
A True Villainess

Every Isekai novel about taking the body of the villainess is roughly the same. They take the villainess's body and do good and try to clear her name and win over all the male leads' hearts and take the place of the female lead and blah blah blah or mainly something like that. However, that's all boring. Where is the fun in all that? Wasn't the villainous meant to bring drama to the story? Give meaning to the plot. That's where our main character comes in, Lee Jihyo. Lee Jihyo is a woman who hates what people mean to be THE standard. That standard is beautiful, rich, and powerful. The people at the bottom of the food chain have it rough and that's where Jihyo came from. Her parents were a big factor in the way she thinks today but this story is not of her past, but of her future. Her favorite novel (the only novel that made her express any sort of emotion other than emotions of negativity) was a novel called 'Beauty and Light'. Despite the name, she couldn't care less about the main storyline and the heroine and hero. What she was hooked on was the villainous, Anastasia Becker, who was just like her. Ugly, harmful, and hateful. The ending was predictable but she still hated how the "criminal" was treated all because she didn't meet the standard. She saw herself as the villainess and when the book ended she wanted another story for the villainess, a story where she won. Thus her prayers were heard and she was put her in her hero's body. This journey is her journey to get to the top in whatever way she can. She will have no mercy. She will do whatever it takes. She is not like other villains who have sympathy and care. She threw those feelings away far into the trenches of hell. She will remind you all what a villain can do for she will show you what a true villainess is. art of the cover from the Korean webtoon the dark lord's confession. (I will change it soon I'm working on it) I hope you enjoy :))

aluluf · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Let's Begin

I hate studying.

I have been reading the books Anastasia told me to read for about 2 hours and for what is there so much politics in this world for.

But I made a promise.

I gotta get my act together-


"Miss. Have you awakened?" The voice of what seems to be an old lady asks from the door.

Who might this be?

"Yes, I have"

Then all of a sudden about 10 maids barge into the room, shivering, with an old lady coming in last.

"Would you like to take a shower first or eat the first milady?" The old lady says in a calm voice but I could hear a small hint of fear in it.

"Listen, I don't need 10 maids to bathe me I'm grown enough and I will eat after refreshing my body. I only need 2 maids to stay." 

I look at the maids lined up at my disposal and I know exactly what all of them are thinking.

'Please let it not be me'

"You with the brown hair and freckles and you with the pink hair stay the rest of you get out of my sight." As I just finished the sentence the other maids hurried out of the room and I could hear some squealing.

I'll deal with them later.

"I will be at the door if you need me Milady." The old lady also looked relieved, I have no idea why.

I get up and the two maids I have chosen hurry to the bathroom. When I enter everything has already been prepared. Must be magic.

(Magic is the most important factor in this world. It heats your tea, fights your wars, and cleans your rooms. Without it, this world would be useless. Every person is born with it even if it's a tiny amount. Except for Anastasia, that's her biggest secret and if it gets out, she will be killed. - Phrases from the book 'Beauty and Light')

"You two, names!" I say the second I enter the tub.

"Isabela, Madam," Says the girl with the brown hair.

"Catherine, Milady," Says the girl with pink hair.

Commoners don't have second names, I still find that weird but thinking about it is a waste of time.

I'll keep these 2 only for now. The more there are the more nuisances I'll have to deal with.

"Listen you two, what day is it today."

"Milady it's currently the 17th of the seventh month of the year 1782," Catherine said as fast as she could.

Good that she knows I need answers instantly. 

Isabela quickly starts treating my hair as softly as she can and I can feel a cold sensation in my hair. Her powers must be that of Ice. Which is very common. 

Hm, Anastasia was born on the 20th of the seventh month in the year 1764 so she will be 18 in about 3 days. That means the main story hasn't taken place yet. Good, Anastasia gave me enough time to come up with proper plans in order to-

"Madam, would you like strawberry-scented hair oil or orange-scented hair oil?" Isabela interrupts my thoughts with such a silly question.

"Strawberry, now get on with it fast I would like to eat as soon as possible." As soon as I stated that, they were hurriedly washing me and clothing me.

I was put into an excruciating dress (that I will have to change soon) but the color was gorgeous on Anastasia. A white dress with gold lacings, the only problem was the corset I wore, it was a bit tight on her. Her waist was already small what more did they want? Gold lacings traced her body perfectly as if it was made for her and the long sleeves were loose giving the dress a perfect finish. Her hair was let loose (which was perfect) and light makeup was applied to her face. The maids tried to cover her scar but I stopped them immediately.

If I am going to beat these assholes I'm gonna do it with this scar.


