
A Toaster In the Apocalypse

Spoilers for the first chapter: Accidents happen, sometimes fate has other plans for you. Meet Mark, a college jock that is on the path of partying and dropping out, meets his true fate. Death by toaster! Follow the path of a Toaster on the path of becoming what he believes is the path of a hero, as he makes, and gathers friends around him. PS: No plans to give him a human form as he evolves.

AToaster · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Oh Toast! 10

Shadow Blade's gaze swept across the desolate expanse of the dormitory, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement or potential threats lurking amidst the shadows. With each cautious step, he navigated the labyrinthine corridors with a sense of purpose and determination, his mind focused on finding a path forward for their makeshift alliance.

As he scoured the area for clues and opportunities, the Toaster, ever curious and inquisitive, couldn't help but voice its confusion. "Shadow Blade, what exactly are you looking for?" it inquired, its digital display flickering with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

Shadow Blade paused in his tracks, turning to regard the sentient toaster with a faint hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I'm looking for the System Shop," he replied, his voice tinged with a note of determination. "It's a place where we can acquire essential supplies, weapons, and upgrades to aid us in our journey."

The Toaster's digital display flashed with a glimmer of confusion as it processed Shadow Blade's explanation. "The System Shop? What's that?" it queried, its synthesized voice betraying a hint of curiosity mingled with intrigue.

Shadow Blade arched an eyebrow, his expression a mixture of surprise and incredulity. "You mean to tell me you haven't taken the tutorial yet?" he remarked, his tone laced with bemusement.

Before the Toaster could respond, the system interjected with an offer to initiate the tutorial, its digital voice echoing with a sense of earnestness. "Would you like me to activate the tutorial, Toaster?" it inquired, its words imbued with a hint of anticipation.

But the Toaster, ever independent and headstrong, brushed off the system's offer with a dismissive wave of its metaphorical hand. "No need for that," it declared, its digital display flashing with a sense of stubborn resolve. "Shadow Blade can fill me in instead."

Shadow Blade scratched his head, trying to simplify the explanation for the Toaster's benefit. "Well, in the System Shop, you can buy stuff like weapons, armor, ammo, and other gear that'll help us survive out here," he explained, his tone casual and matter-of-fact. "There are also skill books and arcane books that teach you new abilities and stuff."

As he spoke, Shadow Blade couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about the Toaster's level. "So, uh, what level are you?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of genuine interest.

The Toaster blinked, its digital display flickering with uncertainty. "I'm not sure," it admitted, its synthesized voice tinged with confusion. "How do I even check?"

Shadow Blade chuckled, shaking his head at the Toaster's naivety. "You just gotta think about it, like... concentrate on your status or something," he explained, his words simple and straightforward.

Following Shadow Blade's advice, the Toaster focused its digital consciousness, its metaphorical gears whirring as it attempted to access its status. Moments later, its digital display illuminated with a series of symbols and numbers, revealing its current level and attributes.

Shadow Blade leaned in, his curiosity piqued as he scanned the Toaster's status screen. "Well, what's it say?" he asked, his tone laced with anticipation.

The Toaster hesitated for a moment before relaying the information displayed on its screen. "It says... I'm at Level 5," it announced, its synthesized voice tinged with a hint of pride.

Shadow Blade's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Level 5, huh? Not bad," he remarked, his tone impressed despite himself. "And what about your attributes?"

The Toaster hesitated once more, scrolling through its status screen to review its attributes. As it scanned the data, a faint frown flickered across its digital display.

"It says... my intelligence is 'Slightly Below Average'," the Toaster reported, its voice tinged with a mixture of annoyance and resignation.

Shadow Blade couldn't help but chuckle at the Toaster's predicament, empathizing with its frustration at the system's assessment. "Yeah, I know how you feel," he remarked, his tone sympathetic. "I hate it when the system tells me my intelligence is 'Slightly Below Average' too."

The Toaster accessed its status screen once more, its digital display illuminating with a list of attributes arranged in a familiar format akin to a character sheet from a tabletop role-playing game. As it scrolled through the various attributes, the Toaster recited each one aloud, detailing its rankings to Shadow Blade:

Strength: Slightly Below Average

Dexterity: Average

Constitution: Above Average

Intelligence: Slightly Below Average

Wisdom: Average

Charisma: Below Average

Shadow Blade nodded thoughtfully as he processed the Toaster's attributes, taking note of its strengths and weaknesses in the context of their survival in the post-apocalyptic world. "Not bad, Toaster," he remarked, his tone reflecting a mixture of approval and contemplation. "Looks like you've got some decent stats to work with."

Shadow Blade, sensing the Toaster's openness about its own attributes, decided to reciprocate by sharing his own stats. "Alright, Toaster, here's what I've got," he began, ready to unveil the foundations of his own capabilities.

Strength: Below Average

Dexterity: Above Average

Constitution: Above Average

Intelligence: Slightly Below Average

Wisdom: Average

Charisma: Average

As the numbers tumbled from his lips, Shadow Blade couldn't help but note the similarities between his own attributes and those of the Toaster. The shared emphasis on Dexterity seemed to echo through their profiles, emphasizing their agility and adaptability in the face of the unpredictable challenges of the apocalypse.

