
Chapter 12

~Antonio ~

I woke up to the smell of breakfast, luring me out of bed, and I had no choice but to follow. I lazily did my business in the bathroom before getting out sluggishly. I applied my body lotion before wearing my school uniform, a pair of trousers, and a white long sleeve with a matching tie.

I yawned loudly again before putting on my blazes, adjusting its collar. I took a spin in front of my dressing mirror to be sure I was adequately dressed. Satisfied with my appearance, I used my well scented blue beetle perfume, wore my Rolex wristwatch before I slung my bag on my shoulder, heading downstairs.

Saturday was pretty intense after Korra caught us... You know, in the treehouse. She lost her balance and fell off the tree before she could get in. I wasn't quick enough to leave Molly's side to save her. I was just thankful that someone was at the foot of the tree just waiting to catch her. That was my other cousin Mirabelle who, by the way, is going to be joining me at Westley Academy today.

Molly left shortly after, and I haven't spoken to her since then. I was way too busy talking to Mirabelle, a 13 years old cousin who can be quite persistent and adamant when you least expected. I still remember vividly trying to convince her.

"For the love of God, Mirabelle, whatever Korra told you is misinformation. I never dated Chloe, she isn't and was never my girlfriend, and most certainly am not cheating on her with Molly!!"

"Oh please, then why did Molly say 'if Chloe found out about you and Molly' huh? And if she isn't your girlfriend, then who is she!?!"

"Look, what Molly said doesn't matter. Chloe is my friend, not my girlfriend and she is Molly's friend as well okay, why would you even think she is my girlfriend when you know I'm dating Molly?"

I said, trying to explain to her that Saturday night. But Mirabelle wasn't having any of my explanation. She was more focus on talking to Chloe when she arrives at Wesley Academy. I just gave it rest hoping she would forget about it. My hopes were dashed into a million pieces, she passed by me on our way to the dining hall and subtly whispered.

"I look forward to meeting Chloe today, your side chick."

I groan inwardly, wishing I have the power to change the past and make Mirabelle and Korra unhear what they heard. This was super annoying, and why wouldn't Mirabelle give it a rest already. Knowing she was willing to go through any length to get the information she wanted, I know I had to talk to her one more time, at least before she could carry out her twisted plan to get the information.

8:45 am...

We were all dismissed from the assembly hall. The perfect had to wait behind for a meeting organized by the Head girl. I was just glad I wasn't a perfect, if not, I would be forced to listen to her annoyingly, authoritative voice. It's a good thing she had a loveable twin sister, if not, she would be significantly loathed amongst her peers - heck, that's if she isn't hated already for the havoc she has caused in time passed.

Molly and I were walking side by side, acting like strangers to each other. The way she left me that Saturday, I barely got enough sleep. And now, she wouldn't spare me a glance because she was trying to keep up the false facade that we were just friends to our classmates and school mate. The silent treatment she was giving me was taking so much toll on me. So I did the most reasonable thing ever before she got to the stairs that lead to our class.

"Umm, do you mind? I am trying to get to class." She said, sharply hurting me even further. She noticed it in my eyes, but I blinked it away.

"Why are you giving me the cold shoulders? You just ghosted on me the rest of the weekend." I said.

"Look, Tony, I... I must get to class. Can we put a rain check on this conversation? Yeah, thanks." She responded, leaving no room for arguments or my comments. With that, she walked around me and headed for the stairs.

"Why does she keep hurting me this way?" I mumbled the question, asking no one in particular. This is the third time she treated me like this, like I meant nothing to her. But deep down, we both knew I'm way more than just her boyfriend. I sighed, knowing she would come around, in the meantime. I went to look for my cousin. I was going to try and talk to her one more time.

I left my position, which was in font of of the senior block's stairs, and headed for the junior block. I climbed the stairs leading to the last floor, where all the J.S.S 3 classes were. I passed by a few junior who greeted me. Some were too hypnotized by my handsome features that they could only mutter "Good afternoon sir" when it was only 9 am. I chuckled at their responses and shoke my head in the process.

I got to the last floor and walked along the hallway simultaneously. I sighted her stepping out of one of the classes. She spots me heading for her and decided to meet in between. Before I had the chance to speak, she spoke with a forced smile on her face.

"Whatever you think you are here to do, if it doesn't have an element of truth as to who Chloe is, then don't bother."

"Wahala, let me land first. Nah, hia."

"Oya talk, I'm listening."

"Chloe is not my girlfriend... She... She is a close friend to both Molly and me."

"Really? If she is your 'close friends', why wouldn't you and Molly tell her that you both are in a relationship. Why are you having the relationship behind her back?"

I was tongue tie, to be honest. I hadn't seen this question, and now I had no answer. Thinking about it more, the conversation I had with Molly replayed in my head, and I instantly realized the answer to her questions. There was just one thing I couldn't bring myself to tell her, so I said.

"Look Merida--"


"Right! Mirabelle, it's complicated, okay, and it's something I would rather not disclose or talk about."

"Then uncomplicate it. I'm 13, I'm not stupid."

"That's exactly why you wouldn't understand." I said through my teeth. I took a deep breath when I realized I had to raise my voice higher than intended. I closed my eye tightly with my thumb and index finger at the bridge of my nose. Taking another deep breath and releasing the air from my mouth, I opened my eyes and dropped my hands to my side.

"Hmmm. I'm sorry I raised my voice at you. I just... Please do not tell Chloe what you heard even if you do find her." I begged.

She was looking at me, still slightly hurt at the way I raised my voice and all I could do was give her an apologetic stare. Her lips twitched a bit before turning into a soft smile. She was right behind, and the minute I heard that all too familiar creamy velvet voice, it was confirmed.

"Tell me about what?" She asked, and I instantly turned to face her since she was right behind me.

"Hey, Chloe, whaaaat...did not see you there? How was the prefect meeting? Did it go well? What did you guys do?" I asked all at once just to distract her and, at the same time, avoid answering her questions. I guess being friends with her for more than an a year most have taught her how to evade my question. She responded with a stern look on her face.

"Okay, pause. What did you not want her to tell me? And who are you anyway?"

Before I got the chance to answer, my cousin was quick to give her a response.

"His cousin chicko. And less I forget, this two face hoe is cheating on you with some girl named Molly."

"What?" Came Chloe's voice again. To say I was shocked would be an understatement of the century. I was flabbergasted. I did not even have the appropriate response to defend myself. All I could yell was..."Words hurt Samantha!"

And she only glared at me and yelled back her response.

"It's Mirabelle, you twat." She said, leaving Chloe and I in utmost shock and bewilderment.
