
A True Warrior

The devil king kills all the new born kids who can become a threat to him in future.A boy whose mother was killed when he was a new born baby survive this event........The great powers are sealed within him....Will he be able to undo his seal and gain ultimate potential or the students of great dragon lords will be the chosen ones or else....?

DragoZer · Urban
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19 Chs

King’s raid part-2

(Ninasah and his family were running towards the statue at the same time Raizal and sub-head leaders were also moving toward the statue)

Sub-head leaders:"We have to kill him no matter what.If there comes a moment when we can't defeat him,then we will self-destruct and the X-flow explosion will kill him with us.S4-Knights then it's your duty to kill him,if he by any chance survive the explosion,you must not let him live,we have to protect our planet."

S4-Knights:"Yes sir!"

Genji (S4-knight leader):"I will fight him first, since I'm the strongest and I have fought him before once."


In the final tournament of Planet azora Genji vs. Raizal,a fierce battle awaited by the entire nation and by the king himself,on the basis of which he was going to select his right hand man.

Raizal:"You think a pebble like you can defeat me?"

Genji:"Well lets see,you imbecile creature."

(Raizal lift his finger and point it at Genji and says:"Stop!")

Genji:"What happened why can't I move!"

Raizal:"Ah!The legendary warrior is having trouble moving eh?"

Genji:"It can't be true no one has the mind control X-ability,even the king doesn't possess it."

Raizal:"Ha!Ha!Ha! I am the strongest mind control warrior in the entire world and no one can escape from it.After defeating you I will fight the king and then I will rule the planets."

(Raizal defeats Genji without making any effort,later he also fight against the King Cerebus,but was unable to defeat him,he wasn't even able to use his mind control ability against the King......King acknowledges his powers and make him his right-hand knight.)

Sub-head leaders:"Be prepared,Genji we are here."

(One party was standing on one side of the statue and Raizal was standing on the other side.)

Raizal:"As you agreed we are here,now show me what you have got."

Genji:"I will fight you first."

Raizal:"Have you forgotten about your defeat? At that time killing was prohibited in the tournament ,So,I left you;but this time I won't spare your life even if you beg on your knees."

Genji:"You are still as arrogant as before."

Raizal:"Then come at me with your full power."

(Genji attacks Raizal with metal punches and then death bullets,there is smoke everywhere.When smoke disappears.....)

Raizal:"Is this the best you can do?"

Genji:"Shit!He has become stronger than before."

Raizal:"Come attack!"

Genji uses fire smash but he dodged it.Genji is continuously throwing metal punches on him but was unable to land even a single blow."

Raizal:"Now it is my turn!"

(Raizal uses his X-flow ability,Fire breathe,a concentrated attack comes straight toward the sub-head leaders and Genji...Smoke everywhere....Genji was injured.....Sub head leaders, command to attack him all at once...the fierce battle begins.Raizal killed the S4-Knights...Then he uses his mind control ability on the sub-head leaders and injures them so much.)

In the mean time Jafraan and his family reaches there.

Jafraan:"There is the statue."

Kumal:"Father,why is smoke there?"

Jafraan:"Don't worry other people might be moving toward the facility too."

(Jafraan,Kumal,Jaroosh,Geisha and Niansah reach at the spot;all the sub head leaders were lying on the floor,the S4-knights dead bodies were also there,Genji was also severely wounded.)

One of the sub-head leaders:"Jafraan help us!"

Raizal:"Oh!So,you know him.It means I have to kill him along-with the children."

Jafraan:"Don't you dare touch my family,you filthy monster."

Raizal:"Ah!Look at him getting all angry on me,well I will not kill you that easy,you will beg for death from me."

(Jafraan asks Geisha to run and save the lives of children.)

Jafraan start fighting Raizal,he uses all of his X-flow to stop him at a place.

Suddenly Kumal attacks him with lightning.

Jafraan to Kumal:"What are you doing?I told you to run."

Kumal:"I won't leave you behind father,if we are all going to die,then there is no way I will leave you alone for dying here."

Jaroosh attacks him with his fire bullet and make a hole in his leg.I will also fight him,father.

Jafraan:"I won't be able to stop him any further,just run and save your lives."

Niansah was so much afraid,he wanted to do something but he had no powers...

Raizal:"You insects! You think you can stop me with this?"

Raizal break out of Jafraan force field.....his leg start regenerating...he attacks them.....he land a direct blow in the stomach of Jafraan.....blood pops out if his mouth.....and he fell to the ground.....then he injures Kumal and Jaroosh...

Raizal:"First,I will injure all of you then I will kill you all...."

Raizal moves toward Geisha and Niansah

Jafraan:"Leave them alone."

Jafraan throws a stone at Raizal.....Raizal gets annoyed...

"Raizal:First,I will finish you off you old bastard!"

Raizal starts kicking him mercilessly....

Ninasah:"Stop...What are you doing to my father.....Stop!"

Raizal doesn't stop and continue kicking him.

Niansah with a serious voice:"Can't you hear me? I said stop!"

(Suddenly his arm start shinning...and the seal on his right arm disappears and a symbol appears on his right hand...weather start getting intense,hard wind start blowing.....thunder starts roaring in the sky.....all the sub-head leaders and Jafraan,Jaroosh and Kumal were surprised to see this.....)

Raizal:"Interesting!So,you were hiding all this power,all this time."

Raizal rushes toward niansah....

Niansah:"Who gave you the permission to move?"

Suddenly Raizal stop at his place..........

Raizal:"What is happening?I can't move my body at all.What is this power?I have to breakthrough."

Raizal transform into a big monster and break through.....

Raizal:"I don't know how you did that but now you are going to die."

Raizal moves toward niansah...


Again Raizal fell to the ground.....

Niansah:"Who gave you the permission to move?,

Why are you breathing?

Who gave you the permission to breathe?"

Suddenly Raizal stops breathing.....Raizal is suffocating on the ground,he is unable to do even a single thing against niansah...

Niansah:"Now die you monster!

I call blood spear from the hell to destroy my enemy....."

Niansah throw the blood spear at raizal,a huge red spear shinning brilliantly under moon.The blood spear starts draining all the blood from Raizal.

Raizal tries his best to remove the spear but was unable to do it.

Raizal:"I will do anything.If you want money I will give you all the money I have....."


Raizal:"I will become your servant and serve you my entire life...."


Raizal:"Show mercy!?"

Niansah:"No mercy! You will atone for all the lives you have taken with your death. DIE!"

Raizal blood completely gets absorbed into the blood spear and he dead body remains.

Niansah turn pale and suddenly fell on the ground.....