
A Trap in a Lewd Dungeon

Have you ever wondered what would become of you once you died. When the last vestiges of your existence is wiped from the universe. Well if you have then you've thought more than I did. As I was what one would see and say that he only lived in the moment, chasing the most recent highs and wasting a life away in silence. Yet when it all ended I found myself in a black void, a voice telling me of wondrous things. Of people turned heroes by a mysterious system, of a place where all could happen. I was excited, to be able to become one of those but my luck it would seem had not turned as I was not to be one of those heroes but the opposite really. A villain, one whose only purpose was to be the stepping stones of a burgeoning hero. NO... NO I say to that fate I would not be just another common mob, waiting for my inevitable death. I had dreams beyond that, beyond anything that this damned system had made for me. I had died alone, with no one to mourn me, but most importantly I had died without ever knowing the touch of a woman. And it may have been for that very reason that I had overcome my limits, taking the power the system gave to me and jailbreaking it. Taking it upon me to be the lewdest dungeon. Instead of being the whetstone for a hero I would be the bad end. The final villain that none could overcome. Yes, that was to be my purpose. But why... why was I given such a body. I had become so cute, a body that would topple countries with its cuteness, I didn't want to be that, I wanted to be the muscular demon lord at the end of the road. SO WHY!

SpacesSnips · Fantasy
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233 Chs


I startled to the sound of a jet engine. It was loud, especially against my born anew ears. They were ultra sensitive to the sounds that it and anything else made.

Like turning the sound of a TV all the way up after only hearing it at a one. It was so loud that I actually had to cover the sounds that it made.

I found myself burying myself into Lilly's side, her arms wrapping around me. I took that chance to somehow roll myself over to the front of Lilly and bury myself into those heavenly breasts.

They were not big, maybe a bit larger than a handful but that didn't bother me at all. After all, all breasts are worthy of attention.

Especially perky ones like this, that squish against my face. I buried myself in them and found myself unconsciously bringing my arms further up Lilly's back than they initially were.

My hands started to massage at the top of her back.

I widened my eyes when I felt something. Or more accurately the lack of something. I had thought it a bit weird when I had found that I could feel her perky areolas against me but I had thought that they were just hard.

But from what I had found there was no strap indicating a bra, meaning that this Milf of a woman was going without one.

Gradually I receded from my grip and looked up to her in wonder and awe.

She was going tits free and I couldn't help but smile at that. Of course she didn't notice it as I hid my smirk soon after.

All she saw was a frightened kid at the loud noise. One that she brought her hands over and started to comfort me.

I couldn't help the smug look that found its way to my face. Of course Lilly wasn't able to see that though.

Eventually it all had to end as she gave me a bag and told me to carry it. I did and followed her outside the tent.

There was a whole section of the forest that seemed to be uprooted, replaced with a small runway.

One where a plane was currently turning around, a flight crew refueling and checking it.

I looked up to Lily and found that she was smirking at this. As if to tell me of her superiority. Or maybe it was aimed at the soldiers who looked supremely home sick.

Either way she was immensely smug. A look that I couldn't help but want to ruin.

There was something just so appealing at knocking that smirk off of her face and so I did.

Her face soon turned red and flushed as she looked down to me.

Me however, I just gave her my most innocent smile. All the while my hand reached into her thighs and tickled her. All veiled by an innocent smile.

She never even suspected that I did it on purpose.

Eventually we had reached the plane, the officers gave me a suspicious expression but it was quickly dealt with by a glare from Lilly.

I wanted, no I needed to tease them about it but I had to refrain from it so as to not attract any suspicion but still there was half a smug smile on me.

One that only I could see.

Though eventually it faded as I was sat on the plane, basic plane safety told to me by a deadpan pilot.

Apparently on a military vehicle there was no flight attendant.

I snorted, who knew.

The rumbling of the plane as it started to descend woke me from the daze that I was in. As for the first few hours I was satisfied with just looking out the window and watching the scenery.

But after that it got quite boring and I had to just give up on finding any entertainment. So lieu of anything to do I found myself getting the legendary lap pillow.

I could hear the salty tears of thousands of lonely men as I lay in her lap and took in the delicious thighs all while pretending to sleep.

Eventually though sleep did take me and it was only now that I found myself waking. And with the waking of my conscious I found my stomach rumbling in hunger.

I looked up and saw the flushed face of my 'mother' she was staring at me with a predatory look.

I found that super sexy but before I could do anything about it I yawned and found myself crushed in a hug.

Instead of complaining I just took advantage of it and bit at her exposed neck, my teeth sinking quite nicely into her.

I started to suck and suck some more. Reveling in the moans and taste of her body.

Eventually though I stopped as I was sated, only to be left with the sight of an aroused woman. She looked like she wanted to jump me right at the moment but she couldn't as the doors opened.

I took upon my innocent look that I was starting to really get used to. I mean I had been using it constantly for the past few days.

"Lilly…" A feminine voice said and I looked up only to see another beautiful woman. She was taller than Lilly, maybe six foot even or a bit shorter than that.

But what really drew me to her was her figure, she had full breasts with a figure to go with. Straight black hair that flowed down her back.

"I see you have taken in a…" She hesitated a bit, "toy, just make sure that this is not shown to the public and HQ will not take notice." She finally said after a bit of a pause.

"I will" Lilly had startled a bit after the accusation but quickly recovered. She waved to the person before introducing me as we set off in a nice car.

"That was my superior, her name's Sophia."


Yo it's the author again, as promised the second chapter. I got it done a bit later than expected as I was feeling a bit lazy after stuffing myself eating dinner, but I got it done.

As I said last time any power stones are welcome. So if you have any leftover send em my way.