
A thousand kisses

Top_ff_writer · LGBT+
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4 Chs

getting information

Billy: it's not a crush

Aisha:then what is it?

Billy: it's just...

Sophie: it's a crush. I saw .

Aisha: what exactly did you see?

Sophie: I saw them talking. Billy was really shy. He was blushing the entire time.

Aisha: is that true?

Billy nodded

Aisha: who is it?

Billy: it's a guy. He's the captain of the basketball team at school.



Aisha: don't worry I'll help you

Billy: I dont know about that. He talks to me a bit and I don't want to lose it.

Aisha: relax! I've dated guys before. I know exactly what you need to do.

Billy: alright, fine tell me the plan.

Aisha: but first you need to tell me his name

Billy: it's Christopher. Chris for short

aisha discovered Billy's crush and is devising a plan to help billy get his crush.whats the plan and will it work?

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