
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Greatest Of Her Time

Undisclosed Location,

Samuel POV,

In an open grass filled field, a silver haired teenager could be seen kneeling down, touching the ground with one open hand as if trying to find something. An old man stood nearby, both hands on a staff, observing the teenager with a nice small smile on his face.

'What are you doing?' Echidna spoke inside Samuel's head, tilting her head in slight curiosity, what did he hope to gain by doing something like this?

"Taking a break." Samuel smiled, looking off into the distance with an apprehensive gaze, wandering around was completely useless and it was better to decide where to go first... The mission given this time was:


Current Members: 02

Time Period: Great War

Mission Objectives:

I) Acquire a Longinus Class Sacred Gear.

II) Side with one of three factions (Not mandatory).

III) Kill 1,000 enemy combatants (0014/1,000)/ Save 500 lives (43/500).

IV) Perform an act that alters the very course of the world. (At least for some time to come)

V) Best a Dragon King or Higher Entity.

Optional Mission: Find a Group Chat member.


The task given this time was somewhat outrageous, clearly more so than the one given last time and Samuel could think up a number of ways to go about it.

Samuel uncomfortably tugged on his burnt sleeve, "This is gonna suck." The lightning based attack the woman had thrown at him was blocked fairly easily, he'd built resistance to it too but, it had burnt away one of his sleeves up to the elbow joints.... He needed to find new clothes fast.

'Cheer up my dear contractor. You've saved 43 lives already.' Echidna softly praised, it wasn't difficult to understand that the Devils they'- The Jade Emperor had crushed would go on to kill 43 individuals in the near future, by killing them, they'd saved the lives of these individuals.

Samuel lightly laughed, sitting back and looking at the sky, he'd done nothing there at all. The credit went to the prideful yet amiable old God accompanying him, "I'd like to take my time as well but, this is a simplistic goal." Ohkwang rubbed his chin in thought, looking down at Samuel, "Killing a thousand of these worms is no difficult task. In the meantime, you should acquire the required item."

Ohkwang had spoken clearly, he wouldn't be taking any suggestions regarding this and wished to be done with it as soon as possible, he had other more urgent matters to attend to. Perhaps he'd take his time one day but for now, the Jade Emperor was focused on the upcoming God of High School.

"Gotcha." Samuel jumped to his feet, dusting off his clothes afterwards, "Take care of yourself alright?" He smiled cheekily at the God who laughed in response, "Yes yes, of course."

With that, the two individuals parted ways.

Samuel walked off towards the smoke rising in the distance while Ohkwang simply chose a random direction and started making his way through the fields, if the rest of the tasks were something to go by then it would be relatively difficult too. Depending on how much time the teenager took, Ohkwang could rightly judge his competence.


"Finally, the old coot went away."

Samuel was now a fair distance away from where he'd started and could see a village in the distance, the buildings were relatively shoddy with farming tools and livestock present in clear view.

But... All this wasn't important at all.

He wasn't the one that spoke.




Samuel froze in his tracks, recognising the voice as Echidna's, only, it hadn't come from inside his head, it had come from nearby, how was that possible?

"How in the name of?" The teenager's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and confusion, how was she speaking from outside? He looked around quickly, searching for the Witch of Greed.

".....You can't find me." Echidna giggled, "While it pleases me that you would search so earnestly were I to disappear, I can't leave.... Well, unless my soul was destroyed." There was clear ridicule in her tone... She was speaking the truth though, Samuel would just revive even if his soul was erased, she wouldn't. That would be the end of it for her.

"So where then?" Samuel, who had recollected himself rather quickly, asked as he treaded forward at a somewhat faster pace, knowing exactly where he was would play a very significant role in how he would go about this.

As for Ohkwang? Samuel wasn't worried about him, the old man had quite literally thrown planets at people that fought him so there wasn't much in DxD that could do him true harm.

Magic spiralled on his shoulder, forming a small twister of sorts that soon exploded in light making Samuel shut his eyes out of reflex.

When he next opened them, a laugh escaped his lips before he instantly turned the other way, holding a hand over his mouth to stifle the oncoming laughter as he ran through the grass field.

"Why are you laughing?" Echidna complained with a pout, her voice was higher pitched than usual.

"How can I not?" Samuel ran with a pensive smile, ignoring Echidna.... The mini Echidna standing on his shoulder grumbling with folded arms.

"This form is more convenient....." Echidna tried to explain why her size was smaller, "Stop smiling..."

Samuel did not stop smiling.

"I hate you."

The silver haired teenager's smile only widened upon hearing that, this was just too amusing to him.. That and.. Admittedly, this form was pretty cute.

"So you've found a way to make a body?" Samuel inquired, masterfully changing the topic, he'd learnt that the Witch would get engrossed in explaining things whenever she got the chance to .. well, explain something.

"Why would I do that?" Echidna slightly tilted her head, somewhat confused, sure not having a body to freely control was slightly inconvenient but, she didn't mind much. The payoff was far greater anyway.

"I thought... nevermind, how's this work?" Samuel asked with curious eyes, the village from earlier drawing near and near with each moment, he had started running somewhere along the way so it was only natural.

"Try swatting me." Echidna decided that she would explain not with words, but by having him see how it 'worked'.

Samuel complied, swatting his shoulder nearly instantly, only to be pleasantly surprised when his hand phased through the smaller sized Witch of Greed, "So it's-"

"A projection of sorts." Echidna finished his words, nodding with closed eyes and a smug smile, her hands at her hips, "This way, I can guide you with more ease." She was proud of herself,... I-It wasn't like it was just to help Samuel! This way offered a greater field of vision to her and greater ease in spellcasting!

"I do agree that this is more convenient." Samuel nodded his head in agreement, it was just more pleasing to the eye and far more comfortable as well, so he approved of it, "How though?" If she could do something like this, Samuel knew Echidna would have done it.

"The Devil Magic System is very nice to work with. I can project this just by imagining it then supplying magic energy for the process of making it work in actuality." Echidna held up a small finger, explaining with a smug smile.

"Huh." Samuel nodded his head in slight awe, Echidna was a rather impressive individual. Easily cracking a completely new magic system, converting atmospheric mana to it's prequisite energy and adding it to her already vast arsenal of magics, the Witch of Greed wasn't the greatest sorcerer of her time for nothing.


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