

It is indeed a tiring day, so I decided not to arrange my things just yet. I hopped on my bed and closed my eyes, just a short rest will do.

I was really at peace with the world, closing my eyes while resting my back on the bed. It feels peaceful...and I kinda feel lonely after a while. Suddenly, I hear someone knocking on the door. I know this is not my roommate, because if it were, why would they bother to knock when they have their own key?

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I quickly twisted the doorknob and opened the door, the face of the dean's secretary suddenly appeared. Grinning, she handed me a piece of laminated paper,

"This is gonna be your schedule, tomorrow morning; you'll be going to the registrar to collect your ID" she explained. I nodded and thanked her.

I was about to close the door when she extended her hand to stop the door from closing. Her eyes met mine, which was full of curiosity.

"Oh, do you need something?" I blurted.

"Can I meet you at the garden at seven?" she asked. I look deeply into her eyes. And, based on her facial expression, she's...unsure of herself.

"But why?" I asked, confused.

"I want to tell you something" she offered, abruptly. I looked at her with a serious, quizzical expression.

I stop talking and maintaining eye contact. I want her to notice that I am not going to speak and I want her to explain why she wants to see me in the garden.

"This is important, Lara," she said, in a serious tone.

"Why won't you tell me now?" I asked with childlike frankness.

"Because everybody is watching" she whispered. I raised my brows and chuckled,

"Then why don't you come inside and tell me everything?" I implored. She fell silent for a few moments. Then, with a sigh, she sheepishly looked down at her feet.

"You don't trust me, do you?" She remarked, in an unfriendly tone, her eyebrows raised in a threatening way,

"Well, how am I expected to trust you when I don't even know your name?" She gasped, maybe she was surprised because I wasn't cowered by her threatening expression.

"I'm Alexa", she offered.

"Well hi, Alexa. Look, I am sorry but I'm not prepared to meet you in the garden tonight. Frankly, I don't trust you" I said while giving her a mildly sarcastic smile.

"Either you say what you have to say right here, right now or you're gonna have to wait for me at the garden forever" I added, firmly.

With that, she gulped and stepped back, I smirked at her, and quickly, and firmly, shut the door.

I placed my schedule on my study table beside my bed.

I sat on my bed in silence, reflecting. She's weird. Maybe it's just that I don't know her yet. But I must be careful, just as my dad had said.

I sighed and stared at my luggage. I guess I had to arrange my things now that Alexa had woken me up and ruined my rest time, not to mention, my day!

I stand up and go to my luggage. I unzip the bag and I'm surprised to see tons of letters. These are from my siblings. I know this because no one else would ever do this for me.

I smile, a bitter-sweet smile, and pick it up. I don't wanna read them; I know I'll burst into tears and that's for sure.

I collect the letters and put them on my study table. I take out my clothes from my luggage and arrange them. I grab my backpack and take out my laptop, tab, and phone. I even have one pack of notebooks for studying purposes, and a binder for school.

I place the gadgets and notebooks on the study table. I sigh when I realized that I forgot to buy pens and highlighters. Never mind, I'll just go and buy some later.

After I'd arranged everything, I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I am indeed tired but I have to make sure that everything will fall into place.

I jumped out of my bed and made my way through my cabinet. I had to decide what I should wear, now that I need to go out to buy pens and highlighters off-campus.

After preparing, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then suddenly, the faces of my annoying siblings popped into my head. I smiled and decide to call them later after I had taken a bath.

And so I did. After clothing myself, I called dad and asked him if I could FaceTime my siblings. As expected, their eyes are sore and they are faking their smiles at me.

"How are you?" Dad asked. I smiled and picked up my purse.

"I'm good, what about you?" I asked him back, I quickly tilted my head when I saw my dad's eyes. They're turning red.

"Oh come on, Dad. Stop crying"

"I can't help it, I miss you", he wept.

I gave him a big grin and he laughed. That's his favorite expression of mine, a big grin. It's because whenever I start grinning, the dimples on both sides of my cheeks are prominent.

"There, there. You're laughing" I joke. He nods and brushes his tears aside. His forehead creases when he notices my outfit,

"Are you going somewhere?" he asks, I look down at my outfit and nod.

"Yes, I have to buy pens and highlighters for class...and food for midnight snacks," I answered.

"Be careful, okay? That mysterious criminal is wandering around, he still hasn't been captured. It's dangerous", he reminds me. I nod and smile at him.

