
41. The Family Madrigal

Idk what I'm doing anymore T-T I know how I want it to end, but getting there is SO STUPID! *grumbles incoherently*



The Madrigal Trillizos were forty-six when Antonio turned five. The young boy heavily took after his papá, what with his dark skin and caramel eyes and kind disposition. He shared his tight curls with his siblings. He was especially close with Mirabel, though that wasn't much of a surprise to anyone. Mirabel, like her primo Camilo, was great with kids.

A month later, a new door appeared in La Casita de Madrigal.

At fifteen-years-old, Mirabel Madrigal had grown into a beautiful young woman, both inside and out. Breakfast with her family had just finished, and she was on her way to get some last minute supplies for the big celebration while the rest did a few chores around the Encanto.

Dressed in a traditional white frilled shirt and a teal skirt, Mirabel had added her own touch to the clothing. Stitching their family emblem into the shirt, she then stitched a design that represented the traits of each family member.

"Mirabel!" A voice called from behind, and the named teen turned as she adjusted her green-rimmed glasses. She couldn't help but smile at the kids heading her way.

"Hola Alejandra, Cecilia, y Juancho." Mirabel stopped, waiting for them to reach her. "What's up, pequeños?"

"We heard that Antonio has a gift!" Alejandra gushed.

"What is it?" Cecilia pleaded.

Mirabel grinned as she started walking again, the niños following her like ducklings. "We're gonna find out tonight."

"What's your gift?!" Juancho demanded, a coffee cup clutched between his hands.

Mirabel's expression shifted into one that many saw before a Madrigal did something mischievous. "Who's asking?"

"Us!" They chorused.

"Well, Us," she mocked good-naturedly, gaining giggles from them, "I can't just talk about myself. I'm only a part of the amazing Madrigals." Somehow they had arrived at the mural that had been painted depicting her whole family at the perfect time, so she gestured to it.

"Well, then, what can everyone do?" Cecilia asked. "I can't ever remember, there's so many! Can you sing about it again, ¿por favor?"

Mirabel sighed dramatically, and they giggled. "You're not going to let up, are you?" They shook their heads and she chuckled. "Alright, Pueblito! Help me out!" Immediately, the cobblestones, roofs tiles, and shutters nearby began to click and slam together in a catchy beat. The villagers nearby shook their heads fondly, while some even joined in with their own instruments. This wasn't the first time Mirabel had been begged by the village niños to sing about her familia.

Mirabel started by pointing back at the hill where Casita stood. "Casita is our home, we've got every generation. So full of music, a rhythm of its own design." She did a little shimmy of her shoulders, the children following suit. She then pointed at the mural. "This is my family, a glowing constellation! So full of stars, and everyone gets to shine."

She then pointed at Alma on the mural, and Pueblito shifted the image a little to make it seem like the candle she held moved. "Oh! Let's be clear, Abuelita runs this show! Whoa! She led us here so many years ago. Whoa! And every year our family blessings grow—there's just a lot you simply got to know, so!"

"Welcome to The Family Madrigal!" The children sang along as more joined in. "This is The Family Madrigal!"

Mirabel laughed as she danced with Cecilia. "Where all the people are fantastical and magical, yeah, I'm part of The Family Madrigal!"

"What are their gifts?" Alejandra asked, playing along.

Before Mirabel could answer, Juancho butt in. "Just tell us what everyone can do!"

There was a pause before Mirabel plucked his cup of coffee away from him. "And that's why coffee's for grown-ups." Juancho smiled in apology and gratefully took back the cup, holding it close as he fought to not take another sip.

Mirabel then pointed at Pepa. "Mi Tía Pepa, her gift controls the weather! When she's unhappy, well, her little cloud gets weird." Then she pointed to Bruno. "Mi Tío Bruno, he sees the future! His emerald visions, can help you be prepared! Mi Tío Hernando, is always there to make you laugh!"

She pointed at Julieta. "Oh! Then there's mi madre Julieta, here's her deal, whoa! The truth is she can heal you with a meal, whoa! Her recipes are remedies for real!" Mirabel then stood proudly. "If you're impressed, imagine how I feel?" She winked at the kids and they all shouted, "OH!"

"Welcome to the Family Madrigal! This is The Family Madrigal!" The children cheered.

"I know it sounds fantastical and magical, but I'm a part of The Family Madrigal." Mirabel motioned up and down with her arms, her hips following suit. The children copied her and she laughed. "Three gente fell in love with Family Madrigal. And now, they're part of La Familia Madrigal."

She pointed at Pepa and Félix, and started from there. "So yeah, Tío Félix married Pepa, Tía Lena married Bruno, y Papí married Julieta, and that's how Alma became Abuelita Madrigal!"

"¡Vamos, vamos!" The niños cheered, and Mirabel wooped before getting a bit more serious.

"And we swear to always, help those around us. With the Miracle, that somehow found us." Mirabel sang this with care, the children hanging on every word. "The town keeps on growing, the world keeps on turning! Pero care and consideration will always keep our love burning! And every new generation is determined to keep the Miracle burning!"

"But there's so many of you!" Alejandra bemoaned dramatically, causing the others to laugh.

"Yeah, how do you keep them all straight?" Juancho asked.

Mirabel smirked. "Okay, okay, okay, okay! So, many kids in our house. So, let's turn the sound up, you know why? I think it's time for grandkid round up!"

"Grandkid round out!" The children, and a few adults, chorused.

Mirabel grinned as she started with Dolores. "Prima Dolores, can hear a pin drop. Camilo shapeshifts, Antonio gets his gift today!" She then pointed at Diego. "Primo Diego, can lift your mood up. Rico can hear a lie, Ofelia can tell you to stay. Then there's Milagros, mi prima who can teleport. She and Tío Nando were taken in, and they're here to stay!"

She then points to her hermanas. "Mis hermanas mayores, Isabela y Luisa. Both strong and beautiful, fearless in every way. Isabela, grows a flower and the town goes wild. Luisa, helps those around with her strong and sturdy build." She smiles proudly at the niños. "Together we are strong, can do no wrong!"

"That's life in La Familia Madrigal, whoa!" They all chorused, dancing in circles with glee. "Now you know The Family Madrigal, whoa!"

Mirabel spun in a circle, many of the niños following her. "Where all the people are fantastical and magical, whoa! That's who we are in La Familia Madrigal!"

The niños cheered as the song ended, Mirabel laughing along with them. She felt a tug on her skirt and looked down to see Cecilia gazing up at her. "¿Qué pasó, muñeca?"

"Will you finally tell us what your gift is?" She asked with pleading eyes. The other niños joined in on it.

Mirabel thought about it. For the past few years, she hadn't answered questions about her Gift by children that were born after her ceremony. Part of it was because it was fun to mess with them, but another part was because she was a bit worried there might be a strong reaction to it being brought up. Like when she was younger, there were still those who didn't like the power her family held. Shaking off her thoughts, she mentally shrugged, coming to a logical conclusion. 'It won't be a secret after tonight, they might as well hear it from me.'

Smiling softly, Mirabel placed a hand over her heart. "My gift is the Gift of Giving, just like Abuelita. Tonight, I'll be the one giving Antonio his gift."

There, I tried my best.

Until next time,
