
a thousand thorns for you

Title: A Thousand Thorns for You Synopsis: In the enchanting realm of the bustling marketplace, Daisy, a spirited rogue with a penchant for mischief, crosses paths with Prince Dylan and his loyal companion, Kindsley. Their second meeting sparks a playful rivalry, leading to a daring wager: if Daisy can secure the coveted role of Prince Dylan's personal maid, she emerges victorious. As Daisy embraces the challenge, she unwittingly becomes the focus of Kindsley's hidden affections. Amidst the whispers of courtly intrigue and the allure of forbidden romance, Daisy finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and desire. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of palace life, Daisy's journey becomes a delicate balancing act between duty and desire. Along the way, she discovers the stirrings of her own heart, drawn towards Prince Dylan, whose own feelings for her deepen with each passing day. Set against a backdrop of magic and romance, A Thousand Thorns for You is a tale of love, loyalty, and the thorny path to self-discovery, where every choice comes with a price.

irene_isABC · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Daisy yawns and gets up from her bed ,it was A long night ,the book she read really gave her alot of headache but with thrill also. the room was really messy , ace dear bone was there ,the one that he took for a toy , the window was opened.she seems to have slept off , forgetting to close it . she puts her locks at the back of her ears ,she wonders if she has got a cold or something,but hopefully She was feeling okay,no sneezing or stuffy nose.

taking in the breath of fresh morning she walked off to the kitchen from her room and there was magather her mother busy in the kitchen making her breakfast .

'"My momma, she's the most selfless person I've ever known. She always puts others before herself, and I'm the lucky recipient of that love and care. Every single morning, without fail, she wakes up before the sun rises to make breakfast for me. She never forgets, no matter how busy she is or how tired she must be. She's always there, standing in the kitchen, whipping up a storm to fuel me for the day ahead.'

as she stared at her mother she couldn't help but worry inside.

'Her dedication and devotion are qualities that I admire and aspire to emulate. She's the first one to rise and the last one to bed, always ensuring that everyone in our household is taken care of. Her love is unwavering, and her support is unrelenting. She's the rock that holds our family together, and I'm so grateful to have her in my life.' once again she sighs within

'That early morning breakfast is more than just a meal; it's a symbol of her love and care. It's a reminder that I'm not alone, that I have someone who believes in me and wants me to succeed. She takes the time to make sure I have a nutritious meal, even when I'm running late or sleeping in. She's always thinking of me, always putting my needs before her own.

I don't say it enough, but thank you, Momma, for all that you do. Your unwavering support, your unconditional love, and your unrelenting care mean the world to me. I'm the luckiest person alive to have you as my momma. Keep waking up early, keep cooking up a storm, and know that I'll always be grateful for the love and care you show me every single day."she thought in worry and pray.

soon breakfast was ready , magather came from the kitchen with food .

"good morning Momma" a perk she gave to her mother

" morning to you too dear" and a perk her mother returned to her also.

with no waste of time ,she took her seat and began to have taste of her mother's heart felt breakfast.

As she lifted the fork to her lips, the aroma of the savory dish filled her senses, transporting her to a place of comfort and tranquility. She closed her eyes, savoring the first bite, and a satisfied sigh escaped her lips as the flavors exploded on her tongue. The perfect balance of sweet and spice danced across her taste buds, leaving her wanting more. She chewed slowly, relishing the texture and taste, feeling the stress of the day melt away with each delicious mouthful.

The world outside faded into the background, and all that remained was the pleasure of the present moment. The joy of a simple, yet satisfying meal was all that mattered. The clinking of silverware against the plate, the gentle hum of conversation in the background, and the soft glow of the candles on the table all blended together to create a sense of warmth and contentment. As she continued to savor each bite, she felt her worries and cares slowly drift away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility. The meal was more than just sustenance; it was an experience, a moment of pure pleasure that she would carry with her long after the plate was empty.

" momma the food his really delicious"

she said to her mother ,the food was really great it was literally the best taste of all dishes.

" daisyMy dear daughter, I'm so happy to see you enjoying the meal I prepared for you. It warms my heart to know that you liked the food I made with so much love and care. As a mother, there's no greater joy than seeing my child happy and satisfied." she gladly puts her hands on her chest

"When I wake up early in the morning to start cooking, it's not just about making a meal, it's about showing you how much I care. I think about your favorite dishes, the ones that put a smile on your face, and I make sure to include them in our meals. I want you to feel loved and nourished, both body and soul." her words came from the heart

"Seeing you take your first bite and savor the flavors, watching you close your eyes in delight, it makes all the hard work worth it. It's a moment of pure joy, knowing that I've been able to bring a little happiness into your life.

As your mother, it's my privilege to provide for you, to nurture you, and to watch you grow. And moments like these, when you appreciate the effort I put into cooking, make me feel grateful and blessed to be your mom.

So, my dear daughter, keep enjoying your meals, keep savoring the flavors, and know that with every bite, you're tasting the love and care that I put into making it. I'm so proud to be your mom, and I promise to always keep cooking up a storm, just for you." with delight she ruffles Daisy her.

"oh momma I didn't know you got much to say ,well I am happy that you are happy,and for that I'm going to finish the whole plate" Daisy said, giggling.

" uh what is left for you to finish? when all the food has been eating by your glutinous rice ball of a Tommy"

" come on momma stop ,my Tommy isn't big it is slender and just soft" she shows her Tommy for magather to see.

"I see it is as slender and as soft as a rice ball " magather teased , smiling to herself.

" seriously momma stop...." she purted like a straw Berry that was getting too red from blush.

" okay well I'm going to stop so now can you stop trying to kill me with your cuteness " magather said closing hear eyes with her fingers, laughing not wanting to see her daughter's adorable face.

" momma ha I can't take your teasing" grunting she {Daisy} hit her face on the table like a puppy.

"hahaha Daisy is it now... that you want to hide when you are done finishing your food,why don't you hide when your food was not yet finished" laughing magather walkes to take the plates from the table and went to the kitchen....

I'm tired the interaction seems quite boring in this chapter

maybe I should add fun and twist as it goes.....

irene_isABCcreators' thoughts