

A feeling of shock washed over Alex so bad that he felt legs were about to give out at any second, he had to hold on the wall while his face displayed guilt, the guilt knowing that Noah died with so many regrets and self hate. 

Alex was about to leave, but before he took another step, he heard one of the men mention his number, the same number they marked his arm with when he first got to the camp. "The next one to use is 98288, and they said if this one doesn't cooperate willingly we get to put him in the oven." the guard said with a sinister and twisted smile plastered across his face.  Alex knew that he had to escape tonight, he held his breath, quietly trying his best not to make a sound and quickly tip toed far away from the doorway. Alex then noticed from the corner of his eye, a small hole he saw in the wall, then without another moment to think, Alex quickly ran to the hole arched his back, while bending his knees and curled up tightly into a ball until his knees could touch his ribs and to his relief he fit. Alex stayed in that uncomfortable position for about two hours, long enough for his feet to turn numb, and his back to start turning as stiff as wood.

When he stopped hearing the heavy footsteps of the guards feet he knew the hall was clear. Alex slowly and quietly stepped out of the hole, he could barely run but he didn't care he picked up running down the hallway as swiftly as he could not making a single sound. He passed by the guards as soon as they turned around and then he thought about Judy, he knew he couldn't just leave them to die there, he was not going to let another kid die. Alex snuck into the other side of the camp where they kept the women. 

Alex was nervous to attempt this dangerous escape, but he didn't care, all he wanted was to get Judy and Faye out of there, he wanted to fulfill Noah's last request and protect them. Alex patiently waited for one of the guards to use the bathroom, and it worked as well as he expected. Finally after 7 minutes of looking through the bunk rooms, passing all the broken souls of the women and half dead young girls he found Judy sleeping uncomfortably in her shelf. Alex stood over her unconscious body with a weak smile of relief. 

Then he remembered what he was there for, so he grabbed onto Judy's shoulders, holding her up, and gently shaking her awake. Alex in a panic, whispered. "Judy wake up."  "W-what. Alex? Wha..." before Judy could say another word Alex quickly put one dirt covered hand over her mouth and with the other hand he puts his index finger up to his lips, signaling her not to not speak.

 As Judy sat up, Alex whispers into her ear "I'll explain everything after we get out of here. Where is Faye?" Before Alex removed his hand, tears started running down Judy's face sliding over Alex's hand. A knot formed in Alex's stomach, realizing what happened to Faye . "How.. How did she die?" "Sh- She was sent to the oven because she was depressed. Too weak physically and mentally to even get out of her shelf, let alone work. Faye just gave up hope on everything including life itself. I- I couldn't help her, I tried so hard but.." , her eyes just dropped to the floor, as she thought about it. "It's not your fault. It's not anybody's fault she died. You shouldn't blame yourself about it, we don't need anyone blaming themselves right now, I should know I lost my younger brother aswell..." "Oh, Alex. I'm so sorry."Judy says looking up at Alex with wide eyes. "It's okay, cause I'm just now realizing, that it was never my fault either. I always thought there would've been another outcome. I always thought about the what ifs, but I should've been looking ahead in life and being thankful for what I had...like my parents". "I- I should've said I loved them more, instead, I just shut them out. I didn't even get to say goodbye.. And I might not ever get to. " As a single tear rolls down his sunken in cheek, with nothing but a blank expression on his face.

Alex feels Judy wrapping her arms around him, tightly in a warm embrace. After a few seconds of slight hesitation, Alex returns the gesture. Until Alex hears a low, booming siren filling the air as he saw from the slightly opened door. The two guards yelling at the one in front of the door in front of Alex and Judy. In a panicked manner Alex grabs Judy by the hand tightly pulling her with him out the door to make a run for it passed the loud guards, ducking right under the search light. Alex and Judy finally make their way to the very tall rusted metal gates, slowly closing. Alex, in one swift motion,  manages to push Judy out through the gates. Alex jerks back by a guard holding onto his arm, he looks back at the closing gates, turning back to the guard Alex kicks him right in the manhood with all his might making the guard scream out in agony and fall to his knees cursing loudley in german, at the very last second he slips past the gates right when they fully close shut. Alex and Judy don't stop they run as fast as they can, both ignoring the tightening pain in their legs and the now distant sounds of guns shooting behind them.