"I have to go, dad. I still have to ask people for directions"

"Alright, I love you, sweetie," he said, as he waved his goodbyes and ended the call.

Just as the call ends, the door suddenly flies open and two people rush in. I jumped in astonishment

Who wouldn't be surprised, when they were laughing their heads off, super-loud.

They stop laughing the moment they see me. It's a guy and a girl...oh shoot, are they gonna make out in this room if I weren't here?

"Who...are you?" The girl asked. I gulp and hold my phone tightly, I am nervous...She seems scary.

With her black, curly hair plus make-up that gives her queen-bee vibes, she may be a bully.

"I am...er… I’m Lara Williams" I introduce. She nods, her eyes wandering around the room.

"Are you our new roommate?" she asks. I gulp once again and nod.

"Oh my god!!" she shouts. Almost breaking my eardrums.

Both and the girl are jumping like little kids as if they're super-happy that I am here,

"Hi Lara, I am Zhena and this is Oli. We're gonna be your room-mates!" she shouted. The guy tries to calm her. In split second, the presence of the guy made her think something in particular.

"Wait, I thought it will only be girls!" I blurt.

"Ssshhh!" Zhena hushes me. I stop talking and wait for them to explain,

“Haha, don't worry! Oli is transgender and he doesn't have a penis anymore, so no harm" Zhena explains. I gasped as I hear about that thing this startling revelation.

“I shouldn't be surprised right?”, I think to myself. “It's not as if transgenders don't exist in here”

"Oh...my" I venture. Oli and Zhena both laughed out loud.

"So Lara...tell us about yourself!" Zhena asked. I smiled and give them a neutral, slightly puzzled face.

"I will...but later. I need to go to the supermarket to buy stuff"

"then we'll come with you!" Oli suggested, cutting me off. I raised both of my brows and agreed.

"Alright, if that's what you want," I replied, and they both started to jump with joy.

Honestly? I think they're childish. But I think I would probably love to be with them, they're super fun to be with!

When we reached the gate of the school, Zhena suddenly stopped me from taking a taxi,

"You shouldn't bother. Oli is rich, so he will drive us to the mall".

I slowly nodded my head and looked at Oli who winked at me and wave his hands, on which swung his car keys,

While waiting for Oli, my mind suddenly asked me… Okay, so how am I supposed to talk to them? Should I match their energies?... or what?

When Oli pulls up in front of us. Zhena and I quickly hopped in the car and we are on our way

After buying the stuff we need, Oli decides to treat us for dinner. He chooses a very expensive, yet crowded, restaurant in town.

Zhena shakes her head and looks at Oli who's now talking to some guy.

"That's the reason why he chooses to eat in expensive restaurants; because tons of hot guys are here" she explained and turns to look at Oli. Curious, I copy Zhena and turn to watch Oli, too.

He was surrounded by hot guys that I think are maybe some of our schoolmates.

"Oh my god, Lara!" Zhena whispered. I crease my forehead and turn to look at her. She's blushing while looking at me. It made me feel confused and nervous.

"What?" I asked.

"Tyler is looking at you!" she whispered once again, I raised my right eyebrow and turn to look back. There is indeed a guy who is staring at me. I smiled at him and turned back to Zhena who's covering her face.

"Who is that?" I ask, curious.

"That's the team captain of the soccer team and the campus crush! Tyler Smith! Oh my God! He's so handsome!", she replied. I slowly nod and shrug my shoulders.

The television in the restaurant suddenly turned on and that makes all the customers in the restaurant lookup.

"Breaking News. The mysterious criminal alias Joe was once again caught stealing food from a supermarket, Joe was wearing a red jacket and blue cap....."

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. I am so sick of listening to that news. This criminal is nowhere to be found and cannot be traced.

"It's on television almost every day, I am tired of listening to it" I commented while picking up the meat with my fork,

"Yeah, me too." Zhena then replied, we both smirked at each other.

"But guys, can't you see that the criminal is a hottie?" Oli suddenly added,

"Geez, why do you call him hot?" I asked in disbelief,

"Oli, every man is hot to you, duh?" Zhena then added, Oli rolled his eyes and smirked,

"Of course alias Joe is hot! Even the police stated that he's masculine," Oli protested,

"but that's the only hint they have" someone added. I quickly looked away because I heard that voice from behind me. It's Tyler; he looked down at me and winked.

I gave him an awkward smile. I turned back to my plate and started eating again. Gosh! His presence is giving me goosebumps.