
A Tribute from Me to You

Ah. Back in this room? How long has it been? I must've passed out.

I looked at the window, sunlight was coming into the room. It's probably time to go to school. As if on cue, the woman walked in. "Come on, school is starting soon. It won't just end with passing out if you're going to be late. Think about my dignity for once, selfish brat."

I looked and saw my arms were already bandaged. It really shows, just how much she cares about how she's looked at by others. I put my sweater on over my bandages, despite it being summer.

I walked out of the house. My stomach feels numb. I haven't eaten in so many days. Just given some water and vitamins. I wonder how long I'll last; this body is just too thin. This was another reason why I had to wear thick clothing no matter the season.

On my way to school I heard some people of my school snickering at me. How long do I still have to wait? The only thing I have going for me is good grades, once again, just to save that woman's 'dignity'.

How laughable, if it weren't for that person, I would've long departed from this world. What? Suicide is wrong? Why would I care about such a useless opinion, I've long passed the idea that life is a gift given by god.

If you've only lived a life filled with torture, isn't death the easiest way out?

I attended classes, after which I was asked to the staff room. The teacher told me that if there was something going on in my life, that I could always talk to him.

How superficial. Should I start counting? I've heard it enough from this man. I knew he didn't mean it badly, but I've already given up on this world. Once I meet that person, it'll be enough. I'll be done.

I walked to the school library and grabbed the same book that I've always read ever since coming to this school. I didn't even think it was written that well, but the first time I read this book, I cried. It felt relieving.

I wouldn't cry about the abuse I've received from my mother, after all these years, it has already numbed me. I don't know, but it felt very nice to cry, to let it all out. Thus, I decided I want to meet the author of this book. Once I meet that person, I can leave this world with no regrets.

I read the whole book and cried for the nth time. It was already past 6 PM. The same as every day. After this I'll receive my punishment and pass out. Afterwards, I'll wake up and go to school. I'll read my book and then repeat the whole process.

I entered the house and saw my mother, holding a knife. "Do you know how worried I've been?! What would I've done if you'd go missing? What would I use as a stress outlet? Do you know how hard things have been for me, ever since your father died? I've been working so hard for both of us and you make me worry so badly! Do you have any respect for me? You're such an ungrateful brat!"

I sneered. If I would've left the door open even the slightest bit, she would show an act. How great she is as a mother.

She dragged me to the room. Not 'a' room, 'the' room. The one where I always pass out and wake up. Seeing as she was holding a knife, it seems that today she would be skinning me alive. She must've been very stressed out.

I looked at the window. I wonder how many people would be able to see this gruesome sight if the glass weren't matted. Not that this woman would ever dare doing something to me if there were other people around.

The razor-sharp knife in her hands slowly cut off layers of my skin. What happened to this woman to become this horrible? They should've brought her to an insane asylum right when she was born.

When she saw my disdainful eyes, she slapped me. "What are you looking at?! Don't think I won't dare kill you if you were to do anything against me."

I couldn't hold it and chuckled. "Wouldn't it be nicer of you if you would kill me?"

Her eyes widened and her eyes shone with a dangerous gleam. "What are you saying? What did you just say? What? Are you defying me? You're defying ME?!"

She immediately took the chance to show her earlier mentioned determination. She stabbed the sharp knife through my eye, straight to the brain.

I opened my eyes. I saw a mirror in front of me. This is me? No…. This isn't me, wait, it is. Is it? That dream threw me of balance. I know who I am, and who 'I' am. The previous me, and the current me.

With mixed up memories, I knew what was going on, just couldn't understand it yet.

I laughed, "Hahaha!"

This voice, this 'me'. I'll dedicate it all to the world which you made. Let me act out the script you made, and please accept it as a tribute from me to you.

Hello, author here~.

Wow, that felt worse than I thought.

Anyway, in this story I intend to make a villainous MC as she should be. I just felt that there aren't nearly enough ACTUALLY evil villainesses.

Even if they intend to be evil, they always seem to end up being fluffy. (Not that I dislike the cute and dense villainesses.)

Thus, this story. Please enjoy. (And don't discard because of the first chapter <.<)

Faeriscreators' thoughts