
The lucky bulldozer.

The sun penetrates through his window curtains to disolve the remaining specks of sleep left. He slowly opens his eyes about to curse the short night. Every indication denotes he is not ready to face this day. Yes. Or maybe he is never ready to face any day at all. The difference between morning, evening and night hasn't come through up his spin. Delvik gets out of bed and makes a few steps towards his window. From his window is a beautiful view of sunrise. His bedroom is in the second floor his father's bungalow.From here, the beautiful estate of Kavulundi is clear. He seas new designs of homes and as a lover of art, it's evident that he is loving every moment from his window. In his heart he could be drawing his dream home.

He hears a knock at the door. Then he remembers he has no dressed up. Quickly, he responds with," just a minute." A few minutes later, he clears his sunked voice and says," come in". The door opens slowly. Their eyes rock against each other. He is glued to much beautiful blue- white eyes right in front of him. For a minute, there is a loud silence. Both of them admiring each other. Oooohhh yes! he is still struggling to button his shirt. But his chest seemed to have captured the moment. Six pack. Every woman's dream of a chest. She can stop looking at the protrusion in his unzipped short. She is already imagining what it's capable of. " Mmhh how may I help you?" Asks Delvik. " I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready." She responds but with a shiver in her tone. Her eyes still closed to the protrusion. Now Delvik knows what must happen. He made a few steps towards her. In temperatures heated. The room got smaller. To her, she felt enclosed all over sudden. The worry was not being found here. She was sure everyone had left as usual. Now it was her and this man she crushed on since she walked to this house. Well, she had never got the most appropriate opportunity to say it verbally, but at least she had spoken it more than twice. Sometimes body language speaks better than verbal calls. Still in the fantasy world, she could feel the door closing.

"Are you sure you want this?" Delvik asked. Ashley is sure. Yes but only can she tell it to her heart. Not to him. "What will he think of me if I say yes!" She remains silent. Her eyes dangling through. Her lips cravingly ready for a kiss. Delvik doesn't need to be told it's time anymore. His hand pressing against her breasts, lips against hers, he moves his hand down his bats. Ashley is wondering how this man has so quickly turned her on. All her hotpots have been touched. Maybe just except one. She holds tight to the chest. Soothing him against her hands.

The action begin but on a rough edge. He turns her to face the wall. It's obvious the style he wants. Dog style is not her favorite. But she is adventurous. Through her short sleep but decent dress, she can feel Delvik pulling out her pant. It's sexy. Purple and simless. Delvik does not notice thst because the only thing that matters now is the pleasure he certainly feel. He penetrates her slowly and with a welcome sound, Ashley responds hissing and panting slowly. For a while she speaks in her heart." I had missed this so much. Lately it has also been very cold. This is a moment I have craved for. " Her panting goes high. Sex is sweet. Aaahhh!

Tired. "You are so sweet." Delvik says. She cant look at his face anymore.Fear and shame envelopes the room. One person has to leave and seemingly, it's Ashley. She opens the door and leaves in a hurry. Her steps down the stairs are an indication she is afraid.

Delvik remains in his room wondering how fast that happened. He moves back to his bed and sits down in wonder. " Will she continue to love me?" Was there love in the first place. This botherd him. All his life, he has been the lucky only child of his parents.

He comands their attention at will yet for once he felt shaken by his behavior and connection to the maid. His parents kept calling him the Prince! That was a enough reason for him to know that much is expected of him and being in love with a maid was not one of them.

He was born in a home of all opportunities. Having just graduated from one of the best universities in the country, a lawyer in making and a true son of his father, he gasped knowing if his parents ever found out, then it would be a big disappointment. He got up and moved back to the window. Maybe the view outside would spring a mirror pf hope. In his heart he felt different. Peace and love

Love for a lady he met just the other day. Their maid is one week old in the house. She is an African American with black long hair. Nobody knows much about her yet. She is an introvert who minds her business the better of her time on the house. Almost a perfectionist in Delvik 's view. For a while he has wondered how such a beautiful girl would end up being a maid. "Life can be cruel". He thought.