
Adah's commitment

Munah entered the car and turned it on and as he reversed, Adah called his attention to his phone that was ringing. He stopped the car and answered the call which was rather a short one. He was quite elated that everything has gone according to plan regarding Adah's silver jubilee celebration. As he drove towards the main road from the sandy path of the ocean, he could not keep his eyes off Adah who noticed his constant eyes on her body. They got to the house and Adah rushed to the bathroom to clean up. She came out to meet her phone ringing, she ignored the phone and with the large towel around her body, she sat down in front of the mirror and plugged the hand drier. She was still drying her hair when Munah came out of the bathroom and came up to her, she stared at him through the mirror and smiled as he took the hair drier from her and helped to dry her hair perfectly. He also creamed her body after which she got dressed up before him. From what he observed, she looked happy and elated with a new radiance that he cannot explain. He finished his activities and not saying anything, he left for the kitchen. He was not that surprised when he saw the housekeeper preparing a meal. They greeted and she could not hide her appreciation for the way he has been with Adah irrespective of Adah's excesses and dangerous mood swings. They discussed for a while before he went back to be with Adah. Adah was looking at her computer with keen interest as he entered not to disturb her, he picked up his computer and logged in. Adah did not raise her head and he also bothered not to disturb her.

"The worker's union at the sugar factory has sent the report," Munah said looking at her. She turned to look at him but observed that he was facing the system.

"What do we do?" She asked without looking at him.

" Well, we have to look into their welfare. Remove the autonomy from the managing director so that the bureau of statistics can have control over the payment of their entitlements." Munah said

"These payments are not included in the budgets..." Adah pointed out emphatically.

"But the ones budgeted for were mismanaged and cannot be accoúnted for." Munah pointed out while Adah kept her cool sensing that Munah has more to say.

You can ask the bureau of statistics to effect an increase on their budget so that the excess that will be derived will be used to get them paid while the next budget will take care of it all since the increase has been affected." Munah explained trying to be thorough.

"You are right but I have my fears...something is quite wrong over there," Adah said softly.

"We have to act fast, give an order to get the management team investigated for financial fraud, then let the bureau release payments for the workers," Munah said turning to kook at Adah who seem to be in deep thoughts. She picked up her phone and called the director for statistics. They spoke for some time before Adah mandated him on what to do. He promised to do it first thing Monday morning. She even instructed him to be the one that will disburse the payments. As she finished speaking, she wondered if she is taking the right step.

"From the reports posted last year, the profit that was posted was quite huge. If this is the case why are the factory workers not pleased? I want to state that once the investigations are completed, let them be sent to you and not any disciplinary committee. Handle it in your way as the boss that you are." Munah said while she stood up with a soft sigh and looked at Munah.

"What do we do with our first contract? Palm sprigs assigned us to build a block of two thousand blocks of flats at Palmers and sunrise. The financial involvement is quite huge." Adah said going to the window. Munah looked up in shock and dropped the computer for two thousand blocks of flats is no child's play. Palm springs before doing that may have thought of the financial implications as well. He walked up to her by the window and held her intimately by the waist as she fully relaxed on him. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder as she leaned backward, and with her hands, she held his that was on her waist. Munah knew that she is in deep thoughts. They remained silent for some minutes each busy with thoughts. Suddenly an idea crossed his mind.

"Let's approach the banks to finance this project for us," he whispered.

"Which of them?" Adah asked rubbing his hands tenderly.

"Denson's empire has five commercial banks in this country with over two hundred and eighty branches still within this country. The empire has oversea commercial banks in other countries and you are asking from which bank?" Munah Said trying to make her see reasons with him. Adah turned at that instant facing him fully as she held him by his waist too.

"Your bank is going to finance you. it will be a loan from one of them. We are going to use the acquired loan to set up our construction firm which we will use to execute the project" Munah further explained as she smiled. She tightened her grip on him and held him as if he is her only refuge.

"Do you know that I have never thought about this?" Adah said with a smile as she realized that he was saying nothing but the truth.

"I think that's our best strategy to execute the contract and after the sale of the properties, we can pay the bank," Munah said trying to make her see the reasons for agreeing with the suggested plan.

"I will place a call to one of our banks in Europe to finance the payments of all the purchases of our machinery from Asia. Also, we are going to acquire another space for the construction company when the machines arrive, or do we use any of the empire's abandoned properties?" Dash asked looking at him and holding him to herself.

"I think that will save us some cost and give us a good head start. The director for operations should commence massive recruitment of laborers so that after the arrival of the equipment both the laborers and machines will move to the site. I will design the entire building plan, road network, and all." Munah said as his face met hers.

"Thank you so much, You do not know what you mean to me," Adam said truthfully. He just kissed her and said nothing. She will make the arrangement and within twenty-four hours she knows that the purchases will be made and the date of shipment announced. However, the two-hectare property that has been abandoned for over five years will be used as a base for the construction company and later she will beg him to divide it into sections and departments. This is his field and she knows that he will deliver. Adah knows that with his help and the engineers, the execution of the contract will not be a bad challenge since according to the terms of the agreements, Palm springs gave a time frame of eighteen months. She was elated at the speed at which everything is happening. She now has a registered construction company, estate management firm, a telecommunications company and only God knows the plans Mrs. Randolph will come out with concerning the agricultural sector of the Adah Denson group. Moreover, the capital spent so far is not even much compared to what she has budgeted. She was thrilled and could not hold back her joy, especially toward him, her only trouble is that he has not taken her and she could not stop yearning for the day he will take her and know who she is as a woman. Inside her, she cannot wait as daily the longing seems to be n the increase.

They later went out and walked toward the swimming pool as Adah could not leave him alone. He also held her the way she loves to be held. Munah yearned for a swim and did not hesitate to tell her. She waited as he rushed to get the costumes and in no time they were in the large pool swimming enjoying the freshness of the water. Munah watched her as she swam gracefully and could not take his eyes off her perfect body. Adah caught him staring many times and wondered at his stare which is quite unbecoming. They came together at the side of the pool and he held her. She allowed him and gave him the whole access. They smooched and she playfully escaped from his grip. He swam to reach her but she is quite a very good swimmer to catch. As he finally grabbed her, she shrieked with laughter and she kissed him again with a sparkle in her brown eyes.

"I have made my vow to you my love, I repeat it to you here again that henceforth I will never separate myself from you again. We remain inseparable. Call it an obsession or whatever, I am ready to now go all the way with you," Adah said as she leaned on him while he sat on the top stair that led into the pool.

"Adah I love you and I will continue to love you in new ways that will help me to love you till eternity. You matter a lot to me more than anything else. You are now the center of my life. You are more than life to me. Since you have decided to do this, I will live to treasure every moment of our togetherness." he said and surrendered to her embrace.
