
Chapter 7: new normal

Motto: Behind every dark cloud a silver lining

After getting out she came out naked and pushed me down on the bed.

Then as she went on top of me I said, "Cristina, you are making me not want to go to work."

She kissed me and I said, "We will have time for you to lust after my sexy body later."

"But I haven't had breakfast yet," I answered as she unbuttoned my shirt.

She exhaled and said, “Ok I am going to make my boyfriend breakfast."

"Boyfriend," I quickly asked her as she kissed me.

She stopped; she sat up and said, "I didn't want a one-night stand. Please tell me that wasn't the case."

I tried to contain myself but I burst out into laughter. She hit me and I laughed.

Then she said, "You need to stop playing around."

As she got angry I grabbed her and threw her on the bed. She screamed and I quickly went on top of her.

"So you don't like when I play with you," I asked her as I rubbed her clit.

She mourned and I stopped to make out with her.

Then as I sucked on her neck she said, "Weller you need to go and I have to make breakfast."

I eased up and she got up. She then kissed me and went to the bathroom. She then came back in my T-shirt.

Then she said, "I am going to go make breakfast and your lunch."

"It is my day off," I replied as I pulled up my shorts.

She was puzzled and said, "You never take days off."

"And I never normally wake up with you in my bed. But here we are," I answered as she smiled.

She then said, "I was planning to do girl things. And probably go shopping for lingerie today."

I then said, "I am going for a swim. And I will be out the way. Besides I have Funeral arrangements to plan."

With that, I went to the pool and she went to make breakfast, in my T-shirt and her panties. Jasmine came and sat down at the table.

Jasmine then smiled at her and said, "Mom, I didn't hear you come in last night."

Cristina then exhaled and said, "I got in late so I crashed in the house. Nick and I hang out."

"Oh, so you are the reason he is Michael Phelps. He won the Olympics with you and now he is running the World Championships," replied Jasmine as she texted Morgan.

Cristina chuckled and said, "Nick is a great swimmer."

Jasmine then said, "I have never known that man to swim. And he is doing a backflip out there. And listening to Classical music. The man listens to gangster rap. What did you do to him last night?"

"I did stuff with him. And I rocked his world," she quickly replied.

They then laughed and Philip drove in the Audi A3, as Jasmine's birthday present. He got out and went in. The security guard then closed the doors. There was a heavy security presence at my house. The guys were armed with Ak-47's.

He then walked into the kitchen and said, "Morning ladies!"

They then said, "Morning!"

As he sat down I got in and said, "Wow! That was a nice swim."

Philip looked at Cristina and asked, "You screwed him?"

Cristina then said, "Yes! I did. And it was nice. Is that a problem?"

As I laughed and dried off Philip said, "It is about goddam time."

I laughed and asked, "How are we looking?"

Philip turned and said, "All go for A.E., sir."

Cristina then asked, "What the hell is AE?"

I then exhaled and said, "Anderson Enterprise Inc. It is the new umbrella company I set up. It is going to be the parent company of all my businesses. It is to be headquartered at Anderson Towers, in Anderson Plaza. And when my daughter graduates from UWI. She is going to LA to run the American division until she earns her Law degree.

Then she can either stay there or come head up Anderson Entertainment Group. Your choice."

Jasmine smiled and said, "That is the best birthday present. That! And you too have been a couple."

Philip then said, "Actually he bought you an Audi A3. It’s parked outside."

He threw her the keys and she said, "Shut up! I own a car?"

I then said, "Yep! It is licensed and registered in your name. Everything is in the glove compartment."

She ran outside to it and screamed. We went out to see. She got inside and turned up the stereo with an afrobeat song.

Cristina then said, "Great, you are spoiling my daughter."

I smacked her on the ass and said, "Our daughter. And she will always have security behind her."

Cristina then asked, "For how long?"

"Until my father is 6 feet under," I told her.

Jasmine ran out and came to me.

"Thank you, dad. I love you," she replied as she jumped with Excitement.

I smiled and said, "This car is yours. And for now, you will have security with you 24/7. Your grandfather is dangerous and he has a lot of cops on his payroll. They will gun you down, for nothing. I don't want to bury you. You should burry me."

We all shared a laugh and she asked, "Do I get a party?"

