
A truly evil fellow! (DC/SI)

This FF does not belong to me, I am just posting it on Webnovel because I personally liked it. The cover doesn't belong to me either I found it on Pinterest. ========================================== Synopsis: Prepare yourself! For this man, this EVIL-Doer shall shock you! Leave you AMAZED at how truly nefarious of a little fella he is! ========================================== the original books link: [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-truly-evil-fellow-dc-si.997767/]

CultureBringer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


The Assassins lowered themselves into the hallway of the Titan's Tower. Each of them glanced to the technical expert of the group who pulled out a small device and began to type on it. A few seconds pass before the cameras lining the hallways began to run a loop. The Hacker gives the others a thumbs-up as they walk down the hall utterly silent.

Each head to the doorways leading to the Titan's room. Each of the four picks a door and begins placing a device at the base of each one. A few seconds pass and each device glows a soft red light indicating the lack of any sensors or traps on the other side of the door. Each one of them is waiting for each device to finish as they keep glancing at the doors and each other.

The other three turn towards each other and give slight nods. The one in front of Cyborg's room taking out an extremely potent EMP device, the one in front of Starfire's room taking out a small grenade. The sides of the grenade were transparent as some sort of green gas swirled inside of it ever so sluggishly.

For Beast-Boy the Assassin pulled out a Laser-Pistol. The man kept it close to his chest as he put his hand to the door. Meanwhile, the one for Raven's room had a far more menacing device in his hand. The thing sparkled with some sort of power as the air around it rippled. Each one of them prepares for only a few seconds before they slide open the doors and head into the rooms.

The Assassin heading into the beast boy's room watches his step. Moving like a shadow as he quickly spots his target sleeping on the bed. The man takes aim with his pistol, walking closer a few more steps to ensure the perfect aim. Only a few feet away a small smile comes to his lips as the room is illuminated with a few flashes of red.

He is blinded only for a second from the series of flashes that caused him to see black for a few seconds. As it clears, he feels only content believing his mission to be complete and the target dead. He takes a step forward before pausing at the black shadow which stood over Beast-Boy's bed. Its hand outstretched and steaming from the heat it had just been hit with.

The Assassin quickly shifts his aim only for the thing to stand before him. The Entity had simply appeared instantly. Its hand slammed into his throat and robbing him of his breath as he kicked and took aim. The last thing the Assassin see's as he fires into the monster's stomach was a flash of light before his neck was crushed. The bone and meat crunching as the thing whispers, "Hush now. . .Let the little ones sleep."

The Assassin in Cyborg rooms paused at the flashes which reach the hallway. He looks over his shoulder his hand firmly on the EMP grenade and reaching for his weapon only for something to grab his hand. He stifled a scream at the Entity who stood before him. Its cape twisting and shivering shifting between flesh. Holes appeared in it every once in a while as a shiny chrome masked man stood before him. The thing had been made out of shifting darkness as it giggled.

The Man with the Chrome mask simply leans down staring into the man's eyes for a few seconds. The man cannot even gurgle out a scream as the Masked man places his hand upon his face, "Now I haven't seen such an expression in quite a while. . ."

He prepared to arm the grenade in his hand only for the Creature's other hand to dart down and yank. Ripping off the arm and vanishing. The blood that poured from his air vanished mid-air alongside him before it could ever splatter across the floor leaving the room empty. The other two Assassins had heard the crunch and Beast-Boy stirred in his bed and groaned, "No. . .I don't want the Mega-Meaty Burger just. . .the to-fu"

The Assassins quickly become alarmed at the faint voice of Beast-Boy and evident signs of failure from their ally. Both, preparing to leave their respective rooms as they turn to each other. One, peering at the other from Raven's room and the other peering at their counterpart from Starfire's room. The most dangerous members of the Titan's slumbering only feet away from them. . .Only for both doors to slide shut. The Assassin in Starfire's room begins slowly walking forward, steeling themselves as they reach the door trying not to awaken the girl's feet behind her.

It is far too late for them to react when the blood-spattered figure appears behind them. A soft giggle came from its lips as the thing whispered, "Got your nose!" He says gripping her head with both his hands and yanking upwards. The body vanishes once more alongside the head as Mr. Villain stands there for a few seconds utterly still.

He slowly glanced over his shoulder spotting Star-fire only shifting in her bead and yawning as she squeezed some stuffed teddy bear in a death grip. Mr. Villain stares for a few seconds before chuckling as he vanishes once more. The Final Assassin began to panic, as his eyes glanced at the window. He was already calculating his way out.

He makes his move only for a living shadow to appear between him and the window. The only noticeable feature was the blood-splattered chrome mask that showed his own reflection in it. It moved closer to him as it whispers, "They are not ready yet and you intend to rob me of my feast? The unripe fruit is not to be picked naughty one."

The Assassin tenses only to go silent as the thing appeared before him. Its thumb now sitting on his tongue as he stood there paralyzed with fear. The man's cloak began to shift once more. Dozens of fleshy holes appeared amidst the black fabric and twitching. Each, was moist with some sort of fluid as the other hand slowly stroked the Assassin's face gently.

"Your evil is cool and interesting as a story. But, it is not what I prefer or condones around the crops that I planted," The man coo's gently before the Assassin goes limp and falls down dead. Mr. Villain throw's one last glance to the slumbering Titans as he and the body vanish.

Both The Assassin and Mr. Villain had been unaware of one thing. Both had been unaware that Raven was awake and sleeping on her side back to the wall. Her eyes are wide as she had been woken by the commotion as she slowly sits up and turns her gaze to where Mr. Villain had once stood. Staring at it as if she was uncertain what she had heard was a delusion or reality.

Across the World, Vandal savage sat calmly as a woman mutters, "I do not think it is wise doing this sir. . .We should recall the team before we bring down the full wrath of the Justice League upon us. Shit, what if Superman's son was there that night? If we kill or injure him then what?"

"Let them come. If we drive Robin or Superboy over to the path of bloodshed and murder then that is something that we can exploit. The death of his team should be the nudge I need to get him to listen to me once we pin this on Ra' Al Ghul. Be a patient child for these are plans years in the making and tempered with centuries of patience" He pauses as the lights flicker out.

The moment they turn on he jumps out of his seat. A trio of severed heads sat on his desk as he looked up. The woman scrambles backwards in shock as her eyes quickly looked up to the wall. Written in limbs and bones which had been super-glued together a sentence had been put on the wall reading, "Leave them Alone Caveman."

The lights flicker again and words appear in blood on the wall, "Ran out of time and limbs-"

The lights flickered again as Vandal began to slowly back away from the wall. Even more, words joining the others, "Be silly, be happy, but kill the Titans and I kill you perm-" A sigh is heard above the two. They quickly lookup but the lights go out before they can see who was up there.

They turn back on one last time as the sentence from before was crossed out and replaced with, "Be silly, be happy, but if you kill the Titans I will kill you permanently caveman. I know of the Meteorite."