
Lily's arrival

As they made their way to the airport, Adah relaxed fully on the soft seat of the Jaguar and pondered on the words that have been said between Munah and herself. She knows within herself that Munah is saying nothing but the truth. She wondered why life can be so unfair and unforgiven, the life and hardships that he had passed through is nothing but unfortunate. She does not know what it means to suffer nor had she experienced a hard life. Money is always at her disposal and whatever she wants and needs is there for the taking. Despite all the experiences that were not quite favorable, he still has that faith and undying belief that there is light and will always be light at the end of the tunnel. She closes her eyes and thought about many that may not be as fortunate as she is, many that still see twice a day's meal is as living in limbo, and many who depend on some kind of charity before smiling towards the heavens and shook with an untold kind of fear within her. She opened her eyes and stole a quick look at him and once again relapsed into her thoughts. She knows one thing unlike the first time with Bami, she from day one had no iota of peace within her. However, without any doubt in her from the first day she met him, and even now, she cannot hide it further and it burned like red coal in her heart. Adah adjusted on the seat and still felt uneasy as the thought burned within her very marrows. The last thing she will do is give herself away so cheaply. She knows that this will be a shocker but it still must be a secret to every ear. This is one news that will be the last to divulge even to her mother.

She remembered when she told her mother of Bami. Lady Denson had received the news with all joy and expectation. Adah was shocked because it seems as if she had done the impossible, she remembered that her mother will always inquire about Bami even inviting him for dinner at one time which infuriated Adah to no return. Adah only remembered that she looked like nothing but a cheap commodity waiting to be priced away. Moreover, Bami was too demanding and selfish, proud, and somewhat inhumane. To her, it was a shame to have identified with him, it was a past that when recalled brings nothing but regret and shame. She is always quick to let that experience go because it was never meant to be. Thank goodness, all of it is now in the past and what a splendid future there is ahead of her. She sat up and noticed that the journey to the airport still is far and sighed deeply.

" I will please beg you to be calm. we still have about an hour to get to the airport," Munah said as he negotiated for the bridge.

" Not quite, I am just tired," she started in her usual voice that looks like music to the ears.

"Just play with your phone in case you are bored," Munah said as he focused on the road and true to his words, she brought out her phone and checked her emails and social media accounts.

"Lily my friend is a lesbian and hope you are down with her sort of orientation?" Adah said turning to catch his expression.

"Quite interesting but it's her choice. I don't object to that since it's how she has chosen to be and live." Munah said

"I think she is coming with her friend," Adah' continued with eyes on her phone."

"Can't wait to see her," Munah said with a smile. He wondered what must have brought the ladies together. From what she has just revealed, it seems they are connected very well with each other despite their differences in thoughts and social orientations. Munah feels that Lily must have influenced Adah a lot but whatever the case, Munah feels that Lily in her way should be respected and for his boss to purchase a duplex in a very expensive and reserved area then Lily must be taken seriously. As he entered the airport gate and was cleared by the security, he searched for an excellent space in the parking lot. He found one and quickly parked before coming out to open the door for Adah who came out and first looked around the airport. She came to reckon that most international airports are almost the same in their construction. They walked the long way into the huge building. Adah knew all the procedures and was happy when it was announced that Lily's flight will not be delayed. As they waited patiently, a lady approached them and introduced herself which was no surprise to Munah. Adah denied being a Denson and concurred to being a look alike. She dismissed the lady who like other press men and women is always nosy.

Immediately after the huge plane landed, the occupants highlighted that it was not quite difficult to spot Lily. It took only a wave before both ladies were locked in each other's arms as if they have been apart for decades. After the visit to the immigration, they waited for the luggage. Lily did not come with much as only two big boxes were spotted. To Adah's shock, Lily did not come with her friend, Munah lifted the boxes which can glide on their own with little effort and after another security check, they made their way towards the car. Munah lifted the loads into the trunk of the car and opened the door for the ladies who went in and he also did the same before starting the car. He drove off with the hotel in mind. They have already booked a suite for Lily at the Petrash. The Petrash is a three-star hotel that is situated in the heart of Palm springs. Their services are quite excellent and the beauty perfect. Lily will be there for about three weeks till the duplex is fully furnished and ready for her to move in. As the young man entered the highway fully, he discovered that day is almost over. Darkness has started approaching and probably it will be nighttime before he gets home. The ladies chatted endlessly but even amid their chart, Adah was ever conscious of the young man who was at the wheels. She still felt his stare and presence and occasionally will glance to look at him. It was no surprise that they made it to the Petrash and Lily checked in fully with Adah ensuring that her friend is well settled in. While the ladies were at the suite, Munah relaxed fully in the car listening to the music from the car speakers. Seriously, Lily does 'not look like what she represents. Munah knew she is older than Adah and seem quite bossy and a snub but she is quite beautiful in her way. A look at her will expose her fully for she is not from this part and her accent is a giveaway. He likes her and it also seems that Adah listens much to her, from his perspective, Lily may not be a distraction but more of a guide to frail and beautiful Adah. An hour and a half later, the car door was opened by Adah who slumped into the car front seat and sighed happily before turning to look at Munah who sat up immediately looking a little embarrassed. Adah smiled happily as he started the car and turned towards the busy street. He is quite comfortable with Lily's composure and there is a strong attachment he sensed between the two ladies. While Adah looks reserved and introverted, Lily seems to be the direct opposite. Lily looks wild, and beautiful in her way. Adah is taller and more beautiful but Lily's approach to the issues of life distinguishes her outright from Adah.

With the little, he has seen of them, he has come to conclude that Lily will not be a handful despite her supposedly wild appearance. There is this calm nature of Adah that seem to control her even though Lily is the older lady. Munah wondered about what Adah told him of Lily and her sexual orientation, he still could not believe that she is a lesbian. He is not against her in any way, she is grown to make her decisions and be responsible for them.

The most interesting thing about the ladies is that Munah will not stop wondering how both of them managed to pull their friendship through. From the look of things, Adah seems to sacrifice more for Lily. Though Adah as is her nature will never say it. He knows it and probably Lily may be an orphan. Munah thought about the stigma Lily may have faced and the rejection, the hatred, and abuse that may sometimes be unwarranted, he knows that there are a lot of scars that are hidden behind that smiling face. He concluded that there may be more than meets the eye and Lily despite it all still has her own life to live.