
a treacherous minister as a wife

Why would a good old-fashioned look at a solar eclipse cross over! The Spirit Abyss Continent? What the hell is that place? I've never heard of it! How could you become a traitor? Very good, very cute and very powerful. Political opponents are the worst. Aim for them! It's my ultimate goal to be the sole ruler of the dynasty! Aren't you afraid of marrying a traitor?

DaoistEaInNs · History
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86 Chs

Chapter 27 : The Trial

Sending Pei Siyan away, Wang Jianshan returned to the table and sat down, drinking tea slowly. The tea was unusually bitter, it was made from the most worthless and bitter bitter leaf tea on the Spirit Abyss continent, just the smell of the tea could make one's throat bitter, only this kind of tea tree could withstand the drought and survive in the year of the great drought. Although the bitter leaf tea in the medical book is recorded as "have health and appropriate effect of the year", but really willing to drink it few and far between.

The door opened with a squeak, and in walked a young girl in yellow, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a valiant appearance.

"Uncle," she called out sweetly, walking behind Wang Jianshan and rubbing his shoulders thoughtfully, "How do you feel after meeting Miss Tantai?"

A satisfied smile appeared on Wang Mishan's face, out of the corner of his eye he flicked to the cup Pei Si Yan was using and said, "Tantai Yu has been biding his time for many years, Xiao Yan might be able to fulfil his wish, she is a woman who can endure hardship."

The young girl followed her uncle's eyes and exclaimed, "Amazing, she was able to finish the bitter leaf tea that you specially prepared for her, uncle? So, uncle, are you promising to help her?"

Wang Jianshan sighed long and full of emotion, "When Tantai Yu was young, why didn't she ever want to make the family business bigger? It is a pity that when the new emperor took the throne, the situation in the court was perilous and changeable, and many forces were squeezing, he simply took the opportunity to lose the battle, disguised as a mediocre generation, in fact, secretly enlisted talents, just waiting for the time to suppress the political opponents, but who could have expected that he would be killed by the assassin ..." said here, wang shimin shan's eyes instantaneously darkened, shaking his head, lamenting for this brother who has known him for many years.

I think years ago, the late emperor wrongly selected the crown prince led to the blue country in chaos, internal and external trouble, precarious. The current emperor was dissatisfied with his elder brother's mediocrity and incompetence, and his treachery and sycophancy, and forced the palace to seize the throne under the auspices of a group of courtiers. At that time, Tantai Yu also had some force, was rewarded, but the four auxiliary ministers have always been in the wind, Tantai Yu gradually unable to cope with the pressure from all sides, while a Feng Taishi's difficulties, the surface is willing to mediocrity, peace, in fact, is the deep hidden, but also for the daughter to lay a smooth road for the government.

However, after many years of hard work and dedication, he has yet to fulfil his wish, but he died.

Fortunately, Tantai Yu also has an intelligent daughter, today he saw more feelings in his heart, naturally, to do their best to help her together to complete the good brother's dying wish.

Similarly, it is also to give himself a new opportunity ...

"Uncle?" The young girl saw Wang Jianshan lost in thought and softly called out.

Wang Jianshan came back to his senses, "Linxiu, fly a pigeon to your brother, it's time to prepare the troops."

"Eh?" Lin Xiu was a little surprised, "Just after meeting him once, you're going to start preparations? There hasn't been any news from the imperial capital side yet ah?"

"The imperial capital's wind and clouds are about to change," Wang Jianshan smiled maliciously, "Lin Xiu, there are some things that need to be pre-empted, otherwise you're just sitting around waiting for death."

"Lin Xiu understands."

"Feng Yuanding ah Feng Yuanding, doing evil will eventually taste the bitter fruit!" Wang Jianshan said, heavily placing the teacup on the table, the cup could not withstand the tremendous force, "ping" sound shattered into several pieces.

Lin Xiu blinked, waves of light flowing in her eyes, "Uncle, I wish that you will soon take Feng Yuanding's head with your own hands to wipe out the shame!"

"Hey, when did I say I would personally take his head?" Wang See Shang turned his head slightly to glance at Lin Xiu.

"Uncle you ... "Lin Xiu was shocked, but she thought about it briefly and realised the problem and couldn't help but smile, "Lin Xiu admires uncle! We can indeed help Miss Tantai, but we can't do so openly, otherwise she will become a target, and with Feng Yuanding's current reputation and status, his head can only be taken by Miss Tantai."

Wang Jianshan did not reply, his eyes fell on the darkening sky outside the window, the smile at the corner of his mouth never receded.


Pei Siyan sat on top of the lobby, stretching pleasantly.

Food for the people, food problems solved, the people devoted to repairing water conservancy, did not expect within half a day to recruit enough craftsmen, a line of people carrying tools to the outside of the city. Although the weather is cold and snowy, but people are enthusiastic, the project is carried out in an orderly manner.

The plague failed to spread under the tight control of the doctor who came with them. The people returned to their homes and actively prepared food, water, tools and materials for the craftsmen, and Xiyan County gradually recovered.

Re-measurement of fields in the work of Lord Xu day and night labour, completed ahead of schedule, the data one by one detailed and accurate records. Pei Siyan roughly compared with the original dossier, Ge Ge's serious embezzlement exceeded everyone's expectations, has been a heinous crime.

She and several officials together to re-plan the land use, will be Ge Ge and other people embezzlement of the field back to the farmers, and reduce the tax, won the people loudly applauded.

