
46. The Man Of My Dreams

I really spoke too soon. I have once again encountered another road block *groans in frustration* I know how to fix it, it's finding the motivation and concentration to do so that's the issue. With that in mind, I'll likely post another chapter tomorrow and then they'll be sporadic again.


Anyways, enjoy!


Dolores Madrigal was nineteen when she fell in love. She didn't know what he looked like or his name (not for certain), but she knew his voice, and oh, what a voice he had. Every night, she would listen from her bedroom window as he read his poetry aloud.

The window was a new addition, one created by her wish to listen in. When closed, it afforded the same protection her room did for her ears, but when opened, she could hear everything again. She could hear him.

One hot afternoon, she met him, the two quite literally running into each other. She had been focusing on Camilo, trying to see what her hermanito was up to and if his latest prank involved her, when she rounded a corner in town, only to run into a solid wall of muscle. She squeaked in surprise, only to squeak again when she heard his voice, eyes wide.

"Ay, señorita! Lo siento!" He cried, arms going around her shoulders to steady her. He was taller than her—a rare occurrence, and had luscious black hair and a trimmed goatee. His brown eyes were surprised and he was…solid.

Very solid.

Dolores felt her face flush, and it took her a moment to realize he'd asked her something. "Uh, discúlpame, what?"

Her heart stuttered at his kind smile. "I asked if you were okay?"

"Oh!" She squeaked, "Sí, I'm okay. Gracias. Um, are you?" She pushed down the urge to tuck an invisible curl behind her ear. Her hair was up.

He let out a soft laugh and she just about swooned. "Sí, I'm fine. Gracias for asking." He patted her on the shoulder. "Take care!" And with that, he walked off without a backwards glance.

Dolores didn't even notice as she watched him, eyes wide, face flushed, and heart pounding. She had fallen in love with his voice, with his sensitivity and creativity. How he looked hadn't even crossed her mind, but…

'He's even more handsome than I imagined.'

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind her made her jump. Made her jump. With a squeak, she spun around, only to come face-to-face with a grinning Isabela.

Dolores felt her face flush even more as the next squeak came out strangled.

"His name is Mariano Guzmán." Isabela informed her a few moments later. The primas were walking down the streets of the Encanto arm-in-arm, waiting for Dolores' blush to fade.

"Mariano." Dolores mouthed. She had suspected, but sometimes she would guess wrong. She didn't want to guess wrong with him.

"He asked Mamá if he could court me last week." Isabela continued, and Dolores felt her heart freeze.

"What?" She turned sharply to her prima, eyes wide. 'How did I not hear this?'

Isabela side-eyed her with a knowing look as she kept walking. "I think you were napping when it happened." Dolores nearly vowed to never take naps again when her prima continued, "Don't worry. I turned him down."

Dolores paused. "Oh."

Isabela rolled her eyes, unable to keep from grinning. "You should see your face, Lolo."

Dolores couldn't even form a retort, she was too busy feeling relieved.

"He's the one, isn't he?"

"Hm?" She squeaked. Dolores let out a yelp when Isabela took a firm hold of her by the arm and all but wrestled her into an alley. They got a few looks, but once they saw who it was, the townsfolk shook their heads in amusement. They were used to the Madrigals' shenanigans. "Isa!"

"You know what I'm talking about." Isabela hissed, an excited gleam in her brown eyes. "The vision you asked of Tío Bruno—that's him, isn't it? The man of your dreams?"

Dolores bit her lip, a shy smile forming on her lips. Anyone else she would have been reticent in telling, but with Isabela—they were more like hermanas than primas. She only winced a little when Isabela let out a squeal before pulling her into a hug.

"I knew it!" Isabela gushed. "I knew when I saw you looking like a lovesick perrita the other day that you had found him!"

"I was not!" Dolores laughed.

"You so were." Isabela teased. "Even Joaquín noticed—that's saying something." Then, in a more serious tone, "So, when are you going to introduce yourself to him? I mean, obviously you didn't do so today. So, when?" A few years after getting their prophesies, Dolores had told Isabela what hers had been about, and the oldest Madrigal nieta had made it her mission to make sure she got her dream guy. She frowned when Dolores hesitated.

