
Sweet Anna

"You look horrible though" the dark haired guy said releasing Vee from his grasp.

"Leon" Vee breathed out. She couldn't believe he was here.

Leon Hartman had been Vienna's best friend ever since she was born. He was about four years old when she was born and she couldn't imagine another companion at that time apart from him. Their families were neighbors so they spent everyday together, bathing, playing, eating, literally everything. He had protected her from everyone while she was still a toddler, he wouldn't even let her own mother scold her when she proved stubborn. In high school no one dared come to trouble her, even then, after he had graduated, guys still kept their lips shut when it came to her. That was how tight they were. But everything changed when the Hartmans moved to New York during Leon's college days. That was the last time she saw him... seven years ago.

They still kept in touch throughout those years; texting, calling and sending photos. Gosh he didn't look anything like his photos. He looked better! Far better!

"Leon!" As if she finally realized herself, Vee wrapped him in her arms. He had promised to come for her graduation but she didn't actually think he was serious. Atleast one good thing had happened to her this day.

Camy looked in confusion at the two as she tried to remember where she had seen or heard this name from. Then she remembered how Vienna always talked about her first crush and childhood friend. She had only seen his teenage pictures because Vee felt too over protective to show her his current pictures. But she knew this was him. The resemblance was key, he hadn't even changed that much.

Camy smirked coming to a conclusion that maybe Vee was not yet over this guy, seeing the way she was hugging him. Atleast he would make her forget Easton.

"Ehem!" Camy coughed to get their attention and Vienna immediately released Leon.

"Hey" Camy said as she walked towards Leon while still smirking at Vienna. "I'm Camy, you must be..." Camy paused pretending not to recall his name that Vee had said just 2 minutes ago.

"Leon" Leon answered taking Camy's hand in his. "I've heard alot about you Camy."

"Aww! Vee told you about me!? And here I was thinking that Vee was just being a jealous girlfriend by not showing me your pictures"

Vienna's eyes widened in horror at Camy's statement. If looks could kill Camy would be roasted meat.

"And you must be Phina" Leon moved towards Phina who looked lost at all that was happening.

"Hey" Phina took his outstretched hand.

"Why are you at home?" Leon asked turning back to Vienna.

"It's a long story." Camy chipped in. "But we were just getting ready to go out. You should join us to celebrate" Before Leon could answer, Camy was already pushing him out the room door. "We'll be out in a jiff" she shut the door and turned to Vienna with a wide smile.

"Vee!" She shrieked. "Leon? Like the Leon" she emphasized on the 'the'. She then wiggled her eyebrows smirking again. "He's a hot piece of cake"

"Who's Leon?" Phina asked still confused.

"Oh he's the one and only future husband of our sweet Vee here" Camy answered hugging Vienna excitedly.

Camy was the only one that Vee told Leon about, she couldn't tell Phina because at that time Easton was in her life and she didn't think it was necessary bringing up an old crush. Camy basically knew everything, how they had been friends and neighbors since forever and also how both Vienna and Leon's parents had been planning their wedding even before Vienna was born. It was such a hilarious thing to talk about or remember but Camy still found it pretty cute.

"Stop it Cams. He's not my future husband."

"Sure he isn't" Camy said still smirking.

"So then who's he?" Phina asked. "Cause if you're not interested he certainly looks like eye candy to me" Phina smiled broadly.

Vienna didn't know why but she was suddenly glaring at Phina. Why did this girl have to be so bold with her thoughts?

'You're jealous Vee' her subconscious chipped in. But she shook her head in disbelief. Why would she be jealous? Ofcourse she didn't still like Leon. She was completely over him.

"He's just a childhood friend. Now are we crashing that party or not?"

Phina and Camy looked at Vee with smiles that could almost tear their faces. Oh no why did she have to suggest that. She certainly wasn't ready to face Easton just few hours after he cheated on her. And to think he didn't even follow her back to apologize.

"Eeeeiii!" Phina squealed. She rushed to Vee's closet and started to throw clothes out.

"Hurry up before she changes her mind" Camy said to Phina and held Vienna in place.

