
Body Against Mind - Part 3

There was a stone in her path, and it was with a great effort that Nila refrained from kicking it. She forced herself to walk upright and straight, like a noble Lady ought to. Even that action made her sigh to herself. That was another thing done to bring her closer to Oliver. Did it have any meaning in bringing her closer, when she could not even speak to him properly any longer?

"I wonder if that fool even knows how much I worried while he was away?" Nila thought. She'd seen that white stag in the woods, and she had thought that was it for Oliver. She'd been so certain that it was a sign of the Gods. It had taken all that she had to hold herself together, and to convince herself that such interpretations were irrational.

She was glad that she had, for once more, Oliver had come back to her. But whether that was because the sign wasn't true, or whether it was because Oliver had defeated the twist of fate that had led to the warning itself, she couldn't quite know.