I then said, "Do you get a party? It is an Anderson tradition. We are synonymous with partying under the stars. So I got that covered. But you are meeting your friends at the Jackson Mall. Shop until you drop, but get to the Anderson Community Center; by 6 pm."

Jasmine then said, "OK. Dad."

She then ran inside. We all laughed and went in. Earl then arrived at his warehouse. It was barred off by the cops.

Sam came to him and he asked, "How are we looking, Samuel?"

Sam then said, "They took 70 cars. Each had 30 kilos. They made off with $35 Million in cars. 2100 kilos of cocaine and they burnt the rest."

Earl then said, "This place valued US$ 3 Billion. It was one of our major plants and my first. And now it is gone. Do we have any leads?"

Sam then said, "The security system was down for repairs and someone left the back gate open. That's how they got in and out."

"Which means a traitor roams almost us. What else can go wrong," asked Earl to me.

"I wouldn't say that sir," answered Carmen Sands, my father’s Legal Advisor, as she walked to them.

Earl turned to her and asked, "What happened now?"

Carmen then exhaled and said, "I got served this morning by Joseph Matron. It seems he is the new owner of General Law. And Frank is no longer your wife's lawyer.

It seems she had a Will drafted."

Earl then quickly asked, "A will?"

Carmen then said, "Yep! And Joseph has it. And sources tell me that your wife had a secret meeting with him yesterday. And it seems your son was also invited to this party."

Earl then swallowed and said, "My wife owned 20% of Anderson motors and 40% is publicly traded. She always controlled and knew the shareholders, I don't. If Nicholas gets those shares. We are doomed.

Reach out to Joseph."

Carmen then said, "Joseph has a mountain of bodyguards and isn't corrupt. With that he honor, whatever is on the paper. So buying him or intimidation won't work. We have a meeting in an hour."

Earl and his security went with Carmen. I however had finished my shower and was getting dressed, why Cristina walked in.

"I am swinging by the center to tell the people what to do. And one meeting and I am all yours," I told her as I put on my White Sneakers.

She smiled and leaned on the door.

I then asked, "What's up?

"Nothing I am just watching you get dressed,” she replied as she leaned on the wall.

I smiled and said, "You never watched me get dressed."

She then said, "Well I already know what you have."

I laughed and she said, "But that is not why I am here. Candice is here."

"I wonder what she wants," I replied as I got up.

With that, I finished getting dressed in my blue tracksuit and went downstairs.

Candice Summers, the head of my legal team and the CLO of Anderson Enterprise Inc., then said, "Good morning sir. My condolences."

I exhaled and said, "Thank you. But, we need to take it a day at a time. Something Cristina, drilled into my head last night. Now Richard is working on the funeral so I have everything under control."

Candice then said, "I will do everything in my power to destroy your father's businesses and him legally."

I then said, "That man is dead to me. But, why are you here?"

Candice exhaled and said, "To discuss your mom's estate. We have been summoned by General Law."

I then chuckled and said, "My mother's legal affairs were handled by Frank General and his law firm, General Law. And Frank is a corrupt bastard that my father bought out, a long time ago.

My mother feared two things. One was my father murdering me and the second was my father. So she isn’t getting any will. My father would never allow that. And this is just a way for him, to mess with me."

Candice took out a letter and gave it to me. I took it and saw the General Law seal on it.

Candice then said, "This letter was delivered by Joseph Matron. And as of 9 am yesterday, he owned General Law. He got 17 corrupt lawyers in the firm arrested and disbarred. It seems he was your mother's new attorney.

I dug him up. He is..."

I interrupted her saying, "He is the former DA of New York. He is responsible for putting the entire Karloff Family in prison. They murdered his family when he was a kid and he joined the DA.

After their arrest, he became a business and corporate lawyer. He set up a practice and they defend Domestic violence victims, Rape Victims, Lawsuits, Estate Planning, Divorce, and Custody. I know all about him. But when did my mom recruit him."

Candice then said, "According to him, a year ago. They have been making moves. And now he wants you. Your mother left a Will and strict instructions to read it in the presence of you and your father."

"Oh, yea! I don't see that happening," I quickly told her.

Candice then said, "Joseph wasn't asking. So you are coming."

I then kissed Cristina and said, "I will see you later. I will go mess with people’s life."

