
The Confession

After the scene with Kentaro and his buddies, Koharu and Mizuki closed up, went home and she went directly to take a bath. Mizuki hearth was beating faster than the engine of a race car after the event. The real miracle was that he kept his cool during the entire time, even he was almost hit by the accidental shot. He cooked some dumplings and after Koharu got out from the bathroom, he went straight in to take a bath. Koharu avoided eye-contact with Mizuki since they arrived home

Koharu ate the dumplings and went to continue reading the series that she read during this entire week. This time she was reading while eating her dumplings. She read until Mizuki got out from the bathroom. He saw the lights were on in the living room, so he went to check and saw reading his big sister's favorite series

"Are you into romance fiction?" Mizuki went and interrupted her from her reading

"Ah no. I've just picked a random series and it happened to be a romance one. Hope you don't get mad that I took novels from the bookshelf without your approval" she thought that her action would upset him

"Oh don't worry, I really enjoy sharing the series I've read with other fellow otaku's. You've just had to pick my sister's favorite series" Mizuki tried calming her down "Well anyway, I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow morning I need to change the shops programme so that I can also study and go to school and also earn money for the upcoming months"

"Oh yes. You'll do your best at work and school" Koharu cheered Mizuki

"Yeah..." Mizuki wasn't too excited, but he forced a smile "You have college, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a second year" Koharu also forced a smile. Both of them weren't excited about the fact that school is beginning. Mizuki was about to say good night to Koharu, but she suddenly stopped him

"Wait. I want tell you something. It's going to be quick" her face started to blush

"Okay" Mizuki didn't saw her face turning from a pink to a bright red

"Since we've met, you helped me a lot and that help changed my life. I want to thank you, but I can't pay you back for everything you have done for me, so..." Koharu's face was red as a tomato

"You don't have to pay me back. As long as I helped you and you are happy, I'm happy" Mizuki had a big smile on his face and was about to refuse any kind of reward from her for his help. One thing about Mizuki was that even though he was helping everyone and would look happy on the outside, deep inside he was like a dead person. His eyes showed no emotion since he met with Koharu and she was worried that Mizuki was pushing himself to help others than his own sake. Mizuki tried to go to his room but Koharu held him tight so that he can't escape until she finishes her sentence

"I haven't finished my sentence. Since we've met, you helped me and I developed certain feelings for you... ...Mizuki... I love you. I want to be your girlfriend" Koharu confessed her feelings

She was looking at the ground this entire time and tears were falling from her eyes, but when she confessed her feelings, she was looking into his eyes with a smile, but tears on her cheeks. Seconds passed and when Mizuki realised what Koharu said to him, his dead eyes lit up and tears were streaming down his cheeks. He was crying without realising, like Koharu when they've met

Koharu saw for the first time since they've met a spark in his eyes. She got up and hugged him, maybe he was acting all mature on the outside and suffered a lot, but deep inside him, he was still a kid who needed support

"Are you going to take care of me?" Mizuki was crying like a little kid

"Mhm" Koharu was crying as well, but she was also smilling "Are you going to treat me as a goddess?"

"Of course"

"And from now on call me Hanami"

They stopped hugging and kissed "If you dare cheat on me, I'm going to kill you" Hanami sweet face turned into a cold one while saying that. Mizuki felt her cold gaze and got scared "U-Understood"

Hanami started laughing at Mizuki's scared face. After that both of them went to sleep. They both shared the same bed. Morning came, and Hanami woke up realising she was alone in the bed. She got up and went to search after Mizuki. She remembered what happened last night and was happy. She went to the kitchen and saw him preparing breakfast. She sneakily went behind him like a murderer and whispered into his ear "Good morning, darling". Mizuki jumped up after hearing the "darling" and remembered a character from an anime he watched last year

He turned around and saw Hanami's beautiful and lewd body. He replied with a "Good morning to you too" and continued frying some eggs

"Oh yeah Hanami, get dress into your casual clothes because my sister apparently got kicked out of her flat and is moving back" while saying that to her, the door bell rang. Someone arrived