
A teenager girl's harmful first love

Farzana_Mimi · Teen
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8 Chs

In the dining table

It's around 7 am, her mom was telling her to wake up. "Mom, please 5 minutes more"-Syona. "Wake up, dear. We have to go to your principle. I have called your principle, Miss Eli.za"-Monica. After hearing this, Syona said to her mom, "Ok mom,I am getting fresh." "Ok,Dear.I am waiting for you in the dining table.Get fresh soon"-Monica.

However, Syona got up.Then went to the bathroom to get fresh. Suddenly she got frightened because of the previous day's incident.

Somehow she got fresh. "Mom,Sorry for previous night. I was actually depressed that time. I wanted to be alone for sometime. Mom, i am missing dad badly. Why had he left us? He was angel of my life. I cannot talk properly with anyone. I just listen but don't answer. Nowadays my studies are ruined. I don't feel concentrated on studies. Gradually my grades are becoming low. I don't know how to cope up with it. Once i was a favourite student at my school. All of my teacher admired of me.My grades were always high level. But now i am totally broken"-Syona.

"Syona, don't get upset. I am with you in every situation. Now i am your mom and dad. Finish your breakfast"-Monica.

Syona was used to reading newspapers daily at breakfast time. She was fond of knowing what is happening all around the world.

Suddenly she found a news headline -" Real and Unreal Mystery". In the meanwhile,her mom called her. "Are you done? We are getting late, dear"-Monica. "I am done,Mom. Now i am going to change-Syona.

After wearing uniform, Syona with her mother started to go for the school. While walking in the street suddenly ,she told her mom to go home. She did not want to go her Principle. Her mother asked ,"why do not want to go your Principle?" "I do not know mom"-Syona.

Standing behind, her mom watching Syona walking alone to the school made her worried. Her mom always got tensed about Syona. Specially after the death of her husband ,She and her daughter are totally broken. They had a happy family moments. She was thinking about the future her daughter because they had only a house to live having a garden of vegetables and fruits and little amount of money in the bank. Her mother sold different types of vegetables and fruits in the market. Sometimes she supplied them to the supermarket. Thus she earned some money to survive. She wanted her daughter to be a great human beings who would make proud her. She want that her daughter become what Syona wanted in life.After taking a deep breath, she left from there and went to her garden.

On the other hand, Syona was walking alone on the street. Now she had to cross the road.But she was unmindful to cross the road. Suddenly a handsome boy took her hand and helped her to cross the road.But Syona did not notice the boy. Without thanking him, she left from there. The boy was so surprised and called her from the behind. "Hey, hello! "-the handsome boy. "How she could be! She had no manners, huh,thinking by himself, No problem it's none of my business. I helped her but she did not thank me, its her fault. I don't care. Oh, no! 1st day of my new school and I am late."-the handsome boy.

The class had been started already. Syona and the handsome boy both were late. Miss Julias punished both of them to stay outside the classroom.

"Just for you, I am outside the class. Today was my first class"-The handsome boy. "I am not interested to talk with you.So do not distrub me right now"-Syona. "You are so much ungrateful to me. If i were not to help you crossing the road, you were to able stay here right now, ok"-The handsome boy.

"What's your name?"-Syona. "San, yours?"-San. "I will treat you for your help in the lunch period"-Syona. San got surprised after hearing this. Both of them were quite and standing.

Sometimes it is hardly understand what will happen in our life. Sometimes we can not express what we are going through. Some incidence of our life made us to inhibit our expression. We do not know why we have came this world. What is our purpose? We actually don't predict what will happen in our life.