
A Thief Reborn

Kardo, the former leader of a notorious gang in Quiapo, finds himself in a strange new world after being shot during a botched robbery. As he wakes up in a foreign room with a naked woman lying beside him, Kardo realizes that he has been transmigrated to the magical realm of Faerindor. With his newfound strength and agility, Kardo discovers that he has become a rogue in this new world. He sets out to explore his surroundings, meeting various magical beings and encountering different dangers along the way. As he navigates this new world, Kardo realizes that his skills as a street thief and gang leader translate well into his new profession as a rogue. He uses his wit and cunning to outsmart opponents, and his expertise with weapons like guns and daggers to defeat enemies. However, Kardo soon realizes that the consequences of his actions in Faerindor can be far more serious than in his previous life. With powerful magic and ancient prophecies at play, Kardo must tread carefully and choose his allies wisely if he hopes to survive in this new realm. As he begins to uncover the secrets of this magical world, Kardo finds himself drawn into a greater conflict that could determine the fate of Faerindor itself. With his natural abilities as a rogue and his newfound magical powers, Kardo sets out to become a hero in this new world, even as he struggles to come to terms with the loss of his old life and the mysteries of his transmigration.

Torchlansky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Level Up

As Kardo walked through the dimly lit streets towards the inn, his mind was racing with thoughts of the task that Lirien had given him for the Shadow Guild. He couldn't help but feel like he was being used as a pawn in a much larger game.

Kardo took a deep breath and tried to clear his head. He knew that he needed to focus on the task at hand if he wanted to prove himself and gain the trust of the Shadow Guild. He pulled out the slip of paper that Lirien had given him and read it again.

The task seemed simple enough on the surface: steal a precious artifact from a merchant who is connected to a rival gang that is holed up in a rundown building on the outskirts of town. But Kardo knew that there was no such thing as a simple task when it came to the Shadow Guild.

As he continued walking, Kardo couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He glanced around, but the streets were empty. He shrugged it off and continued towards the inn.

When he arrived, he took a seat in a dark corner and ordered a drink. He knew that he needed to lay low for a while and gather more information about the rival gang before attempting to steal the artifact. He also knows he needs some preparation to accomplish the job.

First, he needs to increase his level as a rogue. He knew that, compared to the criminals in this world, his status is very low and his skill is mediocre. That must have been the reason they used him for this job, because he is dispensable.

Second, he needs to learn more skills. He noticed he had some passive skills but not so much in combat. Acquiring a skill or two that will help him fight or flee in times of crisis is a must.

Lastly, he needs some gear that will aid him in protecting himself and a good weapon for combat. The dagger in his bag is too simple to depend on in case there is an encounter in the future. Darian's equipment must have been stolen by Lirien when she poisoned him.

As he sipped his drink, Kardo noticed a group of rough-looking men at a nearby table. He couldn't help but wonder if they were somehow connected to the rival gang. He decided to eavesdrop on their conversation to see if he could glean any useful information.

Kardo sat back in his chair, pretending to be absorbed in his drink, as he listened in on their conversation. He couldn't catch everything they were saying, but he heard enough to confirm his suspicions—these men were definitely connected to the rival gang.

Kardo finished his drink and left the inn, determined to gather more information and complete the task that Lirien had given him. He knew that the Shadow Guild wasn't to be trusted, but he also knew that he needed to prove himself if he wanted to survive in this dangerous world. He has a plan, and he will use all his wit and skill to put it into action.

Kardo waited patiently outside the inn, watching for any sign of the rival gang members he had seen and heard earlier. After a few minutes, he saw two of them emerge from the front door and begin walking down the street.

He stayed a few steps behind them, keeping his distance and trying to blend in with the other pedestrians on the busy street. He kept his eyes on the two men, watching their every move and trying to anticipate their next move.

As they walked further away from the inn, Kardo began to feel a bit more confident in his abilities. He had always been good at tailing people, and he had a feeling that these two were no match for his skills.

But just as he was beginning to let his guard down, one of the men suddenly turned around and caught a glimpse of him. Kardo froze in place, hoping that the man hadn't recognized him.

For a few tense seconds, the man stared directly at him, his eyes scanning over Kardo's face. Kardo's heart was racing, and he was sure that he was about to be discovered.

But then, to his surprise, the man simply turned back around and continued walking. Kardo breathed a sigh of relief and continued following them, making sure to keep a safe distance this time.

After a few more blocks, the two men finally entered a small building and disappeared from sight. Kardo hung back for a moment, observing the building and trying to figure out his next move.

He knew that he had to find a way inside, but he also knew that he couldn't risk being seen. He used his skill to open the door at the back, then used his stealth skill to go inside the building unnoticed. He searches the area for any signs of the two.

