
48. It Is Time

I should be asleep already. Instead it's 2am and I work tomorrow. YOLO.


The Madrigal Trillizos were forty-eight when the candle shined brighter than usual one night, just before dawn. On the windowsill of Alma's bedroom, the flame seemed to almost pulse like a heartbeat. After a moment, the flame sent a visible wave of faint ethereal flames, washing over its current keepers and resonating within them.

"It is time."

Unbeknownst to each other, Alma and Mirabel abruptly awoke with a gasp, the words echoing in their minds. Instinctively, they knew it was the Miracle that had spoken to them, and it left them shaken. They only ever felt impressions through their Gift, never words.

Mirabel quickly ran out of her room, barely closing the door behind her before Casita was opening her abuela's door.

"Did you hear it?" Mirabel whispered, afraid to speak any louder. She found Alma already by the candle, her lips pursed as she nodded.

"'It is time.'" Alma repeated just as softly, reaching out a hand to Mirabel. Her nieta quickly moved to take it, both of them now staring at their Miracle. "Time for what, yo no sé."

Mirabel opened her mouth to say something, when a loud and violent CRACK made them both flinch. They stared in horror as a crack formed on the windowsill.

"No!" Alma mentally and audibly shouted as she reached for the candle, only for her bedside table to block her path. She took a step back, shocked. Mirabel quickly went to her side. "Casita?"

The shutters flapped in an easy manner, the tiles clicking a soothing tone, as if to say, "it's okay."

"Abuelita, what's happening?" Mirabel asked, frightened as she clutched onto her abuela. The feeling in her chest was calm, encouraging, but it contrasted sharply with the violent shaking as they watched the crack travel from Casita and into Pueblito, traveling down the cobblestone road that went through the center of town.

"I don't—" Alma sobbed, shaking her head. 'Why is this happening again?!'

"Mamá!" Bruno came bursting into her room, shocked to see his sobrina. "Mirabel? Juli, Mirabel's over here!"

"¡Oh, gracias a Dios!" Julieta cried as she ran into the room, taking her youngest into her arms while Bruno did the same with their madre.

"What's happening?!" Bruno shouted over the rumbling.

They could hear the panicked cries of the Encanto, and Bruno felt his heart drop at the sound. More of the family rushed into Alma's room, fear in everyone's eyes. They all flinched when a loud grinding and crumbling sound filled their ears. Dolores had to cover hers with her hands, the sound making her ears ring and head throb.

Slowly, the shaking stopped. Slowly, they opened their eyes and looked out the window. Slowly, their faces paled as they took in the aftermath.

A large, jagged trench ran from the candle through Casita, extending into Pueblito, and beyond. They all stared at it, varying degrees of horror on their faces.

One of the mountains that protected their Encanto, their home, had split down the middle. The two sides even tilted away from each other, creating a sizable gap.

Before anyone could react, softer cracking and grinding noises were heard. They watched, flabbergasted, as the crack through Pueblito, through Casita, began to close up. Finally, the frame of the windowsill the candle rested on fixed itself. Then there was silence.

"What the absolute fuck?"


"What? I can't say what we're all thinking?" The seventeen-year-old protested, trying desperately to hide how shaken he was.

"Your language, mijo." Félix chastised, rubbing Pepa's back. Clutching in her arms was a silently crying Antonio.

"Oh, heh. Perdón."

"Mamá, what happened?" Bruno asked again, looking between Alma and Mirabel, who was now holding onto her mamá.

Alma took in Mirabel's shaken countenance and took a deep breath. 'It's okay.' She reassured herself. 'This time is different.' Turning to her youngest, she met his worried gaze with one of confused calm. "I…I really don't know. I—we," she gestured to Mirabel, "were sleeping when we heard a voice and felt the Miracle calling."

Bruno's eyes widened. "A voice?"

"It was the Miracle." Mirabel whispered, catching everyone's attention. She had relaxed a little in Julieta's arms, and met her tío's gaze. "It said…it said 'It is time.'"

"It is time?" Agustín repeated, eyes wide. "Time for what?"

They watched as both Alma and Mirabel closed their eyes in concentration, the candle burning serenely in the background. Being the closest to the window, Isabela could see some of the townsfolk running their way. She bit her lip in worry, turning her attention back to her hermanita and abuela.

Finally, after a few tense moments, they opened their eyes again. Mirabel looked nervous, but Alma emitted a calm aura, one that Diego could tell was genuine.

Turning to her family, Alma told them what the feeling in her chest was telling her. "For us to grow."

Another concept the creators confirmed to explore. Woot.

Buenas noches.