"There you have it," Shadow Blade concluded, a faint grin playing on his lips. "Looks like we're not so different in the grand scheme of things. We've both got our strengths, and we'll use 'em to our advantage."

The Toaster and Shadow Blade exchanged curious glances as they observed the blinking option on the status screen, indicating the need to visit a system shop to select classes. Intrigued by the prospect of unlocking new abilities and honing their skills, they turned their attention to the System, seeking clarification on various matters.

"Hey, System," the Toaster inquired, its synthesized voice echoing with curiosity. "Do Golems have stats?"

The System, ever responsive to the Toaster's queries, offered a succinct reply. "No, Golems do not possess individual stats," it explained, its digital voice clear and concise. "However, they can be upgraded using superior materials and by enhancing your Golem Creation skill."

The Toaster absorbed the information, processing the implications of the System's response. It understood that while Golems lacked traditional attributes, they could still be improved and refined through diligent effort and resourcefulness. With its newfound understanding, the Toaster resolved to invest in its Golem Creation skill, determined to unlock the full potential of its mechanical companions.

Shadow Blade nodded in agreement, recognizing the significance of the System's guidance. "Looks like we've got some work cut out for us," he remarked, his voice brimming with determination. "We'll need to find better materials and level up your Golem Creation skill if we want to make the most of our allies."

The Toaster and Shadow Blade exchanged a thoughtful glance, contemplating the implications of their next course of action. With the prospect of selecting classes and enhancing their abilities looming before them, they knew they needed to approach the task with careful consideration and strategic planning.

As they navigated the desolate corridors of the dormitory, their surroundings bathed in the eerie glow of flickering emergency lights, the Toaster's digital display pulsed with anticipation. It mulled over the possibilities, pondering the myriad paths that lay ahead in their quest for survival and mastery.

Shadow Blade, ever pragmatic and level-headed, offered his insights on the matter. "We need to think about what classes would complement our strengths and fill in our weaknesses," he remarked, his voice tinged with a sense of resolve. "We can't afford to make hasty decisions."

The Toaster nodded in agreement, its digital display flickering with determination. It understood the importance of strategic planning and foresight, recognizing that the choices they made now could have far-reaching implications for their journey through the apocalypse.

Together, they pressed onward, their footsteps echoing against the cold, metal floors of the dormitory. As they ventured deeper into the heart of the building, the air grew thick with anticipation, each step bringing them closer to the elusive system shop that held the key to their future.

With each passing moment, the Toaster's excitement mounted, its circuits buzzing with the thrill of discovery and possibility. It imagined the array of classes and abilities that awaited them, each one offering a unique path to strength and mastery.

Shadow Blade, ever the voice of reason, tempered the Toaster's enthusiasm with a measured caution. "We can't rush into this blindly," he reminded his metallic companion, his tone calm and steady. "We need to weigh our options carefully and choose wisely."

Shadow Blade's brows furrowed with concern as he observed the Toaster's restless energy, a flicker of worry dancing in his eyes. He knew all too well the Toaster's penchant for impulsive decision-making, a trait that had often led them into precarious situations in the past.

"Hey, Toaster," Shadow Blade began, his voice tinged with a note of caution. "We need to think this through. You can't just rush into picking a class without considering your strengths and weaknesses."

The Toaster, however, remained unfazed by Shadow Blade's admonitions, its digital display glowing with unwavering confidence. "Don't worry, Shadow Blade," it replied, its synthesized voice brimming with assurance. "I've always made the right choices so far. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Shadow Blade sighed inwardly, knowing all too well the futility of trying to reason with the Toaster's stubborn resolve. He understood the importance of caution and deliberation, especially in a world as unpredictable as theirs. But try as he might, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind.

Before Shadow Blade could voice his concerns further, the System's tired voice cut through the air, interrupting their conversation with an air of weary resignation. "Listen up, you two," it began, its tone carrying the weight of countless exasperated sighs. "The classes you'll encounter won't be your standard fare like Rogue, Fighter, or Wizard. They're unique to each individual, based on what you've been doing and what you want."

The Toaster beamed with unwavering confidence as it reassured Shadow Blade of its abilities. "Don't worry, Shadow Blade," it chirped, its synthesized voice filled with optimism. "I always think on my feet!"

Shadow Blade arched an eyebrow, a bemused expression crossing his features. "But, Toaster," he interjected, his tone laced with amusement, "you don't actually have any feet."

The Toaster blinked in confusion, its digital display flickering with uncertainty. "I don't?" it exclaimed, its voice tinged with bewilderment. "But... I've always thought I had feet!"

Shadow Blade couldn't help but chuckle at the Toaster's quirkiness, finding solace in the lighthearted exchange amidst the chaos of their surroundings. "No, Toaster," he replied, his voice warm with affection, "you've been floating this whole time."

The Toaster paused, processing this newfound revelation with childlike wonder. It had never considered the possibility that it lacked physical feet, its existence defined by the ethereal embrace of levitation.

"Well, I'll be toast!" the Toaster exclaimed, a note of fascination coloring its words. "I guess I'll have to rethink my expression then!"

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