
A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch

In this story, a regular guy from our world wakes up as a young Main Branch heir of the powerful Hyuga clan in the Naruto world. He's primarily interested in getting more power and doesn't care about right or wrong. He uses his knowledge from Earth and the Naruto show to get ahead, using his creativity & intellect to the utmost. As he tries to become more powerful, we get to see sides of the Hyuga clan and ninja world that weren't shown in the original Naruto story. He looks into the secrets of his ancestors and the Hyuga's eyes, and how ninja politics work, finding out things we never knew before & were left unexplored by the original author. However, gradually, along the way, he also meets new lovers, friends, subordinates, and enemies and challenges the way things are done in the ninja world - and also tries to unify it in the process and bring real peace around. . . . . . . . . The Patreon link with up to 60 advanced chapters there -----> patreon.com/hanma_jack . . . . . . . . * Amoral and power-oriented MC. Four female leads, two of them are full OC, but logical for the story & interesting. Read tags carefully. * Chapters may contain some parts where my own written words and existing structure are edited by AI to improve it slightly in quality. * The story will definitely deviate from the original plot and events mainly due to the Butterfly Effect. Timeline around WW3, Kakashi's, Guy's, Asuma's, etc, generation. * More fleshed-out, complete, logical, and realistic (dark) version of the Naruto world. So, slightly AU fundamentally at my discretion. High-quality English and writing.

Hanma_Jack · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

The Secret Chamber of The Hyuga Clan

As Hikari and the Patriarch navigated through the intricate network of hidden passages within the depths of the residence, they encountered several layers of protective chakra barriers.

These barriers were ingeniously designed, not only to prevent unauthorized entry but also to shield the room from any form of external sensing or Byakugan's surveillance.

Upon entering the chamber, Hikari was met with a sight that was both awe-inspiring and to some possibly 'unnerving'.

The room, an amalgamation of ancient heritage and advanced preservation methods, housed countless sealed and meticulously preserved Byakugan eyes of past Hyuga generations.

The Patriarch, observing Hikari's reaction, began to speak of the room's purpose with a solemnity befitting its significance,

"This knowledge is beyond the reach of ordinary clan members and even those well-read on clan lore like you. It is a privilege and responsibility of the Elders alone...", He explained, his voice echoing slightly in the hallowed space.

He moved with a deliberate grace, indicative of the deep respect he held for the chamber and its contents. As he spoke, he gestured towards the preserved Byakugan, highlighting the advanced preservation techniques employed.

"Each Elder lineage contributes to this collection, safeguarding the strongest Byakugan among their deceased, utilizing a method known only to my lineage. It's a critical duty of the Patriarch to protect this treasure.",

The preservation methods themselves were a marvel of shinobi ingenuity, blending ancient sealing techniques with modern technologies.

Specialized sealing scrolls and chakra-infused containment units maintained the integrity of the Byakugan, ensuring they remained potent and intact through generations.

This system, a testament to the Hyuga clan's technological and chakra-based advancements, underscored the importance of the Byakugan not just as a kekkei genkai but as a cornerstone of the clan's identity and strength. Hikari was truly stunned at this time.

"In rare cases...", The Patriarch continued, his demeanor reflecting the secrecy of the matter, "An Elder may choose a pair of these high-purity Byakugan to replace those of a lineage member whose eyes have not awakened or do not meet the Main Branch's standards."

As Hikari took in the room more fully, he was struck by its vastness and the palpable sense of history it contained.

The chamber, expansive in size, seemed to stretch out beyond the immediate reach of the dim, ambient lighting, suggesting that it extended even further into the hidden depths of the Patriarch's residence.

The sheer scale of the space hinted at its capacity to hold not just decades but centuries worth of the Hyuga clan's legacy, possibly dating back to the deep Warring States period.

Despite the outward curiosity and wonder on Hikari's face as he absorbed the sights of the ancient chamber, inwardly, his mind raced with intrigue and a burning desire to uncover the deeper secrets of the Hyuga clan.

Though tempted to activate his Byakugan for a closer inspection, he restrained himself, wary of arousing suspicion or betraying his intense fascination with the chamber's mysteries.

Hikari's keen understanding of fuinjutsu and the scientific principles of this world led him to speculate that the preserved Byakugan were not merely stored for potential transplantation.

He sensed that these eyes were part of a larger, more complex system—continuously channeling chakra toward an unknown destination or purpose. This realization sparked a flurry of thoughts in Hikari's mind.

The preservation of these eyes was likely contributing to a powerful reservoir of energy, intricately linked to the genetic legacy and residual chakra of countless Hyuga ancestors.

This chamber, Hikari hypothesized, was not just a tomb of the past but a cornerstone of the Patriarch's lineage's strength.

The continuous flow of chakra from these preserved Byakugan, combined with the genetic material they contained, might be fueling a secret mechanism or vessel—a source of immense power that could be tapped into by the Patriarch in times of dire need.

The existence of the Cursed Seals, long a contentious aspect of the clan's history, suddenly took on new meaning in Hikari's analysis.

Perhaps these seals served a dual purpose: not only maintaining order within the clan but also acting as conduits, possibly having a 'command' ingrained of channeling the chakra of Side Branch members to augment this hidden reservoir of genetic material in times of critical need, finalizing an intricate fusion.

The implications of such a system were profound, suggesting a level of preparedness for existential threats that the clan might have faced in its ancient history.

Hikari found himself at the precipice of understanding—realizing that the secrets he was beginning to unravel were tied to the very essence of the Hyuga's strength and survival.

As he stood in the chamber, surrounded by the silent testimony of generations, Hikari was more determined than ever to delve deeper into the mysteries of his clan.

Hikari's revelations within the secret chamber reshaped his understanding of the Hyuga clan's true might.

The clan, often perceived through the lens of its visible strengths and the prowess of the Byakugan, harbored secrets that could potentially redefine its standing within the broader shinobi world.

Speculating on the magnitude of power the Patriarch could potentially unleash through this ancient system, Hikari found himself at a loss. The scope and implications were beyond his current ability to fully speculate.

Conscious of the need to mask his internal storm of thoughts and maintain the facade of an uninformed newcomer to the clan's deeper mysteries, Hikari steered the conversation back to more general topics related to the clan's governance and traditions.

He skillfully navigated the discussion, keeping his tone light and inquisitive, all the while maintaining the 'clueless' persona he had adopted upon entering the room.

This careful balance allowed him to continue gathering insights without revealing the depth of his understanding or the intensity of his curiosity.

Eventually, the time came for their meeting to conclude. The Patriarch, signaling the end of their time together in the chamber. 

With a final look around the chamber, taking in once more the sealed Byakugan that represented both the clan's legacy and its hidden strength, Hikari followed the Patriarch out of the room.

They navigated back through the secret pathways and protective chakra barriers, emerging once again into the more familiar parts of the residence.

Hikari then soon stepped away from the entire residence, his mind ablaze with the secrets he had been just privy to and the role he would play in the future of the Hyuga clan. 

Up to 60 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!








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