
A Passing Breeze - Part 4

"Very well," Verdant said. "You two had better hurry off then, I expect."

Jorah gave a brisk nod, and a salute. "We will be seeing you then, my Lord," he said. Karesh hurried to follow suit, and soon enough, the two of them were sprinting away together.

"What orders do you have for us, then, Lord Patrick?" Came a voice laced with scorn.

"None," Oliver told the man. "From what Blackwell has seen in you, I can expect to find no use amongst your kind."

The retainer Thomas bristled at that. "You watch yourself, Patrick," he said, pointing a finger at him. "My Lord would not wish for you to have anything to do with the solving of his murder. He despised you. You're dishonouring a dead man."

"You dishonoured the living man," Verdant said back, the pale blue of his eyes sparkling with rage. "Why did it take you so long to notice your Lord's disappearance, mm? Or did you simply not care to look?"