
Reasons for the call.

It was late when the Airbus touched down on the tarmac of the airport. Munah opened his eyes as Adah raised her head from his chest. Lily who was going through some files started packing up, and Adah sat up, adjusted her long hair, and turned to look at Lily who was tidying up her corner. They will move into the Reitz hotel where she will stay with Munah as well as Lily. The Reitz hotel is more than a five-star hotel as they pride themselves on being the best in the industry. They are highly patronized by the rich and renowned world leaders making it their destination any time they visit the country for any diplomatic meetings and conferences. Denson empire is one of those organizations that patronize their services and it was no mistake when Adah made it her first choice against her mother's wish. Lady Denson had wanted them to be at the home mansion but Adah had other plans as she pleaded that she will come over to the house on arrival which seem to have pacified her mother.

They came out of the lift and the female steward with the automated card quickly helped to locate their suites. Lily waved at Adah and Munah as she entered her room while they entered. Adah slumped into the soft couch in exhaustion, kicking her shoes off her feet and relaxing fully. She can smell summer and one thing she likes about summer is the freedom it brings and the confidence it shares with all. She looked tired and this her partner observed as he went to her. He massaged her head and shoulders as he gently unbuttoned her dress, he sat down facing her on the stool and rubbed her chest making her close her eyes. He removed her dress completely and folded the fabric before carefully placing it on the other couch before he resumed on her body. He rubbed her chest and gave it warmth and gently descended toward her stomach. She gave out a groan as he massaged her and after dealing with her stomach, he massaged her legs and thighs. Her feet were the last and he rubbed them back to life, Adah felt a great relief from the exhaustion, and she got up but he was not finished yet as he turned her around and massaged her back. Adah saw herself groan again as his hands touched the right spots on her back and when he was through, he undressed and carried her to the bathroom where he gave her a warm bath which was thorough before taking her to the bedroom. Adah was entirely speechless but enjoyed every moment of it, she felt a new wave of strength enter her body as she watched him unpack her luggage and brought out an all-red evening gown. He took his time and looked for the underwear which he also brought out as he pointed at them with a smile on his face. Adah smiled and rushed into his arms in total appreciation. she kissed him tenderly and looked into his eyes as her heart flourished with an untold amount of affection for him. As he went to take his shower, she decided to apply light make up after which she got dressed. The gown fitted her so well that she was shocked because the gown was a surprise gift from Munah after they came back from the site inspection. The dress was a perfect match and the beauty of it on her made it worth much more. She dried and brushed her hair allowing the natural hair to flow down in perfectness.

She was putting on her jewelry when Munah came out of the bathroom and admired her with great interest. He picked up his phone and decided to take some photographs. Adah was elated as she posed for him. They were still fooling around when the phone rang from the reception that a driver is waiting for Adah. They kissed lightly as she gathered her essentials into her bag and waved her goodbyes to him.

The driver introduced himself to her. He is from her father, The elderly driver needed not to say much to her as he opened the door for her. She entered and for the first time wondered why Munah agreed with her on going alone to see her parents. She felt empty all of a sudden and yearned for his presence. The driver came to a huge gate and honked while the gate was opened. He drove into the compound and parked in the garage. Adah came out and gazed at the house. This is the first time she is seeing the mansion and it looked magnificent. She walked towards the house and was approached on the way by two stewards. They greeted her with a smile and together they walked her to the door. At the door, her parents were there to welcome her with all smiles as well as the stewards. She felt happy as her mother took a closer look at her while her father went toward the wine cabinet. Mr. Denson took out four bottles of champagne, and he popped one open which spluttered all about amidst laughter, joy, and smiles. the drinks were served and Adah collected her glass of drink and sipped a little before turning to her father who held her hands tenderly. They discussed freely and Adah could see that he missed her. Meal time was announced by Mrs. Denson and the family went to the dining. They sat down and the steward served the meal which they all fell to at once.

