
When a soul rests in other arms.

My journey was long, the nights where you were not were intense, everything in me was very destructive, but at the same time very naive, you arrived and embraced my soul when the shadow of the unknown was beginning to cover my life completely, many They need a light in their irremediable paths to move forward, I only need your immaculate presence and smile to understand that the paths of this life are not defined until you see and touch what you have always been fighting for ruthlessly and indirectly, It all started with a smile, a smile that for me was the most constructive of all, when I saw your smile I was able to see all the destructive ties that chained my life, when I saw your smile I did not smile with my lips immediately, but inside I felt the fleeting satisfaction of the change, a change that began by clinging to a feeling and a feeling that could not resist the never late seduction of love, now that I'm by your side I don't want to I have more icy winters, I just want to scream at you, to bottomless wells, to a shooting star, even to a match fallen in the deepest part of the ocean, for being with you I lost the talisman of my first loves, of my first kisses , and above all the false loves that always smell of danger and seem to have the second name of hell, now that I am next to you I am always cold, perhaps because I love your refugees and warm arms so much that there is no time in which cannot be without you, the night is very dark and treacherous, that is why I ask you to stay alert and do not allow your heart to sleep because if it sleeps it may be that fate betrays us and perhaps shows you a very different path from that we are traveling, the soul is strange and silent, therefore it is the law of love that we continue to enrich our crazy feelings, our handcuffed hands and our metal walls that only allow those who will do continuous good to our This indescribable relationship, just as the rainy land gives its womb, I also have my heart open to you, a person who has made me feel like an eagle in the clouds, like a young man who is addicted to his homeland, like an ambitious that he would not let his highest prize escape or be reborn, definitely what you have done to me is worthy of being classified as something magical, in me you nailed that silent phrase that remains alive even in the moments of departure and is remembered with a brief smile illuminating on the lips that opens the way to a love hope that only comes from the two of us.