
A Typical Two-faced Villain

Fan-fic about world travel with MC as a villain whose only purpose is to wreak havoc in the said world. Obviously, he won't be able to do so without sufficient power, therefore a specifically designed system will accompany him during his travels. 1st world - Akame Ga Kill English isn't my first language therefore please excuse my grammar, I will at least attempt to make it readable. The cover is not mine and it's there just for the sake of being there. I might change it in the future.

Insp_Auth · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

It is the time!

*bang* *SIGH* The young girl slammed the mug of ale on the table while releasing a satisfied sigh from her mouth.

Although Valdis was reluctant to go along with this woman, he still had to be careful because he didn't want to be investigated by her group.

'There was no notification that her opinion of me has improved or dropped. She is probably still suspicious of me and wants to keep me close to her. If my guess is right, her questioning me should come very shortly under the pretext of her being drunk and trying to get to know me better.'

"So...I know that a lot of people carry weapons on their bodies here, however, you never struck me as such a person." The woman said with a relaxed expression and faint blush while playing with her half-filled mug of ale.

'?! Did she realize that I am armed during that hug? In the anime, she was portrayed as someone cheerful and relaxed, does this mean she is especially on her guard against me or was this side of hers completely missed in the show?' Thankfully for Valdis, he knew what words to you to appeal to this woman's sympathy.

"I...*gulp* *gulp* *bang* I grew up in the slums and have learned that life is not completely black and white. I have done some terrible things just for my survival which in return gave the right to the others to put my life in danger." Valdis gulped his drink in one go before he told his story while looking down into the empty mug with a downcast expression. His story didn't cover his naivety or innocence when it comes to women but Valdis hoped that she is clever enough to assume that he had close to zero interactions with women.

On the other hand, if Valdis were to explain even his exaggerated actions of blushing all the time, she might get too suspicious why is he even explaining himself about such things. Some things were better left unsaid.

Hearing his explanation, her eyes slightly widened before her expression softened a little.

"I see...What is your name? Mine's Leone but you can call me Onee-san, haha!"

[A major character's opinion of you slightly improved]

[Reward: 50 Villain Points]

'He is quite mature aside from his innocent reactions, it is also evident that he feels guilty...Hmm, from his old tattered clothes I can assume he is telling the truth. If only I could somehow test his strength and perhaps recruit him.' Leone quietly thought behind her drunk facade.

"My real name is Valdis"

'Does that mean he used a fake name while he was in the slums? If that's the case, it will be even harder to investigate him...if it wasn't enough that he is from the slums, now even a fake name.' Leone turned slightly suspicious upon hearing him say "real name" but she dropped the matter for now.

The two of them talked for a while and Valdis obtained 2 more notices from the system and gained a total of 60 Villain Points before he decided to pay the bill and take his leave. Contrary to his expectations, Leone actually paid for her own drinks which numbered in at least twice what he drunk. Maybe it was because she heard about his circumstances contrary to what happened to the main character who was revealed to be rich, and strong and also wanted to join the army against them.

As he was about the exit the tavern, he heard someone sigh who was just about to enter.

"What do I do now..." A brown-haired guy mumbled with a downcast face before entering the tavern.

'?! It seems like even if I did all I can to stop their meeting, a plot would still make the main character meet up with the good guys. Is this what the system warned me about? It's quite a scary thought what would have happened if I tried to kill the main protagonist before he reached his full potential.' Valdis quickly made his way to the inn he was staying at while making sure no one followed him.

'From just a short interaction with 1 major character, I gained over 230 Villain Points without even making any major impression on them! She even paid for her own drinks, if it wasn't for my excuse of being from the slums, I would have gladly paid for her drinks, haha!'



[Name: Valdis

Unique powers: Sharingan (1 Tomoe)

Villainous Shop

Villain Points: 425

Consumption: Body Enhancing potion (2/50)]


'Only 75 more points and I will be able to evolve my Sharingan! If I could join the Night Raid, I would be surrounded by the major characters and my daily actions would passively earn me Villain Points...Well, the same could be said about joining the bad guys, however, I want to refrain from meeting "that" woman too early, plus they could take me to some laboratory to do tests on me because of my Sharingan, even if I were to tell them it is Teigu, I doubt it would help. Ironically, at that moment I could see myself being saved only by "that" woman who values talents.'

Just thinking about "that" woman and her reputation of true evil, made Valdis yearn to meet her one day. While he did not enjoy torturing someone for the sake of fun, he did not judge anyone for being a sadist.

'A true Villain doesn't judge whether the others' actions are good or evil. While she is publicly recognized as Villain, I will aim to become Villain in the shadows. Anyway, I should have about 2 days before the Night Raid make their appearance, I should start acting now if I don't want them to investigate me and find out that I just happened to appear there. I will also need to change my clothes a bit, even if I blurred my face in Aria's memories, she might recognize me if I stick out too much.' As such, Valdis continued diligently robbing people and looking for 2 more characters he could meet on the streets of the Capital.

"Now, where to find Captain of Imperial Police and "that" girl...I think it was mentioned he likes to hang out on a specific street."

After 1 day of searching, Valdis was successful in his search and managed to gain over 100 Villain Points, mainly thanks to "that" girl who was recognized as a major character. He also didn't waste his entire time searching for the two of them, he also started asking around the slums about the travelers' sudden "disappearances".

Valdis was currently in the richer area filled with the shops where he previously met Aria, observing Aria and her 3 bodyguards. Despite the complications at the beginning, it seemed like the main character still managed to end up scammed and in their household.

That night later...

A group of people was presumably standing in the air right above a certain mansion.

A black-haired girl and guy clad in armor jumped down to fight the bodyguards and instantly dispatched them with swift and flawless movements.

A hooded figure clad in a black cloak was watching all this happen from a safe distance. When the wind blew a bit stronger, the hood got taken off, revealing Valdis's face and his glowing red eyes with 2 black commas in each eye.

'Yes, show me all your sweet moves, good thing I evolved my Sharingan since I can barely follow that girl's speed which would be impossible with only 1 Tomoe. Well, I should make my move now, I don't want to appear too late, though, I must say this is a bit of a gamble.' Valdis thought with a faint calculative smile before disappearing into the darkness.

"Hm?" A girl of below-average height and very long, pink hair tied in twin-tails looked away from the mansion for a moment.

"What's wrong, Mine?"

"...It's nothing" Mine shook her head, focusing on the mission.