She smiled and said, "I will be waiting in your bed. I want to be tamed when you get back."

I then made out with her. After I was finished I put some money in her bra and she laughed. I then left her. My father and Carmen however arrived at General Law.

The head of security said, "We will need you to turn in your firearms before you can proceed."

Earl laughed and said, "You have no idea who I am because you are probably new. So you don't know how it works around here. But, I was invited, and if you want to get home tonight. You will..."

Joseph then interrupted asking, "You will what?"

He then stood in front of Earl and said, "I have heard of you."

Earl then said, "Good. You know my reputation."

Joseph then said, "Two things I can't stand. Corrupt lawyers and Abusers. And you fit in both categories. You were once a lawyer turn gun salesman then turned drug dealer and lastly wife-beater."

Earl then angrily said, "Watch your speech. Your business could be over before it starts."

Joseph took off his sunglasses and said, "Let me tell you about myself. I was born Darren Buckley in Alabama. My mother ran a clinic. She helped anyone and everyone at her clinic.

She patched up a lot of drug dealers. She was respected and no matter the differences, gang members never kill each other there. In times of war, the clinic was a neutral zone for peace talks. She got the community together.

My father was a judge. And he was highly profitable and owned a chain of restaurants, The Judge's kitchen he called it. I was eight when the Karloff family came to town. They build a massive mansion next door.

They started a delivery business. With a little of the white stuff in the boxes. They bought up a lot of influence. But my father stood against them and my mother never treats any of their foot soldiers. They tried to put her out of business, by robbing the medical vans.

But there were a lot of good cops still in town. So we stayed and my father had people. So after two years, my parents were resilient. So the Karloff's, Daniel Karloff, and Nichole Francis-Karloff popped over for dinner. They offered my father $60 million and he turned them down."

Earl then said, "And the next morning he murdered your parents. I have read the story."

Joseph smiled and said, "But, you don't know all of it. The day my parents died, he shot them one by one. My mom, my father, my sisters, and my big brother. When he got to me I told him 15 years, that's how long you have.

He laughed. The great Daniel has been told he will live 15 years. He was distracted by an ice cream truck and I jumped through the window. I managed to get to my father's cabin. I got him, emergency exit kit. I spent 7 months on a boat and went to England.

Daren was dead and like in the bible, Joseph was born. Next four years of my life I worked in: Supermarkets, soup kitchens and did anything and everything to stay alive and have food. My father’s emergency kit had 25 grand. But I wasn't going to use it.

When I was 15 I gained a Rhodes scholarship. At that point I read every law book, I could find. I worked my ass off through university. Three years later, eight years down, I graduated top of my class Queen's Council.

I spent the next two years working globally. With that money wasn't an issue. I bought my house in Alabama and got back to my father's restaurant. At age 20 I landed a job as the Assistant DA of New York. Daniel lived there now.

My father taught me to aim big, so I got the Governor. He was a corrupt bastard and Daniel started knowing me. I spent the next three years knowing the Karloff's. I knew their victims, employees, corrupt people, and front companies. I started a firm, Determined Law.

They went after Karloff's businesses. We bought out a lot of law firms, well the corrupt ones. Your father-in-law and wife was my investor. By year four the Karloff's weren't so powerful. With that, I got my boss arrested for corruption. I became the new DA. I spent the next half of the year taking them out.

A year later on the anniversary of my family's murder, Daniel was sentenced to death. Along with his wife, 5 kids, and 7 cousins. In addition, some 200 cops were arrested, 47 politicians, and the rest you read about. The moral is that fear is a constant. And I have none.

Now, I loved your wife. But she married you, while she was pregnant with probably my son. And you forced her and now she is dead. Imagine what is going to happen now. So what are you going to do?"

I walked in and said, "He isn’t doing shit!"

My guys all had their guns in hand. With that, we swarmed the lobby like bees to flowers. With that Earl's men were stunned.

Earl then exhaled and said, "Fine. I will go. And leave my team here."

He then gave his guns to the Building head of security. He was pat-down. Then he and Carmen headed to the conference room.

My guys put their guns in and Joseph said, "Welcome Mr. Anderson."

"I am happy to be here," I replied as I shocked his hand.

He then said, "Your mother was a great friend and, a good woman. She would be proud of you."

