a new school and home was never a problem for Nic.But an old boyfriend who happens to be "Mr Popular " at the new school and him having a girlfriend and her being a sidechic was too much for a girl who was looking forward to a great Senior year of high school.Taking time to discover more about her purpose she finds love ,friends and rekindled relationships with her family.
The bell for the first class rang and the students were moving up and down in the hall , but since it was the first day after summer noone was interested in class as you could see the students chatting standing by their lockers. Only nerds were heading to class.
Nicolla being a new kid in town went to school with her mum who had insisted she wanted to see her settle in ,walked with her to the office to collect her schedule. Nic kept her head low not wanting attention on her at all. The office lady gave her her schedule and her mother left for her new job. Finally having time to look at her schedule she saw that she had a free period first...smilling at herself she murmed to noone in particular "how great can a first day be."
Looking at her map she went to the library that was in the first floor.The librarian was a redhead female who looked to be 25 years old. She was so into her book that she didn't notice Nic at first until she cleared her throat.The lady looked up and smiled "you must be new here , noone really stops at my desk to ask for anything,i am Imogen Hunter by the way",she said stretching her hand for a handshake." Uhmm my name is Nicolla Broden this is my senior year" .The redhead nodded and showed her to the study room.Before Nic reached the door she heard Ms Imogen say 'welcome to Westwood high' with a smile.
She returned the smile and forgot that the was walking and bumped into something and only saw it was a person when she heard an "Oww" .She got down to pick her books and the other person's mumuring a sorry only to bump their heads and this time instead of feeling pain the other person started laughing and Nic joined too.
"Hey are you the new girl people are talking about?",the boy asked giving Nic a hand to help her stand.She looked at him strangely and replied "when you say 'people are talking about' what do you mean?". "Ohh you know with the town being small and all people know each other here and we all know a new family moved here a few weeks back". Nic breathed out a sigh she didn't even notice she was holding thinking hell had started already, she gave him a smile and said yes and then continued to her seat .
The boy sat with her ,after a few minutes he said "my name is Alex Richwood but many people call me AR the psycho" ,he finished with a sad laugh. This got Nic curious so she voiced out her thoughts and asked and he did not reply for what looked like a long time but later on replied because they say i am a geek but to Nic he looked normal so she jus smiled and told him her name. They spoke about her previous and the club she would love to join in until the bell marking the end of a period rang .
"What classes are you in?"Alex asked and Nic passed her the schedule and he said "we have 5 classes together except for gym and history so lets go",and they walked to class