
A love that could be

Perhaps time betrayed us, the perfect personalities of each one locked up and were no longer as implacable as before to be able to come together and make millions of stories out of our lives that would have in common the feeling so great that you and I would come to feel, without However, despite all those things that prevent you and I from creating a perfect bond, it is more than obvious that our looks, our striking way of treating each other and especially the smiles of people in love that we put every time we see each other, are only the preamble that opens the future bond so unforgettable that you and I can have if we turn into reality what our smiles reveal every time we meet and make each meeting something better than the previous one and thus we gradually form what It is the tension that two people have when they have signs of an announced infatuation, which can no longer be avoided and above all cannot be concealed from others because although we want to hide it, our words so willing to fall in love betray us and make unforgettable words sprout between you and me that only lights the extinguished torch that our soul has been waiting for a long time, in order to break with all the paradigms of time, the perfect personalities not found and to be able to open the way to that connection that existed, exists and will always continue to exist between you and me.