended and my work takes a lot of time but I will try my best to upload one chapter daily. Feel free to write any suggestions in the comments

Insp_Authcreators' thoughts