
The Sword's Lacking - Part 7

"You are strong, Ingolsol, without a doubt," Claudia said, spirited by Oliver's refusal. "You could bend the world to your will, as mighty as you are. But you have never listened to that world, you have never felt your way around it, or attempted paths that were any less than a straight line. You thought those paths to be beneath you – and so your sense for this world we inhabit is flawed. Your power is your weakness. That is how we defeated you then, and even if you are to break free, we will defeat you again by the same mechanisms."

"Tsch, rubbish," Ingolsol said. "You take advantage of my own fledgling knowledge. I admit that I don't know as much as I ought to, for I have only recently been reborn. But your words hold no sway on me, Claudia, even if your resistance is admirable. I think, perhaps, when I take the throne, it will be your subordinance that I will cherish the most."