"Welcome to the land of milk and honey," Lady Denson started with a broad smile looking at her daughter with a kind of interest that only a woman or mother could understand.

"Thank you, mummy. It has been all work for me." Adah replied softly as she ate.

"You look fine and I must appreciate your dress," her mother continued noticing the sparkle in the eyes of her daughter.

"Thought you will be coming with your team?" Mr. Denson asked looking up at his daughter.

"They look tired and I decided to let them be," Adah answered.

"How many?" he inquired as he cleaned his lips gently.

"We are just three with myself inclusive," Adah answered brightly while the father nodded in the affirmative as he turned to look at his wife.

"I called you because I want you to be part of history. What is about to happen needs your presence especially now that you are the chief of the empire and sole signatory of some part of our multinational conglomerate. We are on the verge of something big that will enshrine our legacy." Mr. Denson said while Adah listened with rapt attention.

" My bambino, you must know that in our world today, there are those who control the oil and gas, and others control precious metals such as gold, platinum, and silver. Some are great stakeholders in the entertainment and gambling industry but now we want to stake our control. Tomorrow, we will be bidding for the opportunity to control over seventy percent of the world's precious stone deposits." Mr. Denson said not looking at her daughter who looked up in surprise facing her mother who looked away saying nothing.

"But daddy there should be no need for this venture. We are super-rich with more than enough. moreover, there are a lot of investments under our control." Adah said looking at him imploringly.

"This is where you missed the whole point, your advice is not needed in this matter. I called you here because the bidding will be scheduled in German which only your mother can speak but not as fluent as I will prefer. Can you be of help to me?" He asked while Adah heaved because her German is simply average.

"I came with someone that can be of great help to you who is my Assistant, I think he will help out. Adah said while her father looked up quite elated at the information just received. Adah knows that she must support her father since this venture will give him great joy if achieved. Her regret now is that Munah is not with her.

" I will need every detail so that there will be a meeting with my team today," Adah said looking at her father who nodded.

Her father stood up and left the table while her mother wiped her mouth as she looked at her.

"You look happy and I like the sparkle in your eyes." Lady Denson remarked softly which almost caught Adah off balance.

"Thank you so much, mummy. Adah said.

" Is there anything mummy should know?" Lady Denson pressed with a smile.

"Nothing for now mummy. Adah said with an expressionless face.

" My daughter, I want to tell you that time waits for no one, especially ladies. They are like flowers so the right choice at the right time keeps their bloom in perspective." Lady Denson said looking at her daughter. She saw the gold on her finger and looked away seeming not interested to ask.

"Mummy, everything will be fine and I promise you that it will all end up in joy. Just pray for me." Adah explained with a smile.

"I don't want to wait for long. You are the sole heiress and successor of this empire. I want to hold my grandchildren and you are not getting any younger. You are twenty-five and still, need my prayers? What about the ones I have prayed to?" Lady Denson said looking at her daughter closely.

"Then I will give you grandchildren out of wedlock," Adah said looking at her mother.

"I forbid you to do that Adah! How dare you suggest something like that?" Her mother interpolated with a frown. Adah sat up and smiled at her mother who looks a little confused.

"I got a call from your former friend... "

Who can that be mummy?"

"Bami, he said you now have a fiance. He claimed to be disappointed at the choice you have made." Lady Denson said with a knowing smile looking at the surprise on her daughter's face.

"Mummy that's a lie from him and if I have one, you should be the first to know. Hope he told you that he is married?" Adah asked a little irritated. The surprise on Lady Denson's face was visible for all to see. They switched discussion as her father approached them and offered a flash drive to Adah who took it while he hugged her.

"All the information you need is there to see. All that I told you is the reason why I need you around. Work on your team and call me after the meeting. We need each other now." Mr. Denson said and hugged his daughter. They stayed and discussed together until a little after midnight that Adah was taken back to the Reitz Hotel at her insistence which in a way infuriated her mother.