
Chapter 08


I woke up feeling sore for no reason, it must have been the way i slept on the bed last night, how i always twisted my body on the bed to sleep could be quite baffling. I yawned loudly wondering why the whole house was so peaceful, if Zoe was being Zoe, she should have barged into my room 10 seconds ago without knocking.

I yawed again louder this time, i couldn't help but wonder why i was still so tired after waking up from sleep. Even though my subconscious tried to warn me not to go back to sleep, i couldn't help but relax into my bed letting the fluffy soft bed ease my sore muscles.

The minute I closed my eyes to catch some sleep, i snapped them back open. The first thing I brought to my face was my iPhone 11 pro to check the time and date, It displayed:

9:01am, Tuesday, 12th of Sep 2017.

My eyes almost popped out of it's socket when i saw that It was a school morning and i was still at home! Heck i had 10 missed calls and 30 messages from my two best friends Molly and Antonio.

Which the speed of lighting in combination of that of Barry Allen, I jumped out of bed and into the bathroom discarding my clothes along the way, taking my bath and brushing my teeth in under 7 minutes; which by the way is a record broken since i take forever in the bathroom.

With the same speed, i rushed out of the bathroom, dried my body and applied my lotion fast. Getting out of my bath robe i made haste in wearing my school uniform. Thank God my hair was made, i just packed my fox braid into a doughnut on my head before literally flying out of my room choosing to deliberately leave my phone behind.

Getting to the sitting room, i found mom watching the morning news and if my calculations are correct, Zoe ditched me and drove without me to school. I checked her room on my way down to confirm that. How she even convinced dad that i didn't need a ride to school is what i really don't know right now. The look of a pure shock on mom's face was golden when she finally noticed me. If I weren't in this predicament, I would have been laughing my head off.

"Oh my God Zoe, how did you get home so fast, what happened in school? Your dad just dropped you off like half an hour ago."

"Mom, it's Chloe "

I corrected her and she did a double take at my response leaving her mouth hanging open. She shook her head vigorously hoping that would make me disappear but that didn't work as I was till still standing there expectantly.

"W... w... What? What are you doing here? How... How come you're not in school?"

"Zoe happened, she made dad ditch me, can you give me a ride?"

She nod in approval of my statement before she stood up. Shutting down the appliance of the house, she took her phone, purse and car keys and off we were to my school. I got to school 11 o'clock on the dot, no doubt i had missed first and second period which were Geography and Civic Education. If i didn't make haste, i was going to get detention for coming in late to class.

I hurried past the student throwing weird glances at me and made it to my class just in time. The minute i walked into class, everywhere went quiet, quite awkward if you ask me but I just chose to ignore the weird stares my classmates were throwing my way. I just bowed my head and went to my sit, which was at the back seat as usual.

Seconds later the teacher for the third period walked it, and it was none other than Mr Abdulsalmi. Everyone groaned out loud showing their displeasure at his presence. He was the Mathematics teacher for the senior class and of cause we all disliked him. I mean, really he never gives us anything to like about him.

"Groan all you want, you are not getting rid of me that easily. Last topic we treated was Quadratic Equation and our lovely student here Talfick was kind enough to solve it "

He said with a mischievous smirk on his face. That smirk was good enough to let a grown man pee in his pants, heck i wasn't sure if Talfick hadn't peed his pants yet. It was obvious that Talfick was going to solve another equation on the board right in front of everyone and if he actually misses this one then he might as well just dig his grave already.

The fact that Talfick solved the previous equation correctly with out breaking a sweat was still a huge shocker to everyone. For his survival of this class, he had better bring up his A game because he just won himself a free ticket to Mr Abdulsalmi's black list.

Just so you know, every Science and Technical student that made it to that list never came out alive. It was literally and figuratively a death sentence. It was mostly the science and technical students that were the victims. He always went easy on the Art and Commercial students, why he did that was still a mystery to us all, all we knew is never to mess with him especially when he was in a bad mood before coming to class. And now that I think of it, he is always in a bad mood half the time.

