
I found liberty.

I was the young and intelligent little girl and everyone call me (Patience). that name was given to me by my parents,I am from ughelli delta state, Nigeria. I'm from the family of five myself and my two little brothers. my family was so poor that even the poor call us poorest.

at then I was 8 years old, I love reading, helping my Dad in farming and also helping my Mom do the house chores.

but until one day my aunt (my mothers younger sister) came for visit and told my parents that she would like to take me along with her to Ibadan.

my dad never liked the ideal of her taking me along, and I too never wanted to go as well.

but because of the way things were I decided to go with her..

unknown to me that I will never get the chance to see my family again..

I was convinced that I will be allowed to go to school.

we arrived Ibadan, three days later I started helping her in selling oranges, I hawk fruits for my aunt, she never fulfilled her promises of taking me to school.. living with my aunt was Hell.. she maltreats me everyday she beats me by any slightest mistake..

By then I was in 11 years old. I was a slave in my aunt's house.

but I never thought of giving up on myself... and I knew that one day I will FIND LIBERTY. of which I did i ran from home to nowhere searching for light of freedom.

but Fortunately I met someone whom promised to take me back home to my parents...

I got to my family and told the whole story. and from then I FOUND LIBERTY..

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."



Evelyn_Iyamucreators' thoughts