It was times like this that Vienna thought she had really chosen the wrong clique to move around with. How could one have two friends who behaved alike. Weren't each of them supposed to be different? But no, Phina and Camy still behaved like high school cheerleaders, getting excited and squealing for no reason.

Vee finished dressing and they went down to meet Leon. He was already occupied with her parents questions.

"Vee look who came to visit." Sasha Devel, her mum, chipped happily.

Vienna guessed that her parents probably didn't see Leon come down the stairs after Camy pushed him out, that could be the only explanation for why they were introducing him to her again.

"And honey, we heard what happened" her dad, Frank, said and came over to rub her shoulders.

Heard what happened? What did they hear now? This two were almost always wrong in whatever thing they were told or they saw so Vienna didn't give them much attention. Not until her mum agreed with him nonchalantly.

"He was never good for her anyways. She'll get over it"


"What? Honey you know I just want the best for you." Mrs Devel said trying to soften the blow her words had probably caused.

"Hey Sas- Mrs Devel." Phina corrected upon seeing the stern look on the woman's face. "Um, how did you know about Vienna and Easton?"

"You think we're some old couple who doesn't spend time on their phones?" Frank answered, clearly trying to boast.

"Wait Easton? As in Easton West?" Leon looked over to Vienna with an expression she couldn't fathom yet.

Before Vee could answer, Camy was already pulling her and Phina by the hand and pushing Leon out the door. Normally Vee would be able to atleast fight against this god of unlimited strength but she was too weak to do so. Was Camy gyming also? How was she so strong?

"We would love to stay and chit-chat but we have a party to crash." Camy said pushing all of them out the door and shutting it with a sigh.

"You are freakishly strong for a girl." Leon complimented.

"Pass. I have a boyfriend." Camy said and went over to answer a call as her phone was ringing. Leon looked at her in confusion as she walked away.

Vienna stared at Leon. God, she had so many questions but she couldn't ask him here, not with Phina standing with them. As if taking her hint, Phina asked for Leon's keys to go prep the car. And she left after he gave them to her.

"So..." Vienna started seeing that Leon wasn't ready to say anything soon.

"You grew bigger than I expected." Leon said, taking in the size of her body.

Vienna felt hot as Leon looked at her like that. With his intense dark eyes roaming all over her. She suddenly felt naked. She was only wearing one of her normal night outfit, a black singlet-hand gown which stopped knee-length and a slit that went all the way to her mid thigh- nothing unusual. So why was she suddenly getting hot, why did she feel like Leon could see through her clothes.

"Hey eyes up here rookie" she said wrapping her body in her arms as she suddenly felt a chill.

"What are you covering up?" Leon asked looking at her with one of his eyebrows furrowed in slight annoyance. "I would never look at you that way. I'm not pedo."

Vienna gasped in shock. What did he mean that he wasn't a pedophile. This freaking guy was just four years older than her, his beards and huge muscles weren't going to change that so he should get over himself.

"What is that supposed to mean!? You're just probably twenty five."

"And you're what? Eighteen?" It didn't sound like a question though seeing as he looked so serious with the words that just came out of his mouth.

"Um the last time I checked, you flew all the way from New York for my graduation. College graduation." She said emphasizing on the 'college'.

"And sweet Anna, who told you I came here for your graduation?" His right hand was suddenly on her chin with a stupid smirk on his face. Vienna wanted to wipe that smirk off so badly, a slap will probably suit him right now.

"Hey you guys let's go. Change of plans." Camy came, interrupting and walked towards the car.

Leon let go of her and started walking ahead. "You look cute when you're angry Anna."

Damn! What was with this guy and his words. She hoped he would leave as soon as possible. If he stayed here longer than her strength could carry, she was afraid her feelings for him would resurface. No she wouldn't let that happen.

"Anna!" Leon called honking the car. He was sitting at the driver's seat and the passenger door was already open for her.

And what was with him calling her Anna now? Gosh this boy was going to be the death of her.

"I'm coming geez" she said still taking her time to walk towards them.