"Well, he's been…getting over someone."

"That was me." Isabela said as she rolled her eyes. "He's been moping all week, and smiled for the first time today, because of you."

"I literally just walked right into him."

"I think you should just—"

"Isa…" Dolores interrupted softly, her prima quieting instantly. "What if he doesn't want to be near you? I can't be with someone who's not okay with you."

Isabela's eyes softened and she gave her prima a hug. "That big dumb hunk—"

"He's not dumb—."

"—is not like that, but if you want to give him more time, I won't force you."

Dolores returned the hug gratefully, and the primas headed back to Casita arm-in-arm once again.

At twenty-one, Dolores Madrigal wondered if she had waited too long. She had grown comfortable, listening to him from a distance and having minor interactions with him every now and then. His poetry had drawn her in, but the more she listened, the more she fell in love with Mariano Guzmán. Somehow, he had managed to stay single for the past two years, which blew her mind. He was an absolute catch! He was strong, came from a good family, took care of his madre, was a romantic. It should be a crime for him to be single!

Yet that is what had lulled her into a false sense of security, as now it seemed she was going to miss her chance.

Ariana Nieves was going to confess to him at the art festival tomorrow.

"You're only too late if he feels the same way about her." Marlena said as she hung up the laundry, Dolores helping her. "Does he?"

"I don't know." Dolores said lowly. "He doesn't talk about that sort of thing aloud. Just his poems."

Marlena glanced at her sobrina and took in her despondent expression. Setting the clothes back in the basket, the blonde took her hands into hers. "Mira, Lolo, when me and your tío got together, there were a few people against it. Especially mi papá."

"What did you do?" Dolores and her older primas knew this story, at least some of it. They knew there was an argument between the twins and their parents which led to them living in Casita, but that was all.

"I followed my heart." Marlena said firmly, squeezing her hands. "Yes, it was scary, and yes, for a time I lost my family, pero your tío was and is totally worth everything we have been through together." She gave her an understanding smile. "You are such a sweet girl, Dolores, and I know you try to be as considerate of others as possible because of your gift, pero it is more than okay to be selfish sometimes. You remember your tío's vision, ¿sí? Make that first move, make him notice you. The rest is up to the both of you."

It was with that piece of advice in mind that Dolores found herself in front of the Guzmán's door. She wasn't alone, however, as Diego had felt her nerves and had followed her to make sure she was okay. Now he hid in an alley a house down and it was thanks to him that she wasn't shaking in place. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door as loud as she could handle.

Her breath caught when Mariano opened the door.

His eyes lit up in recognition, and she swore she heard Diego gasp. "Dolores, what—"

"Mariano, I…." Dolores took another deep breath before gazing up at him in determination. He seemed to be surprised by this, his eyes widening slightly. "You talk so loud I can recognize your voice anywhere, and I—I like it. You take care of your madre and you make her so proud, it's endearing. You write your own poetry every night before you go to sleep, and I've fallen in love with it." She swallowed, cheeks flushing. "I'm seizing this moment, so would you wake up and notice me!" She stared at him earnestly, and for the first time ever, she couldn't hear anything besides the pounding of her heart in her ears.

And then he smiled.

"Dolores, I see you." Mariano said. "I've always seen you."

Dolores squeaked. "What?"

He suddenly looked bashful, even as he boldly took her hands into his. "After we met, your prima told me that you liked listening to my poetry every night. It made me happy, pero you never…I thought she was just messing with me, though she kept insisting that she was telling the truth." He met her gaze. "I'm glad she was."

"Lo siento, I… I hear you, I really do." Dolores confessed, unable to look away from his eyes. "I just thought you needed time, then…I…"

"Would you consider being my date for the festival tomorrow?"

"I'd love to."

'I really owe Isa one.'

Back in the alley, Diego did a victorious fist pump.

I had fun writing this chapter, and I also had fun writing the next chapter lol even as I'm writing this, I'm thinking of new chapters to add and yup, I was wrong about there being 60 chapters in total lol

Someone, please send HALP

Until next time, ¡adiós!
