
The Return - Part 5

"We won't be able to fit all the boxes into this single carriage," Verdant said.

"Do you suppose you might be able to find another, then?" Oliver said.

"I can attempt to, my Lord, but at this time of day, I can imagine a good portion of them being busy," Verdant said.

"Blackthorn, we'll take a break. Verdant's off to find us another carriage," Oliver said.

"Apologies, Ser Patrick… I ought to have warned you about the boxes beforehand… If I went through, I could probably pick some that I could leave, but…"

"But you'd be leaving yourself without coin, right?" Oliver said. "Worry not, Harmon. We're in no real rush. There's a few hours before sundown, and that's our only real obstacle. You can take a minute yourself, if you want. Perhaps you can reassure your wife that she doesn't need to rush."

"I suppose I will, Ser," Harmon said. "I think she'll appreciate that."