How we know he is in a good mood is when he give us impromptu test out of no where. He is the most strict and principled teacher we have in the whole of Wesley Academy. Not like the other teachers aren't strict and principled, it's just his own is way over the top and i mean, way, way over the top which is why we have sleepless nights whenever his exam was approaching.

"Well then, Talfick, if you would be so kind as to help us start the class by solving this equations."

The looks of fear and terror enveloped Talfick's face. He began to treble as he made an attempt to walk properly toward the board. With that ever present mischievous smuggle on his face, Mr Abdulsalmi patiently waited for Talfick to make his way to the board which took longer than we anticipated considering his failed attempts to walk properly. His legs immediately went week and jelly underneath him unable to carry his full body. He gulped in audibly as his deep manly voice was now barely audible.

Once he finally made it to the board he gulped again as if praying for some from of deliverance which never came. He kept looking back at us as we kept looking back at him unable to help him. Luckily for him the girl he had been wooing for months now was a commercial student so she wouldn't have to witness this humiliating moment of his life. After what seems like forever of starring at our face like it had the solution to his problems, he finally spoke up looking at our mathematics teacher.

"S...Sir E... E...everything as in... Everything on the board?"

"Why of course, please by all means, i mean you did single handedly solve the previous equation of the previous class, so this should be just a breeze."

He said taunting and teasing him further. It was only a matter of time before he cracks and confessed the whole truth. As a matter of fact he was going to crack in 4... 3... 2... 1!

"Sir i can explain. It was was all Jude. It was Jude's idea, we snuck into your office to find out the questions you'd be asking in class and we asked the Headboy to help us solve it. Pls don't get me expelled. Please sir I'll do anything please "

Whao... Wahala for person way no fit keep secret.

Wahala for subconscious way no fit shut up

I responded to my consciousness who took it as a hint to shut up. Thankfully it did as my attention was brought back to the class room only to find Jude and half the class begging on Talfick's behalf. Sadly for him all icould think about was food, i did miss breakfast this morning.

Finally, after two more hours of learning and my stomach constantly growling interrupting all my classes, It was break time. I was about stepping out of the class when i was tackled to a bear hug by my best friends. They hugged me so tight to the point that they were choking me and I was left gasping for air. I had to get the word across to them by saying

"Can't... B... Breathe."

They both let go of me, i took in a huge puff of air to my deprived lungs. Once I had finally caught my breath, Molly was the first to speak.

"Sorry... Not sorry, that is for almost ditching us in school last minute and that for-"

"Okay Molly can we scold me after school today, I am Starvinggg"

I whined like a 2 two year old crouching and holding my stomach in pain. Antonio was quick to come to my side helping me back to my sit.

"Don't worry I got you"

He said before dashing out of the class and into the cafeteria to get my favorite food. How he did that with 30 seconds was the greatest mystery, i would look forward to solving it after i had devoured the reason for the mystery. Without giving any of my best friends notice, I began gobbling down my meal like a lion who just caught it's first prey. In the middle of trying to satisfy my hunger, I tipped my half opened bag over emptying it's content on the floor.

Still too hungry to care, i let it lie on the floor there promising to attend to it later. Molly and Antonio who where also sitting close to me having their meals noticed the letter that was addressed to me. While Antonio help with my bag Molly picked up the letter and opened It. The looks of shock on her face made me drift my eyes away from my food.

"Blank right, i know, don't fret Molly that was the same look on my face when i first saw it."

"Oh no Chloe, it is not blank, it is --"

Before she could complete her statement i snatched the letter from her and read the content out loud.

"My darling Chloe i have so much to say to you, but get this and you are one step closer to finding me:

I am something, people buy me to eat but they never eat me, what am I?"

"It's a riddle"

Came Antonio's voice because I had suddenly lost mine.



This kind letter,

I never see your kind ooo

This kind letter

You must be very very special.

😅😅😅 I sure y'all are wondering What going on in this big head of mine.

First the letter was blank( practical blind) and now its visible enough to spell out a riddle (it can see)

Oh well when God is working wonders who am I to complain.


So now that we Know the content of the letter is a riddle who can solve it??

If you have an answer to the riddle pls by all means comment below.