Disaster relief rice was stolen things, on the surface Pei Siyan pretends to be mute to eat Huanglian have bitter can not say, secretly let away light dye intensive investigation, now can be sure is responsible for escorting certain soldiers were bribed, from the Qinghe County to the delivery of the Western Yan County on the way, take advantage of the people do not pay attention to and has been trailing the other fleet of cars switched.

And the mastermind behind the scenes to wait until more evidence is collected to reveal, Pei Si Yan think can make this kind of steal the pillar thing in addition to the Feng Taishi and Wu Li, no one else, only suffer from no evidence yet.

In a few days, when the successor of the assassin and the officials responsible for the follow-up work, Pei Si Yan can return to the imperial capital, counting unknowingly she has been out for more than a month.

Yun Qi could not bear to see the young lady overworked, advised: "Young lady, have a cup of tea and rest."

Pei Siyan took a look at the tea cup and associated it with the bitter leaf tea she drank in Wang Jinshan's room that day, the tea was really bitter, almost didn't let her spit it out, and then felt it was rude to swallow it, but her mouth had been flooded with bitterness, and it was only when she was forced to endure it that she was able to finish talking things over with Wang Jinshan.

"Give me a cup of plain water." Pei Si Yan felt as if there was another bitter taste in her mouth.

Li Qingyan came in from outside without the slightest sound under his feet, as if he was a ghost. He walked close to Pei Si Yan and offered something with both hands, "Miss, the thing is redeemed."

Pei Si Yan took the jade pendant that originally belonged to Mo Xuan from his hands, a wonderful and subtle feeling spreading in her heart, and the bitter taste in her mouth strangely disappeared. She was careful not to let her mood show on her face, examining the tiny crystal moist jade as if it was a priceless treasure.

Seeing the corners of Pei Si Yan's mouth slightly hooked up, Li Qing Dye frowned, "This is one of the heirlooms of the Mo Qi Villa, that Duke Mo was even willing to hand over such an important thing to the young lady, I'm afraid he has ulterior motives."

Pei Si Yan glanced at her subordinate and put the jade pendant into her bosom, saying indifferently, "Duke Mo is a jianghu warrior, what intentions could he have? It's just that he wants to help me who is in a difficult situation. Light Dye, it's you who is overthinking, right?"

"Miss, after all, it's someone who has never crossed paths before, it's better to be careful."

Pei Si Yan looked at Li Qing Dye's pair of eyes that seemed to always be clear and cold and sighed silently, her mouth responded, "Okay, I know." Anyway, it's not like she could follow around all day and twenty-four hours, what she did sometimes, Li Qingyan wouldn't know.

"However, you find a way to find Duke Mo so that I can return the jade pendant to him." She added another sentence.

"Yes, subordinate will do it as soon as possible." Li Qingyan said, finally stretching a little between his brows.

Pei Si Yan flipped through a page of the dossier and asked softly, "Didn't you go out around Xiyan County to check if there were any scouts trailing from the imperial capital? What are the results?"

Li Qingyan said, "A few days ago, there were indeed a few suspicious-looking outsiders, but they have recently disappeared."

"Oh?" Pei Shi Yan blinked, "Is it because they think I have no benefits to gain here so they all left? Fortunately, it wasn't during the days of the mouldy rice incident that they appeared, otherwise ... alas-"

"Miss," Yun Qi replaced the plain water and returned to Pei Si Yan's side, "The dossier you've been watching for half a day, take a break."

Pei Si Yan took the tea cup and nodded, "Good."

She was about to drink the water when a series of footsteps sounded outside, followed by a panting cry, "Lord Wuban, the imperial capital is coming!"

It was supposed to be someone coming to take over the position, was there a need to make a fuss? Pei Si Yan muttered and got up to greet him, seeing Shi Hui rushing in sweating profusely with a panicked expression, as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Da, my lord ..." Shi Hui came up for air, looking like he was not far from fainting, "It's ..."

"Is what?" Pei Siyan asked, it's hard to believe that it's the emperor's grand arrival that scared him into this state?

Shi Hui managed to calm his breath and said under his breath, "Lord Hong Pei, the Imperial Conservator, and Lord Tang Zanxian, the Junior Secretary of the Da Lisi, are here!"

"Hong Pei?" Some kind of ominous premonition rose in Pei Si Yan's heart, Servant Royal Historian Hong Pei of the Royal Historian's Office was a formidable character in the imperial court, relying on his clever mind and powerful mouth to impeach no less than fifty officials in just three years, most of whom were dismissed and investigated, and even lost their lives. One of the most famous cases was to send the Emperor's cousin Prince He to the prison, everyone saw it like a rat saw a cat, afraid.

And Tang Zanxian and Hong Pei is indistinguishable from each other, the aura of iron face and selflessness forever shrouded him, and Hong Pei two people to deal with the corrupt officials in the dynasty, and repeatedly solved strange cases.

Such powerful two characters both appeared in Xiyan county, if it is said that they are investigating Ge Ge's case, it is really a big use of a cannon to hit a mosquito.

So Pei Si Yan felt that they came from a bad place.

Although his own body official position is bigger than both of them, but neglecting anyone can't neglect the speech officer, Pei Si Yan hurriedly walked towards the gate, and saw two men in their fifties walking side by side, behind them was a long line of team.

"Lord Hong, Lord Tang ...," Pei Si Yan greeted with a smile.

Tang Zanxian looked at Lord Wuban indifferently and said in a loud voice, "Please, Lord Wuban, start travelling immediately and return to the imperial capital with me to be interrogated!"