
A True Warrior

The devil king kills all the new born kids who can become a threat to him in future.A boy whose mother was killed when he was a new born baby survive this event........The great powers are sealed within him....Will he be able to undo his seal and gain ultimate potential or the students of great dragon lords will be the chosen ones or else....?

DragoZer · Urban
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19 Chs


Niansah came on the stage,the class was now watching him with a great interest,he started to emit X-flow energy,everything in room got dark and suddenly...niansah points his finger toward an object...and then...BANG!...Nothing happens.

Niansah tried many times but wasn't able to show anything.

One the students said:"Look he doesn't have any X-powers"

(Unlike his brothers Niansah wasn't able to use his powers,not even once,his father figured out that he was powerless,so he always told Jaroosh and Kumal not to flaunt their powers in-front of him.Regardless of niansah inability to use X-powers he trained every day and night to make himself physically agile and strong.He tried so many times to awaken his powers but his X-shard never resonated.He was so much physically strong that he was able to cut a stone into two halves with just his bare hands but he always wanted to have X-powers just like his brothers.")

(The entire class is laughing on niansah.)

CLass says:"Look!he is powerless."

Jaroosh tells the teacher about niansah,and then teacher told the whole class to be quiet and ask jaroosh,kumal and niansah to go and sit on their seats.

Niansah looked troubled.He was burning in the agony of the shame he faced.Jaroosh tell niansah to stay calm.

Jaroosh to niansah:

"A man without power is not weak but a Man who can't control his temper over short things is truly weak."

(In the break.....)

The canteen was filled with food stuff the brothers were so much amused to see this sight.They took their food to the table and started eating.Meanwhile a gang of boys appeared before them.

GANG BOYS:"Hey! You must be the newbies who entered the school today.We are Lion heart and we are among the one of the strongest in the school...."

Niansah interrupted:"So...What can we do about it?"

Gasto:"How dare you speak to us like this!"

Niansah:"You are just a bunch of arrogant boys who should be taught some wisdom."

Gasto(the gang leader):"Aren't you the one who is famous for being powerless?"

(He throws a punch at Niansah....but Niansah blocks it with one hand only.)

Gasto:"Ah!Now I'm really angry."

Jaroosh tries to stop them but he is unable to do so.

Gasto releases his X-flow and a tremendous amount of energy starts flowing around him then he says:"Now experience death you idiot! Face my most powerful attack.....Metal punch."

Suddenly the student president of Class-S interfere and blocks the attack with zero effort and says:

"Enough!Just go back to your classes.Now!"

After that the brothers return to class....

Teacher addresses to the class:

"Next year there is going to be a competition in which all the school is going to participate, the class who wins the tournament will be given special privileges,like they will be provided with powerful equips and fund will be allotted to that whole class.The student who wins the finals,regardless of his own element can choose an element shard freely.Only the winner is going to decide which element shards he wants.So get your morale up and be prepared for this tournament."

The sun was setting and birds were chirping in the orange-red glittery light of sun.Niansah was going home with his brothers.Suddenly, Niansah said to Jafraan and Kumal:

"I wasn't going to fight him."

"_____I know when to stop,I know when to let go,I know when to move forward but I KNOW is different from I CAN_______"

Jafraan with a serious look in his eyes says:

"Niansah you are not an ordinary kid,and you know that father told you that too.Even if you don't have powers we are family.Families are just like branches on tree.We grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."

Niansah to his brothers:

"Brothers,wait and see this time I will show them that I'm not weak.I will not let you guys down.And after I win this tournament I will also be able to use powers like you guys."

Jafraan and Kumal: "We trust you! Because you are our brother,Niansah."

(Geisha was waiting on the front door to welcome them after their first day of school.)

Niansah:"What happened here....?"