
A Tiring Journey

Colt Kasai, born (or rather, reborn) in a pseudo-Japanese household is a tired and easily annoyed individual that still tries his best regardless so that he doesn't become a burden to those around him..., which would only make circumstances more annoying, Though, he did possess a secret of his own and that was the fact that he knew the world around him, he'd read about it as a story in his 'last' life. Now, Colt headed to the Advanced Nurturing High School. Would his life be normal? Or would he get caught up in the games at play?

Dreizehnn ¡ Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

A Strange Individual

Undisclosed Location,

??? POV,


A sigh echoed through the dimly lit room.

Curtains covered the windows but the light escaping from the corners made it evident that it wasn't dark outside, at all. A single bed lay in the corner, though it hadn't been made at all with the covers and pillows scattered all over it. The floor was wooden and had a few things littered all over it, including but not limited to clothes, books, pens etc.

Certainly things one could step on by mistake and screech like a banshee from just how much it would hurt.

Amidst this..mess, of a room. A teenager could be seen sitting at a table, his eyes were slightly red and a cup of hot coffee, oozing steam, lay to his right, a lamp stood to the left shedding light on the opened book right below it.

Colt Kasai...was his full name, though more often than not, he refrained from even sharing it, going simply by his first name instead...

Why? Well obviously cause he was a reincarnator and it sounded strange as hell to have a Japanese last name to him.

Standing at a fairly good height, with a more broad rather than slim or 'thin' build, Colt had pitch black properly made hair that took a more lighter colour at the tips and piercing golden eyes with strange pupils that looked rather unique. One could certainly call Colt handsome or attractive but, his appeal was considerably reduced or increased depending on the person in question because of the slight bags under his eyes.

Well anyway, enough about his appearance, Colt had been 'born' to an English mother and a Japanese father making him a 'half' so to say, however, he took after his mother in the looks department.

All wasn't really great though considering his mother died when he was young and now Colt only had his father to support him.

The man was amazing and Colt respected him quite a bit, even if he'd felt a sense of unfamiliarity to his new 'family' in the early days before eventually coming to terms with it because there was no real way he could actually make it back in a non supernatural world.

Colt's 'mother' had married the man because, "Well he spoils me and stuff.." Colt slightly chuckled before sighing and flipping a page on his book, his mother was certainly something.

So anyway, he'd taken to seeking out easier.. more cheaper ways of education so as not to strain his father's financial status and noticed the 'Advanced Nurturing High School'. They promised a guaranteed entry into whatever college or line of career one was interested in post-graduation so that was certainly attractive.

Moreover, Colt knew the place on a more 'personal' level considering it was literally something he'd had a keen interest in in his last life. An anime, manga and light novel series he'd been all caught up with before his 'untimely' demise.

Musing over pointless things, Colt flipped page after page, running his gaze over every page at alarming speeds. Every word there was ingrained into his brain, never to be forgotten. His so-called 'cheat', whatever he saw once, Colt would remember with extreme detail. Though, being able to memorise stuff didn't equate to being intelligent so he wasn't quite keen on the stuff he'd get caught up in, eventually.

Of course, there was always the option to simply stay away from these kinds of things but, Colt wouldn't do that.. As much as he wanted to simply crawl into a hole and sleep, he couldn't deny the necessity of entertainment... besides, it was just something he couldn't let go.

Before he could think further however, the door to his room was veritably thrown open, colliding with his bed with a loud bang, "Good morning!" A loud voice made Colt cover his ears, clicking his tongues.

"It's fucking 8 or something!"

"8:35. Also, language!"

A smack landed on the back of his head making Colt wince and rub the spot that had been hit.

It was his father of course, Hiroto Kasai, dark blonde hair and a large figure with blue eyes, he wore a neat blue suit with a white shirt underneath and wore glasses, "Don't tell me you were up all night?" He asked incredulously, picking up the book Colt had been reading, "This is.."

A small strained smile, a number of veins popping out on his forehead, the middle aged man was annoyed, "Why are you studying now?"

"I was cramming it, now begone." Colt answered shortly, standing up with a small sigh as he scratched the back of his head walking towards the curtains, the teenager wasn't keen on getting lectured.

"Is that the way you should be speaking? Anyway, wouldn't it have been way less taxing to just space reading this out?" Hiroto threw the book to Colt who caught it, naturally, as his father, Hiroto was aware of his son's insane memory. The kind of memory that was thought to be just a myth or fictional occurrence.

"It's called procrastination. Something common among teenagers."

"I like how you just generalised it thinking it makes you less stupid." Hiroto laughed at his son before walking off, "Breakfast's ready, kid."

The relationship between the father and son was somewhat casual.


Two individuals could be seen having breakfast in the living room, sitting across from each other on a table that appeared to be enough for a full family. It was sad but it had been years, both of them had moved on... at least to some extent.

"I still don't get why you're so good at cooking." Colt slightly smiled, weren't women the ones that were supposed to be good at things like cooking?

"I can hear the feminists. Run my son.." Hiroto laughed again, dismissing the question with a joke, it was a question asked often so he tried to come up with new ways to answer it, "Today's the exam, they take an interview too which is pretty normal. Good luck and remember, if you suck just accept that you suck, no need to mull over it."

Colt chuckled at his father's advice, "That doesn't sound like encouragement."

"I know your shitty personality better than anyone." Hiroto simply shrugged, he was a single father so their relationship was obviously something not completely 'ordinary', still though, he knew his son was one hell of a, "Tsundere."

Colt froze up before giving out a long sigh, "You're never gonna stop that are you?"

"I'll stop when I die." Hiroto answered with a shit eating grin, even now, he knew full well that Colt was only attending such an 'academy' to lower the strain on him but would still never accept it were it to be brought up.

"Now I don't know whether or not I want you to stop."

"Stop with the cheesy stuff."

Hiroto slightly sighed, Colt did take quite a bit after his mother... His name was also chosen by her.


Wearing a black shirt and similarly coloured pants, Colt looked at the examination centre with tired eyes (lack of sleep), at the same time, his face carried a hint of annoyance and a bit of thoughtfulness, there was no way he was about to do his best here. It would collide with the ragtag plan he had cooked up on the way here.

A number of teenagers could be seen walking around in the area, probably here for the same reasons as Colt himself.

Only in the blinding sunlight could one see the small tattoo on the side of his neck, one drawn in a way that it looked like a puff of smoke more than anything.

"Let's do this I guess." He nodded to himself before taking a step forward.


How's it look?