He found one of the rival gang members sleeping in a corner and the other one trying to open a chest. Kardo knew that he had the element of surprise, so he quickly attacked the man from behind using his dagger. With his strength, he knows he can dispose of him easily because he is defenseless with his back to him, but he decides against it.

Kardo moved silently towards his target, watching him carefully from behind, and now was his chance to strike. As he lunged forward to deliver a swift blow to the back of the man's head, the rival gang member spun around, catching Kardo's arm and wrenching it backward.

Kardo grimaced in pain but quickly regained his footing, and the two of them circled each other warily. The man was bigger and stronger than Kardo, but he was also slower. Kardo knew he had to use his speed and agility to win this fight.

The man charged at Kardo, swinging a meaty fist towards his head, but Kardo ducked and weaved around him, delivering a quick kick to the back of his knee. The man stumbled, and Kardo took advantage of the opportunity to land a few quick jabs to his ribs.

The man grunted in pain but didn't falter. He swung his arm in a wide arc, aiming for Kardo's head, but Kardo sidestepped and tripped him, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud.

Kardo quickly scrambled on top of the man, pinning him down with his knees. The man struggled beneath him, trying to throw Kardo off, but Kardo held firm, raining down blows to his face and chest.

Despite the man's size, Kardo's speed and tactics were too much for him to handle. Soon, the man lay unconscious on the ground, defeated.

Kardo's heart raced as he heard a faint sound in his head. It sounded like a notification tone from his phone. He stopped in his tracks and looked around, but he was alone on the dark street. Suddenly, his system interface appeared before him.

"Congratulations! You have leveled up!" it announced in a cheerful tone. "New rewards are now available to you."

Kardo felt a surge of excitement as he opened the rewards section. He had earned some gold, experience points from his recent battle, and some attribute points to increase his abilities.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[System Interface]

Name: Kardo

Job: Rogue

Level: 2

Experience Points: 50/100

Health: 120/120

Mana : 60/60






Aura (10)

Attribute Points Available: 5 points

Active Skills:

Stealth (Level 2), Pickpocketing (Level 1), Open Lock (Level 2)

Fatal Strike (Level 2)

Passive Skills:

Dagger Mastery (Level 2)

Critical Rate (Level 2)

Observant, Persuasive, Agile



50 gold coins

Map: Uncharted

Quests: None are available at the moment.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He looked at his system interface, seeing that he had gained a level and was awarded five attribute points. He knew that these points could be used to increase his strength, agility, intelligence, or other stats, but he wasn't sure yet what was best for him to improve.

Kardo decided to hold off on using the points for now and take some time to think about what would be most beneficial for his next task for the shadow guild. He closed the interface and took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline slowly dissipating from his body.

Kardo quickly searched the unconscious gang member's pockets, finding a few coins and a crumpled piece of paper with some writing on it. He quickly pocketed the coins and unfolded the paper to read it. It was a list of names and locations, and Kardo immediately realized it was a hit list of sorts.

Just as he was reading the list, he noticed a strange ring on the gang member's right hand. It looked like it was made of some kind of dark metal, with a symbol etched into it that he didn't recognize. Curious, he carefully removed the ring and examined it closely.

As he held the ring, he felt a strange sensation in his hand, almost like a faint pulse. He quickly put the ring away in his pocket, unsure of what to do with it just yet.

Kardo carefully approached the chest and examined the lock. It was a standard lock, but there were some scratches on the mechanism, indicating that the gang member had been struggling with it for some time.

Kardo retrieved his tools from his belt and began to work on the lock. He listened carefully to the clicks and felt the resistance of the pins as he manipulated them. After a few minutes of focused work, the lock finally gave way with a satisfying click.

He slowly opened the chest and peered inside. It was filled with various items, including a few valuable-looking gems and some expensive-looking jewelry. Kardo quickly pocketed the gems and jewelry, knowing they could fetch a good price.

But then he noticed a strange book at the bottom of the chest. It had an eerie, otherworldly quality to it, and he couldn't resist picking it up. As he did, he felt a strange energy pulse through his body, and he knew that this book was no ordinary item.

Kardo quickly pocketed the book and closed the chest, leaving it as he found it. He then began to search the gang member's belongings more thoroughly, finding some more coins and a few scraps of paper with notes on them.

As he walked out of the building and back into the bustling street, he couldn't help but think about the dangerous path he had chosen to take. He knew that working for the shadow guild was risky, but he also knew that it was the only way for him to survive in this new world.

Kardo walked down the busy street, keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact with anyone who passed him. He knew that he needed to keep a low profile and not draw any attention to himself, especially with the rival gang members still out there looking for him.

As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that he was playing a dangerous game and that any misstep could cost him his life. But he also knew that he had to keep moving forward and take risks if he wanted to survive in this new world.