I exhaled and said, "I know. Shall we go?"

He then said, "We will have to search for you."

With that, they searched me and found nothing.

"I left my guns. My security will remain here and I will go, with my lawyer," I replied as I buttoned my shirt.

Joseph then smiled and said, "Simmons, they are to remain on separate sides. If anyone tries anything, shoot them."

Simmons stood in the middle, with an AK-47, and said, "Gladly sir."

With that, we went up. We went in and Earl was seated. There were a lot of men in black suits and Joseph sat at the head of the table.

I then said, "Carmen, you look great."

"I see you are still a bastard," she quickly told me as I sat down.

I exhaled and said, "At least I am on the winning side. Or the leader of it."

Joseph then said, "OK. Ground rules. There will be no talking while I read and whatever is said here is solely off Anita McPherson's orders. The Will was typed by her and I have 14 people and CCTV footage to back it up. Now there will be peace, agreed?"

Earl and I then said, "Agreed!"

Joseph then opened up a file and picked up the Will.

He then said, "I Anita McPherson of sound body and mind declare on this day, November 9, 2012, that the divisions of my estate are true and just. I have worked every day of my life since I was 15 years old. I built McPherson International from the ground up. It owns all the rights of my vast Entertainment lifestyle and 220 personal movies.

Over the past three years, I have acquired 60% public shares of Anderson Motors Group. They are separate from my business empire. They are to be managed by the Vancouver Trust Inc.

Ownership of the trust company is to pass to my granddaughter, Jasmine Lucia Anderson, the day she turns 18. The trust is to be managed by her mother, Cristina Sundews.

McPherson International Inc. will be inherited by my future daughter In-law, Cristina Sundews, the day she married my son, Nicholas Michael Anderson. She has always had my son and has taken care of him as me. With that, I am giving it to her as a wedding present.

If anything befalls her before she is married to my son, it should be passed to her daughter. If she dies it should be scrapped and sold. Then the money goes to various charities.

My US$ 950 Million stock portfolio, 20% shares in Anderson Motors Limited, my 27 properties, 20 vehicles, $300 Million bank accounts, and my 5 000 acres of land are to pass to be my son, Nicholas Michael Anderson.

Nicholas has been the executor of my estate ever since he was born. His name is on all my bank accounts. Everything else that I owned is to be transferred to my foundation, Anita McPherson Memorial Foundation.

This is to be set up and help women of rape and domestic violence. It is to remain independent of my son and Earl. It will be managed by General Law. With that, I finished by saying this to Earl. It is to be read exactly as is.

I will be buried by my funeral home, Heavens Funeral Directors, Crematorium & Mortuary Llc. My body will be cremated and my ashes buried at my favorite tree on Chestnut, now owned by Nicholas Michael Anderson.

Earl is barred from Chestnut and everything on it belongs to my son. Earl is not to be allowed to return to the property.A team of South African Mercenaries is currently eradicating your men on my property.

By the time this is read it would be too late. Earl, you are a sick and pathetic man. I am sorry the day I ever loved you. I am never going to give you the satisfaction of killing my son. You are horrible in bed and for the record, my son never murdered Sharon, I did.

I brought her into this world and it is only fair I took her out of it. She was going down the same road as you. She is exactly like you, an envious person. With that, I took her out of it. I stole your money and sent my son to England, not Graves.

And you aren't Nicholas's father. But he is an Anderson, unlike you who is a bastard. His father is going to help him fight. You will get a kick out of it when he reveals himself and DNA evidence proved it but he is the only child. In addition, my son will destroy you, for me. Nicholas, I love you and never let this clown or his stupid schemes entrapped you. See you in hell Earl."

He then put it down and I started laughing. With Joseph pushed a copy to Earl. He read through it and crushed it up.

I then said, "Dam! I feel better now that my mother has given me an order."

"Wipe that smug look off your face. Because this isn’t going your way," replied an angry Earl to me.

Joseph then said, "There will be no shooting at the funeral, on Sunday. And I have a lot of powerful friends coming. So?"

Earl got up and said, "I will get back my shares or there will be consequences."

I got up and said, "Well, I guessed I will be using my new toys. And I have the ports in my pockets, so see you around."

He exhaled and angrily stormed out. The security followed him.