
A trip into Xenoverse[Dropped]

Edward found himself reincarnated in a seemingly ordinary world with 'unhealthy?' passion for martial arts. Going with the flow, Edward train in martial arts as well, under the tutelage of his foster father, John Krum. It didn't take long for him to found out, the fact that this ordinary looking world, is anything but ordinary. Having won the rite of passage battle, he was given a headstart to the Xenoverse along with a few others outstanding peers. Who would have thought that the Xenoverse.... is that fragile?! Certainly not Edward. A/N : My first uploaded work. English is my third language, so pardon my lack of ability to properly 'visualize' the perfect context to fit the situations. MC will be the very definition of OP from the start and do not read if OP MC isn't your cup of tea. I repeat, this is a fan fiction, and every other characters aside from those I build myself, belongs to their respective maker and series. Enjoy! Yours sincerely, Author and Editor, EvitorEvitor I'm in the process of remastering this book so there will not be an update in the near future. If I do post, I'll be posting it under other book. Sorry for any inconveniences though. I mean it.

Evitor · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The Twist

In a big outdoor hall with absolutely zero decorations or ornaments, several teenagers are currently engaged in a messy brawl. A three-way free fight. Against all odds of hormonal influenced behaviour, their brawl is actually under the supervision of a brawny guy. The supervisor looked at the brawling teenagers with zero interest.

The three-way brawl has been going on for close to half an hour, with each teenagers having some bruises and cuts on their face and upper bodies. Despite that, the supervisor looked on passively without any intentions of interfering. Initially, two of the three teen ganged up and besiege the one's left. They got the upper hands on the initial parts, inching closer to winning the battle.

However, as time goes on, the one being ganged up on didn't falter. Albeit slowly, he's gaining more momentum as the other two got increasingly tired over time as fatigues hit them. He might have been losing the battle, but the final goal is to win the war.

In another 5 minutes, the one being ganged up on suddenly turned the flow of the battle and dished out unrelenting punches and kicks on his two opponents. No more than 5 minutes later, the two teens were defeated as both lay flat on the floor panting heavily with their bodies littered with bruises and cuts, and bloodied.

The one left standing are also fatigued, bruised, and bloods seeps out of his injuries. The salty sweat makes the bloodied cuts he got from the brawl stings all the more painfully.

"Can't you let us win at least once, Edward?!" One of the two that worked together shouted to the still standing teen after he catches his breath, alleviating his fatigue.

"Bruh... You two ganged up on me, you piece of shits!" The one named Edward snorted in anger. His face turned incredulous hearing his opponent words.

"Alright, that enough. Noah and Drake. Both of you go and treat your injuries. As for our final winner Edward, I'll give you 5 minutes to catch your breath." The supervisor said before turning around and leave.

Edward took a deep breath as he let himself fall on the hard floor.

"Welp, we'll take our leave first." Noah patted the dust of his pants and said to Edward. Despite the aggressive fight they just had, the three of them are actually a trio and has known each other since they were very young.

Edward look at his two friends and rolled his eyes. He's still annoyed at the two ganging up on him again. This is not the first time that Noah and Drake ganged up on him in a three-way fight and as the number of times has well exceed a dozen times. Yes he won them all, but it still hurts. Sometimes he just wish he could strangle them both until they pass out.

"I don't even know why I got friends like you too." Edward exhaled a tired breath.

"Hahaha! I'm glad you're my friend as well!" Noah laugh loudly at Edward's remark. His action makes the usually quiet Drake grinned.

Edward is the only one left in the outdoor hall, recovering from his fatigue. Exactly 5 minutes later, the supervisor came back.

"You did well, boy. Now, since everything's settled. You'll get your early ticket to Xenoverse. I'm sure I've told you some rules about it, right?" The supervisor said.

"You have, father. And, thank you for taking care of me all this time." Edward said to the supervisor, the owner of the dojo, and his foster father figure.

"Don't mention it, kid. Your parents are my good friends and it's natural for me to take care of you in their absence." John smiled lightly at his friend's kid. Edward has always been a well behaved kid even with his talent and strength.

Though Edward's word sound a bit out off place considering the situation, in reality this might as well be his farewell speech. After all, he'll be away for millions of years before he can return.

Ssup readers! This is actually my first attempt at making reading materials. Note that this is purely fan fiction, and I plan to make this work of mine into a reader friendly fanfic.

With that in mind, some of your ideas might be integrated into my fanfic.

Finally, Enjoy your read!

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