
A trip into Xenoverse[Dropped]

Edward found himself reincarnated in a seemingly ordinary world with 'unhealthy?' passion for martial arts. Going with the flow, Edward train in martial arts as well, under the tutelage of his foster father, John Krum. It didn't take long for him to found out, the fact that this ordinary looking world, is anything but ordinary. Having won the rite of passage battle, he was given a headstart to the Xenoverse along with a few others outstanding peers. Who would have thought that the Xenoverse.... is that fragile?! Certainly not Edward. A/N : My first uploaded work. English is my third language, so pardon my lack of ability to properly 'visualize' the perfect context to fit the situations. MC will be the very definition of OP from the start and do not read if OP MC isn't your cup of tea. I repeat, this is a fan fiction, and every other characters aside from those I build myself, belongs to their respective maker and series. Enjoy! Yours sincerely, Author and Editor, EvitorEvitor I'm in the process of remastering this book so there will not be an update in the near future. If I do post, I'll be posting it under other book. Sorry for any inconveniences though. I mean it.

Evitor · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Project : Gwen, Get! (First piece)

Aight' it's late night now and I'll be off to sleep. This'll be ma last piece for tonight.

Happy Reading!


It's Saturday morning in New York but the streets are just as crowded as any other day. Among the crowd, a handsome young man barely twenty years old wearing an all black outfit, rode a bicycle with two sack containing rolled newspapers tied at the back mount.

The young man reach into the sack and flick rolled newspapers to the door of the rows of houses in the city. He didn't even stop pedalling his bicycle as he complete the newspapers delivery swiftly and efficiently.

Edward work a part time job as a normal people working odd jobs during the day. But at night, he will be an evil supervillain genius.


"No way I'll help you with that! Do it yourself!" Adam refused to help Edward create some androids for his plan.

"It's a hassle to make them on my own~ Come on, Sherlock! Alright, alright. Instead of you helping me, how about we make a deal?" Edward fished for Adam's interest by proposing a deal. He actually know that Adam won't help him with his little 'project' all along. Without any benefit, that is.

Hearing that, Adam took the bait almost instantly.

"What deal?" Adam probed. Anything that Edward can offer is too valuable for him to refuse. But, he'll try to wring Edward dry as much as he can. Thinking of this, Adam couldn't help but chuckle internally.

"Androids for higher knowledge." Edward casually states.

"What kind?" Now Edward got Adam's full attention.

"Oof~ that's tough. Hmm, you tell me." Edward said as he pondered. He really didn't know what kind of high knowledge should he trade for. There's a reason that Edward didn't want to make his own Androids. Either he break stuffs too easily, or they'll end up too brokenly strong that it'll defeat the purpose. Both way are bad ways. Luckily, there's Adam. His saving grace.

Adam thought really hard about what piece of high tech knowledge should he get from Edward, but he can't seem to made up his mind.

"It's tough for me to decide on that as well." Adam scrunched his eyebrows.

"How proficient are you in biology?" Edward suddenly asked a question.

"Biology? Don't really like that subject. Meaning. I suck." Adam is the type of guy that would really focus on what he like and ignore anything besides. However, hearing Edward's next words makes him reconsider his stance.

"You'll broadcast your apology to the whole universe once you learn deep enough in biology." Edward smirked.

"Apology?" Adam repeated.

"Apology for not really liking biology." Edward guffawed loudly. And they reach even ground shortly after.

Adam will supply Edward with a number of Android robots for him to mobilize his project. As for the project name? Edward calls it,

Project : Spider-Gwen, Get!

(Flashback ends)

Gwen went on a picnic at the city with her friends that day. Edward is on his way back to the station to collect his pay for the day when he saw Gwen and her friends sitting together on a mat at the park.

Edward thought that this might be his perfect chance to illicit good first impression on Gwen. With Adam's help, he got himself some fake id and documents as a means for blending into the crowd. It'd be suspicious if he didn't have an id on him, right? That's basic stuff.

He pull up a dangerous stunt and makes it as if he lose control of the bike and almost crash into Gwen and her friends. Then, make it looks like he injured himself to avoid crashing on Gwen and her friends.

Of course, it's not easy for him to get scratched in 'lower universe' and he need to make some injuries manually. With his power? Not even the Flash would notice that the injuries were self inflicted. Freezing time isn't even a hassle for Edward.


"Look out!" Gwen exclaimed as she noticed that a young man lose control of his bike and heading straight to her and her friends.

Before any of them, except for Gwen, could act, they saw the person riding the bike 'desperately' tries to make a sharp turn gritting his teeth.

The bike lose its balance and the person on the bike crashed to the ground with a thud.

"Ugh..." They heard the person groaned in pain. Without delay, they got up and approach the person in panic. Afraid that the person would sustain severe injuries.

"Are you okay?" One of Gwen's friend asked.

"Yeah.. I think I'm okay." The person said as he grit his teeth.

"Damn he's handsome." One of the girls muttered. That comment prompt the other girls to take a closer look at the person.

After that brief accident, a girl named Suzy performed first aid on the person whose name is Edward. The other girls sat around Edward and Suzy as they watch on the whole process. Um, more like they're watching and scrutinizing Edward's handsome visage.