"Yes Madam?"

"Where will I be having my breakfast?"

"In the dining room Madam"

"Good, escort me there. Catherine stay here and you old lady"

"Yes, Milady" The old lady suddenly appeared.

" I would like to have a word with you as soon as I return so stay here with Catherine and await my return"

"Yes Milady" 

I walk out with Isabela leading the way to the dining room and accidentally bump into a child.

"I'M SO SORRY BIG SISTER I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU!" The boy was technically shivering as he shouted that. This must be her youngest brother Arlan. In the book it was mentioned, he was the only one who had a good relationship with his sister, Anastasia. Sadly he dies halfway into the story and leaves his sister in a terrible state. 

Anastasia would want me to not hurt him and save him.

I would like that too.

I pick the young boy up and carry him in my arms.

He must be almost 9 now.

"Arlan how could you ever hurt me? You are but a young boy and not strong enough to hurt me" I tease him a bit and his reaction is just so adorable.

"Sister, how could you say that? I am almost a knight stop teasing me" He pouts at my statement. He is just so cute.

"Then will you protect me oh mighty knight Arlan?"

"Always big sister, ALWAYS!" He shouts for the whole world to hear and we both laugh. I have always wanted a younger sibling.

Thank you, Anastasia, thank you.

Isabela glances at us with a small smile on her face. Odd.

I don't think about it much and continue to tease this adorable brother of mine and carry him with me to the dining room.

When we enter, all eyes are on us.

I drop Arlan slowly and safely and watch as he trembles. I take his hand and escort him to his seat and then go to mine.

Anastasia has 4 siblings in total.

1 older brother by 1 year, Alexander, 1 younger brother, and sister who are twins that are 3 years younger than me, Aliyah and Adam, and lastly Arlan.

All of the children of the house Becker's names start with the letter A.

And in this whole family, only Arlan likes Anastasia. Everybody hates her because she is a 'defect'.


"Anastasia!" That must be the Duke, Andrew Becker.

"Yes Father" saying that almost made me throw up.

This man deserves a special seat in hell.

He treats his daughter like shit but the female lead as if she is some sort of god. He beats Anastasia up, slanders her, and even encourages her to be killed. The book sugarcoats his behavior but it takes a person with actual sense to see that this man is nothing but dog shit.

"Why are you late? We all had to wait for you for more than 10 minutes-"

I ain't giving this man moments more to blabber at me.

"Father, a woman must take her time to look presentable. Isn't that right Mother?"

The woman who is Anastasia's so-called mother glances at me with disgust.

This woman has never once defended Anastasia.

She just watched as her daughter was treated like a piece of trash. 

"Anastasia, do not cut off your Father."

Woman, I asked you a question. I don't need other words other than answers coming out of your mouth.

The Duke scoffs and the twins glance at me scared. Alexander only glares at me.

Alexander is the second male lead of this story and, he is a terrible brother to all of his siblings.

The twins are only dogs but they are dogs of the wrong person. They don't deliberately hurt their sister and even try to help her in some cases but get ridiculed and hurt in the process.

I'll change that.

The rest of the meal is an uncomfortable silence and Arlan hurries to me when he is done.

"Sister, can we go?" He whispers to me with trembling hands.

"Of course let's go Arlan."

I take his hand and take my leave with no second glance at the table.

The minute we exit the dining room I pick Arlan up.

"Sister put me down, you're embarrassing me!"

I giggle at him. Wow, this is the most I have laughed in a very long time.

Thank you, Anastasia, thank you so much.

"But you are such a small frail boy I'm afraid if you continue to walk you will fall and die on me. I must carry you everywhere little brother."

He pouts. How adorable.

"I am not frail and small big sister! I am a strong knight and I must be carrying you!"


"If you carry me I believe you will truly die"

I imagine him carrying me with his tiny body and I laugh some more.

"Sister, please put me down" He is just so cute.

"No, I want to hold you while you are still small. You are growing too fast."

"Okay sister, but don't expect me to allow this anymore."

Anastasia must have carried him a lot.

I'm glad.

We continue to bicker as we make our way back to my room.

I take this time to analyze him more. He has the same hair color as Anastasia, he has the squishiest cheeks and his eyes are a deep blue, just like mothers. His body is just right for his age and his voice is just so adorable. I don't want him to grow up, not yet.

As we enter the room Catherine and the old lady are standing beside the couch awaiting my return.

I sit on the couch place Arlan on my lap and begin what I came here to do.

I need answers and I need to plan.

The world isn't going to flip on its own, now is it?